[Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 3 (2024)

An update on recent technical problems and more from the admin: https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/250292/on-technical-difficulties-mod-coverage-and-other-things/p1?new=1



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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      March 2023

      With Void Knight, look into skills that can Echo, as these skills will basically double (or more) your damage when they echo. Some VK skills have nodes that will have 100% crit chance, if you have a lot of crit multi you can get some big booms that way. Volatile Reversal is kind of a clunky skill to use but you can spec it do apply a debuff on enemies that causes them to take tons of damage and you can use it for mana shenanigans and keep your mana pool topped off. Devouring Orb is crazy good and makes for a super lazy build where you just cast it over and over and the orbs seek out enemies and explode in an aoe for big damage, and they can echo.


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      Etiowsa Registered User regular

      March 2023

      I finally caved and bought this, my will was weak. Making a throwdancer, was having some kill speed issues till I got lvls in umbral blade, and now everything is fine.

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      CorriganX Jacksonville, FLRegistered User regular

      April 2023

      Im currently using a 3 piece set that I think is supposed to be primalist focused. However the entire thing is amazing stats, so im using it on my Void Knight. Now I've found a great helmet but I don't want to break the 3 piece bonus, so im using super old gear still. I know its a first world problem, but damn I need good chest/gloves to drop so I can finally switch out of this.

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 3 (4)
      CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      April 2023

      CorriganX wrote: »

      Im currently using a 3 piece set that I think is supposed to be primalist focused. However the entire thing is amazing stats, so im using it on my Void Knight. Now I've found a great helmet but I don't want to break the 3 piece bonus, so im using super old gear still. I know its a first world problem, but damn I need good chest/gloves to drop so I can finally switch out of this.

      Ha, I have the same problem with wanting to have everything ready to go when I switch stuff. Okay, I love the stats on this chest, but that means that I need more health, so I need that stat on my ring, but then my necrotic resist goes down so I should bump that up on my boots, etc. etc.

      I decided to build a fire sorcerer since I'd only gone with lightning skills before, and its.... fine, just not nearly as strong feeling as my old lightning sorc. I'm tempted to switch over to lightning once I hit monoliths but I'm giving it a little more time since sometimes a skill just needs a couple of different nodes active together to really shine. Volcanic orb really feels like a trash skill outside of as a leveling skill when you first unlock it. Even with the relic that buffs it substantially it does less sheet DPS than my fireball skill, though granted, the orb is a much bigger, albeit short range, AOE, and it can put a ton of ignite stacks on an enemy if you skillshot it well enough. However, even with 12 skill points it just doesn't feel good. I may try to respec it one more time to see if I can make it work.

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      Etiowsa Registered User regular

      April 2023

      Explosive orb is kinda meh, but comparing it to fireball doesn't feel fair considering how strong fireball is for no reason.

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      April 2023

      Etiowsa wrote: »

      Explosive orb is kinda meh, but comparing it to fireball doesn't feel fair considering how strong fireball is for no reason.

      True, but like, my volcanic orb with 12 skill points invested costs 108 mana, has a specific unique tied to it, and is outclassed by 2 seconds of spamming fireball which costs me like 8 mana, if it had some kind of big heavy hit I'd be happy to carry around a big mana dump, maybe build in the "free skill cast" node from teleport, but it's just not really worth the investment. My meteor with like 6 skill points invested easily outclasses it in damage and aoe, is half the mana cost (and half of that cost gets refunded so nets out to 1/4 cost), and it basically makes my fireball free to cast for 3 seconds. I turn into a little fire turret, which is kind of fun. I tried throwing on Harbinger of Stars (chance to cast meteor on crit) but at least right now my crit is too low to proc consistently and my mana sustain is not good enough to keep it going. My hope was to run around, spam some fireballs, drop a meteor, spam some more and clean up then teleport onto the next pack, but in practice it just doesn't work that way.

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      hush Registered User regular

      April 2023

      I definitely go the other way - I just crank and equip any upgrade I find/make and it isn't until I am horribly punished that I even open up my defenses to see, usually, some shockingly low numbers haha. It has served me pretty well even in the empowered monoliths (with some mild/medium corruption) - after that though, I will reluctantly min max all my gear to get the appropriate resists.

      One thing I really appreciate, and I could see how it could be really frustrating if you never find what you want/need, but the sheer amount of power you find in the weapon (base and affixes) really lets you think about your armor in almost pure defenses, instead of always sacrificing defense for little scraps of offense.

      This is the future. This is what we built. This is what we wanted. It must have been. Because we all had the f*cking choice, didn't we? It is only our money that allows commercial culture to flower. If we didn't want to live like this, we could have changed it at any time, by not f*cking paying for it.

      So let's celebrate by all going out and buying the same burger. -transmet

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      April 2023

      Last evening I started leveling a Primalist, and let me tell you, getting to 62% movement speed (with an idol that gives me a decent chance of granting Haste for an additional 30% move speed for 4 seconds) feels really good for leveling. Just running around perma-Spriggan, dropping 5 totems that heal me for hundred of HP/s and also machinegun thorns at enemies, it's been the smoothest leveling experience I've had so far (enabled by the Tears of the Forest unique that I found on another character).

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      Steel Angel Registered User regular

      April 2023

      It took me a while to find a class that gelled with me after picking this up last week. Something about a lot of the attack animations just feels off. A big example is a Sentinel's two handed sword and axe animations where the swing animation finishes way before impact is registered. But it's not as severe on polearms and not an issue with one handed weapons and that's a big part of why I'm going through the campaign as a "throw javelins and hammers" paladin.

      I'm enjoying Chrono Trigger themed Diablo 2, but there definitely are signs that this is an indie/Early Access title in a number of areas. But monsters explode and numbers go up so fun is had.

      Big Dookie wrote: »

      I found that tilting it doesn't work very well, and once I started jerking it, I got much better results.

      Steam Profile
      3DS: 3454-0268-5595 Battle.net: SteelAngel#1772

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      Etiowsa Registered User regular

      April 2023

      Holy sh*t I want the rest of the subclasses already! I know the game is on fire because multi is hard, but I needs. I must know if the acolyte will get dual wielding and if runemaster is actually a minion spec.

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      HexDex Registered User regular

      April 2023

      So picked this up to futz around with because the wait for D4 is murder. I've looked elsewhere, and can't seem to get a straight answer, so I will ask here.

      Can you not bind an attack to left click? Is it exclusively move? And, is there no force hold in this game? I suppose if you can't bind an attack to left click you don't need one.

      If you are reading this add me.
      D3: HexDex#1281, PSN: DireOtter, Live: DireOtter

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      Kamar Registered User regular

      April 2023 edited April 2023

      I'm enjoying a lot of builds so far.

      Status Flurry with a 2h on rogue could be better with DW but is fun.
      Same for Bleed Puncture with a 2h.
      Umbral Blades feel busted strong, not sure I like how the recall part feels.
      Curse+Harvest works well enough but Acolyte is lacking a little punch, more so after playing around with Reap and Sever on Necro in the D4 beta.
      Using the combination of tools to make it so that Transplant hits hard, has a low cooldown, and Rip Bloods a bunch of things on use is actually really satisfying though for Acolyte.
      What little I've played of sentinel is satisfying too, none of the abilities felt bad though I've only actually used Vengeance so far.

      HexDex wrote: »

      So picked this up to futz around with because the wait for D4 is murder. I've looked elsewhere, and can't seem to get a straight answer, so I will ask here.

      Can you not bind an attack to left click? Is it exclusively move? And, is there no force hold in this game? I suppose if you can't bind an attack to left click you don't need one.

      Don't you just click it and choose the skill you want? edit: nope, you have to assign left click to a numbered skill slot if you want left click to be attack. I like to have left click and space both serve as move so I didn't know.

      Also, I know you can turn off movement on attacks in the settings, not sure if you can have it on by default but with force hold, I'm not seeing it anywhere if so.

      edit: So shift does seem to hold you in place if you would otherwise move to attack an enemy because you have the move to attack out of range enemies setting toggled on

      Kamar on

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      Noggin Registered User regular

      April 2023

      Ya I remember being able to have an attack, attack/move, or just move on left click about a year ago and I couldn’t do that recently. I’m not sure if an option changed or you just can’t do it anymore

      Battletag: Noggin#1936

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      HexDex Registered User regular

      April 2023

      So there are essentially only 5 skill slots, not 6?

      I suppose if I can't map move / skill to the same button I don't need to be able to rebind shift, but that feels super awkward compared to every other ARPG I have played on PC.

      If you are reading this add me.
      D3: HexDex#1281, PSN: DireOtter, Live: DireOtter

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      April 2023

      HexDex wrote: »

      So there are essentially only 5 skill slots, not 6?

      I suppose if I can't map move / skill to the same button I don't need to be able to rebind shift, but that feels super awkward compared to every other ARPG I have played on PC.

      There was a bug during some of the multiplayer closed tests that was causing issues. You used to be able to bind left-click to move only, move + destroy boxes/terrain greebles, or move + attack (skills #1-#5 on your hotbar). The devs have said that they are working on a fix for this and it should be coming soon. There has always been only 5 active skills you can use, but skills that proc skills will almost always use the points invested in a skill, so for example I used to have a character that would proc Smite (a spell) on throwing attacks, and since I never cast it myself, I didn't bind it to the hotbar and used that spot for a zero-point movement skill just to move around a little quicker.


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      Noggin Registered User regular

      April 2023

      That’s good to know, there are some cases where I’ll probably want that option back. For the most part though, PoE flipped me over to left-click as “force move” almost any chance I get, like frailty aura on d3 necro for example.

      Controllers are great for that too, but oh man the inventory management can be a struggle

      Battletag: Noggin#1936

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      Moridin889 Registered User regular

      April 2023

      m!ttens wrote: »

      HexDex wrote: »

      So there are essentially only 5 skill slots, not 6?

      I suppose if I can't map move / skill to the same button I don't need to be able to rebind shift, but that feels super awkward compared to every other ARPG I have played on PC.

      There was a bug during some of the multiplayer closed tests that was causing issues. You used to be able to bind left-click to move only, move + destroy boxes/terrain greebles, or move + attack (skills #1-#5 on your hotbar). The devs have said that they are working on a fix for this and it should be coming soon. There has always been only 5 active skills you can use, but skills that proc skills will almost always use the points invested in a skill, so for example I used to have a character that would proc Smite (a spell) on throwing attacks, and since I never cast it myself, I didn't bind it to the hotbar and used that spot for a zero-point movement skill just to move around a little quicker.

      If I don't have a skill on the hotbar it doesn't proc off other skills.

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      Noggin Registered User regular

      April 2023

      Patch just now

      Changing the behavior of the left mouse button now properly works in both Online and Offline mode.

      How timely

      Battletag: Noggin#1936


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      Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular

      April 2023

      how does the campaign skip work on subsequent characters in this game? It's... okay, but it's hard to see wanting to play a second time

      hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
      that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat

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      Etiowsa Registered User regular

      April 2023

      Eat it You Nasty Pig. wrote: »

      how does the campaign skip work on subsequent characters in this game? It's... okay, but it's hard to see wanting to play a second time

      From what the devs have said, dungeons are going to be the go-to leveling method for alts. You get some dungeon keys from the first run through, then burn them to rush the next character to monoliths. They've said they're adding more dungeons as well. Would be nice if there was somewhere in game to find out a dungeon's lvl requirement though.

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      April 2023

      Eat it You Nasty Pig. wrote: »

      how does the campaign skip work on subsequent characters in this game? It's... okay, but it's hard to see wanting to play a second time

      You don't have to complete the campaign. Usually around the time you hit level 40-45ish, if your build is strong you can start doing monoliths (the end-game content). Around that time if you haven't skipped all the side quests you'll probably also have all the side quest rewards--13 passive points, all idol slots unlocked--so there isn't a huge benefit to finishing the story. However, keep in mind there is a reward for beating the current "final" boss (there is likely to be one final chapter that comes after with v.1.0) that is

      +1 to all attributes.

      It isn't much but is a nice little perk to blasting through the story, and that act is at least fun to play through, unlike the Lagon chapter.

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      Fiatil Registered User regular

      April 2023 edited April 2023

      I finally bought this, and it's a lot of fun! I hit the "way too samey" point of the D3 endgame, aaand Path of Exile has been a mix of fun and frustration with some of the dumber changes they've introduced in the last couple of years.

      I typically bounce off ARPGs I'm not feeling really quickly -- all my attempts to play Titan Quest and Grim Dawn ended really quickly despite really enjoying the theme of both. But it has a good feel, which is always the most important thing. I really like the sound design, and the music is really cool too. It has kind of D2/PoE vibes, but is very much doing its own thing at the same time.

      The amount of really fun looking builds is awesome. A lot of really strong thematic archetypes that I like a lot -- necromancers, druids, elementalists of the shaman and wizard variety, and probably a dozen more in there. There's really nothing that motivates me to keep going at an ARPG more than seeing a bunch of neat builds around the corner (which is why PoE has me more bummed recently as it used to be amazing at this), and getting cool Uniques along the way to help them out too.

      I decided to just go completely sans build guide and am doing some sort of janky cold damage summoning necro as best I can. It's not completely terrible yet, so I'm happy.

      Fiatil on

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      Kamar Registered User regular

      April 2023 edited April 2023

      I decided to ignore what I read about melee minions not being good and hybrid builds being iffy and made a necromancer that uses Harvest to buff a horde of Skeleton Warriors, Death Knights (melee skill tree option for Skeleton Mages),Bone Minions (from Transplant), and a Bone Golem.

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 3 (26)

      I'm unstoppable so far, though I'm nowhere near endgame so we'll see. As of level 45 or so, near the end of Chapter 4 (which is like as long as the first three chapters combined, are they all going to be like that now?), at worst I have to respawn one or two members of my army after a tough encounter. I don't have all my survival stuff since I opted for the parts of the Harvest tree that would boost my minion damage first, so sometimes I have to Transplant out and wait a second while the boys thin dangerous packs, but that's fine.

      Kamar on

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      April 2023

      @Kamar the chapters do get a bit longer. Chapters 7-9 are all about the same length and quite involved (though there are a lot of side quests you can skip). Chapters 1-3 are kind of an anomaly since they are introducing the character to the world and the whole time skipping thing. I'm curious as to how they handle everything when the wrap the story up in Chapters 10+ (I think a dev post somewhere mentioned 12 chapters in all but I think that was a few years ago). Story spoilers and my thoughts

      it seems pretty likely that after you defeat Majasa you now have the completed spear and will attempt to defeat the Immortal Emperor, but I'm guessing when you confront him that something will go wrong; best guess is that the Emperor was trying to hold back Orobyss and the Void and you defeating him unleashes the Void causing the destruction of the world and the dawn of the Ruined Age.

      The problem with the melee skeletons is that they will start dying a lot quicker once you start climbing up the corruption in monoliths unless you invest a lot of effort into improving Minion Health and Minion Armor, and if you're investing skill points or affixes into those you aren't investing into damage. Another problem (a little more minor) is that the melee minions are quite a bit slower because they have to travel to their target and then attack to do damage. I don't think their attacks do any splash either so again, a fast spell caster with spell damage (cough*flamewraiths*cough) is going to massively out-dps the melee guys. That said, they are a lot tankier than casters and you don't need to deal with positioning as much so the playstyle is a lot more relaxed. Dread Shade is an amazing skill so definitely pick it up as one of your abilities, or don't, I'm not your dad necromantic mentor.

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      Kamar Registered User regular

      April 2023

      m!ttens wrote: »

      the chapters do get a bit longer. Chapters 7-9 are all about the same length and quite involved (though there are a lot of side quests you can skip). Chapters 1-3 are kind of an anomaly since they are introducing the character to the world and the whole time skipping thing. I'm curious as to how they handle everything when the wrap the story up in Chapters 10+ (I think a dev post somewhere mentioned 12 chapters in all but I think that was a few years ago). Story spoilers and my thoughts

      it seems pretty likely that after you defeat Majasa you now have the completed spear and will attempt to defeat the Immortal Emperor, but I'm guessing when you confront him that something will go wrong; best guess is that the Emperor was trying to hold back Orobyss and the Void and you defeating him unleashes the Void causing the destruction of the world and the dawn of the Ruined Age.

      The problem with the melee skeletons is that they will start dying a lot quicker once you start climbing up the corruption in monoliths unless you invest a lot of effort into improving Minion Health and Minion Armor, and if you're investing skill points or affixes into those you aren't investing into damage. Another problem (a little more minor) is that the melee minions are quite a bit slower because they have to travel to their target and then attack to do damage. I don't think their attacks do any splash either so again, a fast spell caster with spell damage (cough*flamewraiths*cough) is going to massively out-dps the melee guys. That said, they are a lot tankier than casters and you don't need to deal with positioning as much so the playstyle is a lot more relaxed. Dread Shade is an amazing skill so definitely pick it up as one of your abilities, or don't, I'm not your dad necromantic mentor.

      The chapter length thing turned out to be a UI limitation/bug. If you don't leave the game, the chapter displayed when you hit escape never updates, so I was nearing the Immortal Citadel and it still said I was in Chapter 4.

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      Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular

      April 2023

      I like how the story sometimes plays the time bullsh*t elements for laughs (though I think this is mostly in the side quests)

      Also, somebody who worked on the game clearly loved chrono trigger

      hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
      that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat


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      Fiatil Registered User regular

      April 2023 edited April 2023

      Eat it You Nasty Pig. wrote: »

      I like how the story sometimes plays the time bullsh*t elements for laughs (though I think this is mostly in the side quests)

      Also, somebody who worked on the game clearly loved chrono trigger

      Lol yeah. I had heard the "ARPG Chrono Trigger" comparisons, which, sure. Time travel, and the time travel functions a lot like Chrono Trigger too.

      Then I wound up in the End of Time talking to an old time guru named Gaspar, aaaand yeah someone really loves Chrono Trigger over there.

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 3 (31)

      Fiatil on

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 3 (32)


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      abotkin Registered User regular

      April 2023

      @Fiatil Hey, since you were just talking about it in the Diablo thread, the build I'm running in LE right now is surprisingly close the summon build from old PoE you were talking about, you might like to give it a try.

      It's a lot of fun, but highlights one of the issues I have with LE currently - balance can be pretty wild. I can waltz all over 95% of stuff I come across with that build as long as I'm paying a moderate amount of attention, but then an annoying number of things can still just one-shot me, despite generating a ton of ward. Which I didn't really mind the occasional death, but then Lagon was nearly impossible because I'd get one shot in the second or third phase and then have to redo the entire fight, and then in late game, you lose the rewards from monoliths if you die.

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 3 (34)
      3DS: 0963-0539-4405


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      Fiatil Registered User regular

      April 2023

      That looks fun! I've definitely seen a lot of options to get something like what I'm looking for as I'm looking throughout the skill trees. I'm trying to actually finish up the story with my cold summon necromancer (about level 45) before making 200 alts, because the urge is definitely there! I was curious how viable that skeleton mage node was, so hey good to know.

      Right now I'm mostly "pure" summoner, but I do have volatile zombies specced to give me a button to press in there.

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 3 (36)

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      Magic Pink Tur-Boner-Fed Registered User regular

      April 2023

      I really want to make a necro focused on ghosts but the spirit summoning thing is just too hard to use; they wander around so darn randomly

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      April 2023

      Magic Pink wrote: »

      I really want to make a necro focused on ghosts but the spirit summoning thing is just too hard to use; they wander around so darn randomly

      The node to the right that lets them shoot projectiles that cause poison is pretty good (especially early on), then you can add the nodes that increase their area of damage, make it a channeled skill and channel on your cursor instead of randomly around your character. This is at level 18 so you have 2 more points to put wherever you want:

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 3 (39)

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      hush Registered User regular

      April 2023

      Yeah my first char I made a while back when first testing this game out was basically like a lich poison RF build, it was rad (although i do not think it is quite as viable as it used to be - and lich has better dps tools now), and it used aura of decay/wandering spirits - just wading thru echoes in reaper form.

      This is the future. This is what we built. This is what we wanted. It must have been. Because we all had the f*cking choice, didn't we? It is only our money that allows commercial culture to flower. If we didn't want to live like this, we could have changed it at any time, by not f*cking paying for it.

      So let's celebrate by all going out and buying the same burger. -transmet

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      CorriganX Jacksonville, FLRegistered User regular

      April 2023

      I've been playing a lot of this. If you ever want to play together, im CorriganX in game too. Can find me on the PA Discord, or steam in my signature too. Ive got a 70, a 60, and a slew of roughly 30th. But if anyone is new im down to make a new character just to hang out too.

      Theres just so many interesting uniques that make me want to try new builds. I have a billion Acolyte drops so now im leveling one of them too. Can't decide between minions or not though. I have a piece of the 70+ curse/minion set, so kinda leaning that way. But I also really want to use a transformation druid too... ughhhh. So many interesting choices.

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 3 (42)
      CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.


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      Etiowsa Registered User regular

      April 2023

      I have no idea what do do with shifters. They always end up becoming a dot build when I mess around with them. Maybe I need to actually look at some uniques.

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      Fiatil Registered User regular

      April 2023 edited April 2023

      My freezey minions are getting cooler as the game goes on. Heh I have to assume the real test lies in after the campaign is done though, so we'll see how that goes. I'm likeee level 52 now, and am still chugging away at the campaign. It's fairly engaging, and a bit meatier than I was expecting. I finally did a few sidequests last night, and my charm inventory is just about maxed out now. I'm staying strong and not giving into my alt-itis urges, but I do have a very tempting collection of uniques for an early game beastmaster calling my name. I definitely want to mess around with primalist after I finish up the campaign, so I'm not complaining.

      And of course, found more Chrono Trigger references (probably the most important one) while doing some sidequests:

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 3 (45)

      Fiatil on

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 3 (46)


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      hush Registered User regular

      April 2023

      Just know that the initial 'end game' normal monoliths are gonna most likely feel pretty easy - the empowered versions + juicing them with corruption is when you'll really start to see if your build falls off either offensively/defensively. Its a pretty samey loop you end up in but generally the echoes are quicker than a poe map and you can just be an objective based gamer - big quantity over quality vibes.

      This is the future. This is what we built. This is what we wanted. It must have been. Because we all had the f*cking choice, didn't we? It is only our money that allows commercial culture to flower. If we didn't want to live like this, we could have changed it at any time, by not f*cking paying for it.

      So let's celebrate by all going out and buying the same burger. -transmet

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      CorriganX Jacksonville, FLRegistered User regular

      April 2023

      I made a lightning javelin sentinel last night. Got to unlock mastery before taking a break. Its pretty damn fun. I was doing monoliths a few days ago, did 2 of the 'drops a unique' in a row. Out of those 2 monoliths I had 3 of the lightning spears drop, so thats basically what convinced me to try it out.

      I really need to get into some loot filters though. Im just so lazy that I dont want to set anything up. I should just download some from the builder sites.

      [Last Epoch] Harbingers of Ruin cycle starts 7/9 - Page 3 (49)
      CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.

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      Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular

      April 2023

      It’s not really very complicated, especially if you just wanna exclude lower rarities or certain weapon types

      hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
      that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat

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      HexDex Registered User regular

      April 2023

      Speaking of builder sites.

      What should I use for builds?

      Maxroll has some, but it seems fairly limited right now.

      If you are reading this add me.
      D3: HexDex#1281, PSN: DireOtter, Live: DireOtter

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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      April 2023

      Maxroll has an awful layout. https://www.lastepochtools.com/ is a far better layout and more actual/useful information



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    Birthday: 1998-02-02

    Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

    Phone: +2202978377583

    Job: Administration Engineer

    Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

    Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.