Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf · the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (2024)

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (1)

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age).

A study of the social and economic patterns in the

appearance of beads from Viking-Age sites in Britain.

Megan Kathleen Hickey

Master of Arts by Research

University of York


September 2014

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (2)



To date there has been no comprehensive, broad study of Viking-Age beads from

sites in Britain. In order to fill this gap in Viking-Age literature, this study intends to

present a characterisation of Viking-Age bead finds in Britain and an analysis of the social

and economic processes which have influenced patterns in the appearance of this artefact

type. In order to incorporate the widest dataset, this study has used finds from secondary

literature on ‘Viking’ sites dating to the 9th to 12th century. This study aims to characterise

the bead forms presented in the secondary literature and connect the resulting types to key

ideas in academic discussions of the social and economic patterns during Viking-Age

Scandinavia and Britain. To achieve this goal, this study aims to take a multi-scale

approach to the study of Viking-Age bead types. Local, regional and global networks are

considered in the presentation of the bead finds and the analysis of social and economic

processes. Specifically, production, trade and use are highlighted as the most useful

processes to analyse in this study. It is argued here that these processes have had the

greatest influence on the patterns in the appearance of this artefact in the archaeological

record. This study will demonstrate that patterns of bead finds shaped by production, trade

and use can be used to highlight and discuss the close relationships between local and

Viking World networks of communication and trade.

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Table of Contents Abstract ................................................................................................................................. II

List of Tables....................................................................................................................... VI

List of Figures .................................................................................................................... VII

List of Maps ........................................................................................................................ IX

List of accompanying material .............................................................................................. X

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................. XI

Author’s Declaration .......................................................................................................... XII

Chapter 1: Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1

Theoretical framework ....................................................................................................... 2

The Viking-Age in Britain .................................................................................................. 3

Vikings, Scandinavians and Anglo-Scandinavians ............................................................ 3

The Sources ........................................................................................................................ 4

Aims.................................................................................................................................... 7

Introduction to the material .............................................................................................. 10

The raw material ........................................................................................................... 10

The appearance of bead types in Scandinavia............................................................... 14

Summary ........................................................................................................................... 26

Chapter 2: Beads in the Viking World: Scandinavia and the West ..................................... 27

Studies of the Viking-Age beads in Scandinavia ............................................................. 27

Crafts, urbanism and trade in the Viking-Age .................................................................. 28

Burial sites: beads, society and burial rituals in Viking-Age Scandinavia ....................... 33

Beads in Britain: a literature review ................................................................................. 38

Typologies, and chronological phases of bead types the Anglo-Saxon period............. 38

Beads in Anglo-Saxon grave assemblages .................................................................... 40

The production of glass beads: Anglo-Saxon to Viking-Age England ......................... 41

The production of non-glass beads: identification of raw materials ............................. 45

Summary ........................................................................................................................... 46

Chapter 3: The Viking-Age in Britain: history and sites ..................................................... 47

Viking-Age Scotland ........................................................................................................ 47

Orkney and Shetland ..................................................................................................... 48

Caithness and Inverness ................................................................................................ 52

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The Hebrides and Argyll & Bute .................................................................................. 54

Dumfries & Galloway ................................................................................................... 56

Viking-Age Isle of Man .................................................................................................... 57

The Irish Sea system ......................................................................................................... 60

Viking-Age Wales ............................................................................................................ 61

Viking-Age England ......................................................................................................... 62

The Danelaw ................................................................................................................. 63

Summary ........................................................................................................................... 66

Chapter 4: Methodology ...................................................................................................... 68

Bead classifications .......................................................................................................... 68

Bead characterisation ........................................................................................................ 70

Raw Material ................................................................................................................. 71

Shape ............................................................................................................................. 72

Colour ............................................................................................................................ 75

Decoration ..................................................................................................................... 77

The production and trade of beads ................................................................................... 81

Beads in burial contexts .................................................................................................... 82

Summary ........................................................................................................................... 83

Chapter 5: Results ................................................................................................................ 84

The character of the assemblage ....................................................................................... 84

The raw material ........................................................................................................... 85

The glass types .............................................................................................................. 87

Production and trade ......................................................................................................... 96

Local resources and local production ............................................................................ 96

Locally produced vs. imported amber beads............................................................... 100

Evidence for importation............................................................................................. 103

Imported decorated glass bead types........................................................................... 104

Distribution ..................................................................................................................... 106

The distribution of amber beads .................................................................................. 107

The distribution of beads of jet and jet-like materials................................................. 109

Beads in the context of burial sites ................................................................................. 111

The use of beads as display goods .............................................................................. 111

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The determination of the sex and gender .................................................................... 113

The determination of age ............................................................................................ 115

Number of beads in burials by gender ........................................................................ 115

Single bead finds ......................................................................................................... 116

Summary ......................................................................................................................... 118

Chapter 6: Discussion ........................................................................................................ 120

The production of beads in Viking-Age Britain ............................................................. 121

The trade of beads in Viking-Age Britain ...................................................................... 123

The distribution of beads in Viking-Age Britain ............................................................ 125

The deposition of beads in Viking-Age graves: personal identity and amuletic beads .. 126

Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 129

Appendix B ........................................................................................................................ 132

Concordance Tables 18-20 - Comparison with Scandinavian forms ............................. 132

Appendix C ........................................................................................................................ 147

Bead groups and provenance information ...................................................................... 147

Appendix D ........................................................................................................................ 149

Concordance Table 22 - Comparison with types appearing in the Anglo-Saxon period.

........................................................................................................................................ 149

Appendix E. ....................................................................................................................... 155

Table 23 – decorated glass bead types............................................................................ 155

Appendix F. ........................................................................................................................ 159

Table 24 – Location of beads in burial contexts ............................................................. 159

Bibliography ....................................................................................................................... 164

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List of Tables Table 1: Amber beads from the 1970-76 excavations north of Ribe Å by bead type and

stratigraphic position, after Bencard et al (1991: 101-103). Recent and medieval finds are

not included (102-3). ............................................................................................................ 16

Table 2: Finished amber bead types from the 1998-2003 excavtions at Kaupang (Resi

2011: 112-114). .................................................................................................................... 17

Table 3: Cornelian and rock crystal bead types from Kaupang, after Resi (2011: 144). ..... 18

Table 4 : Patterns in the appearance of glass beads in phases of occupation at Ribe. Based

on observations by Sode 2004 and Sode et al 2010. ............................................................ 21

Table 5: Summary of the chronological bead phases in Brugmann (2004: 43, 70). ............ 40

Table 6: The raw material categories and coding used in the characterisation of the bead

assemblage. .......................................................................................................................... 71

Table 7: The shape categories and coding used in the characterisation of the bead

assemblage. .......................................................................................................................... 73

Table 8: The colour and opacity categories, and coding for the characterisation of the bead

assemblage. .......................................................................................................................... 75

Table 9: The terms used to characterise the decorated beads in the assemblage. ................ 78

Table 10: Number and percentage of raw material types at non-production sites. .............. 85

Table 11: Number and percentage of raw material types present in Anglo-Scandinavian

contexts at Coppergate. ........................................................................................................ 86

Table 12: The appearance of locally produced beads of shell, bone, antler, metal and stone,

with raw material origins and bead characteristics. ............................................................. 97

Table 13: A list of beads examples from non-production sites which may be representative

of local resource use and/or local production. ..................................................................... 99

Table 14: Examples of bead types which are definite imports into Britain. ......................103

Table 15: Groups of decorated glass beads which share simplified attributes (primary and

secondary colour and/or decorative style)..........................................................................105

Table 16: Precise age determinations from burial sites in the database. ............................115

Table 17: The site and material type of single finds within burial contexts, including the

characteristics of the beads and graves sites. .....................................................................117

Table 18: Concordance table - Gemstone and faience beads .............................................132

Table 19: Concordance table - Undecorated glass beads ...................................................132

Table 20: Concordance table - Decorated glass beads. ......................................................139

Table 21: The provenance information for forms identified as similar to types in Callmer’s

(1977) bead groups. ............................................................................................................147

Table 22: List of examples from the database with similar features to types created by

Guido (1999), including provenance information. .............................................................149

Table 23: A grid table of simplified data regarding the primary (body) and secondary

(decoration) colours and decorative styles of decorated glass beads.. ...............................155

Table 24: Table of the location of the bead finds within the context of burial sites.. ........159

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List of Figures Figure 1: A necklace of beads found in a female grave from a cemetery complex at

Saffron Walden, Essex. Photograph by author (2014), courtesy of the Saffron Walden

Museum, Essex. ..................................................................................................................... 1

Figure 2: The steps for the manufacture of an amber bead. Image modified from Callmer

(2003b: 346). ........................................................................................................................ 11

Figure 3: The production of glass beads by winding the melted glass around an iron

mandrel (Sode 2004: 86). Image modified from Callmer (2003b: 350). ............................. 13

Figure 4: The production of different bead shapes using a forming iron. Image modified

from Sode (2004: 90). .......................................................................................................... 13

Figure 5: Applied and combed thread decoration on a cylindrical bead. Image modified

from Sode (2004: 91). .......................................................................................................... 14

Figure 6: Rock crystal, and cornelian beads from Kaupang, with a fragment of a jet

bracelet and an amethyst bead (Pedersen 2000). ................................................................. 19

Figure 7 : Pictorial representation of the stratigraphic distribution of the dominant bead

shapes from the 1990 Birka excavations. Adapted from Ambrosiani (1995: 57). ............... 20

Figure 8: A selection of bead types and bead manufacturing waste from Kaupang

(Pedersen 2000). ................................................................................................................... 22

Figure 9: Timeline of key trends in the appearance and change of bead trends over time.

Summarised from Callmer (2003a: 41-5). ........................................................................... 24

Figure 10: Beads from Scandinavia and the Baltic region. Modified from Callmer (2003a:

42-43).. ................................................................................................................................. 25

Figure 11: The decorative motifs of glass bead types in Guido (1999: 15). ........................ 39

Figure 12: Examples of beads of different raw material types. All photographs by author,

courtesy of YAT and the National Museum of Scotland) (2014). ....................................... 72

Figure 13: Selected examples of bead shapes with appropriate coding. All photographs by

author (courtesy of YAT and Saffron Walden Museum) (2014). ........................................ 73

Figure 14: Necklace of segmented beads from Burial A at Cnip, including examples of

silver and gold foil coloured beads. Photograph by author, courtesy of National Museum of

Scotland (2014). ................................................................................................................... 76

Figure 15: Examples of polychrome beads. Photograph of bead replicas by author (2014).

.............................................................................................................................................. 76

Figure 16: Examples of decorated beads in a necklace from Grave 1 at Westness, Orkney..

Photograph by the author courtesy of National Museum of Scotland (2014)...................... 79

Figure 17: String and Twist decorated beads. (Gathering the Jewels. Copyright Neath

Museum; Photograph by author, courtesy of YAT (2014). ................................................. 79

Figure 18: Percentages of undecorated and decorated glass beads on the non-production

sites.. ..................................................................................................................................... 87

Figure 19: Recorded decorated and undecorated glass beads types at production sites. ..... 88

Figure 20: Numbers of undecorated glass beads of different colours at non-production

sites. ...................................................................................................................................... 89

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Figure 21: Percentages of the different colours in the undecorated glass bead assemblage at

Flaxengate, Lincoln. ............................................................................................................. 90

Figure 22: Percentages of the different colours of undecorated glass beads from the

assemblage at Pavement, York.. .......................................................................................... 91

Figure 23: Percentages of the different colour of undecorated glass beads in the assemblage

at Piccadilly, York.. .............................................................................................................. 92

Figure 24: Percentages of the different colours present in the undecorated glass beads in

the assemblage at Shambles, York.. ..................................................................................... 93

Figure 25: Percentages of simplified colour types in the undecorated glass bead assemblage

at Coppergate.. ..................................................................................................................... 93

Figure 26: A more detailed representation of the numbers of colour types in the

undecorated glass bead assemblage at Coppergate. ............................................................. 94

Figure 27: Percentages of different shape types from the catalogue of amber beads in the

Anglo-Scandinavian layers at Clifford Street, Pavement and Coppergate, York. ............. 101

Figure 28: Percentages of different recorded shape types from non-production sites across

Britain.. ............................................................................................................................... 102

Figure 29: A visual representation of the recorded locations of beads found in grave sites,

in relation to skeletal and/or artefacts. Illustration by author with aspects from

............................................................................................................................................ 112

Figure 30: The number of burials identified in the literature as male, female, mixed or

unknown.. ........................................................................................................................... 114

Figure 31: The records of beads finds in single, less than five and more than five amounts,

by the identified sex of the deceased.................................................................................. 116

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List of Maps Map 1: The distribution of Viking-Age beads in Britain as identified in this study. Contains

Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright (Digimap 2014). ................................................ 6

Map 2: Known high lead glass manufacturing centres of the Late Saxon/Viking-Age in

Britain. Based on Bayley (2000: 139-140). Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown

copyright (Digimap 2014). ................................................................................................... 43

Map 3: The distribution of database sites in Shetland and Orkney. Contains Ordnance

Survey data © Crown copyright (Digimap 2014). ............................................................... 50

Map 4: The distribution of database sites in northern Scotland and the Hebrides. Contains

Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright (Digimap 2014). .............................................. 52

Map 5: The distribution of database sites in the west of Scotland including the islands of

the Hebrides. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright (Digimap 2014). ......... 54

Map 6: The distribution of database sites in the south west of Scotland including the

islands of the Hebrides, and the Isle of Man. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown

copyright (Digimap 2014). ................................................................................................... 56

Map 7: The distribution of sites in the south west of Scotland, the Isle of Man, Wales, and

North West England. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright (Digimap 2014).

.............................................................................................................................................. 59

Map 8: Map of the Irish Sea area (including Ireland) with notable sites and areas (Griffiths

2010: 17). ............................................................................................................................. 61

Map 9: Map with the approximate boundary line of the Danelaw. Contains Ordnance

Survey data © Crown copyright (Digimap 2014). ............................................................... 64

Map 10: The distribution of database sites in England. Contains Ordnance Survey data ©

Crown copyright (Digimap 2014). ....................................................................................... 65

Map 11: Locations of finds of amber beads from the database. Contains Ordnance Survey

data © Crown copyright (Digimap 2014). ......................................................................... 107

Map 12: Database sites with Jet and/or jet-like beads. Contains Ordnance Survey data ©

Crown copyright (Digimap 2014). ..................................................................................... 109

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List of accompanying material

1x CD containing pdf copies of the database for this study in Appendices A.1, A.2 and


Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (11)



I would first like to thank my supervisor, Steve Ashby, for his enthusiasm and guidance

throughout this year. My thanks must also go to Johana O’Sullivan and Niall Sharples for

information regarding their studies. I would like to thank Neil Gerveaux and Helen

Goodchild for their assistance in the creation of the GIS maps. Observation and handling

of material from the Saffron Walden and Coppergate sites was possible with thanks to the

generosity of Carolyn Wingfield (Saffron Walden Museum), Christine O’Donnell and

Rachel Cubitt (YAT).

Thank you to my family and friends for their support in this endeavour which took me to

the other side of the world. I would like to especially thank Mikhail Turner and Laura

Davies for their help with proof reading this thesis.

Finally, I would like to dedicate this thesis to my grandfather, David McClintock (1932-


Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (12)


Author’s Declaration

I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This work has not been previously

submitted for examination. No material in this thesis has been presented prior to the

submission of this work.

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (13)


Chapter 1: Introduction

The material culture associated with Vikings and settlers from Scandinavia has been

used to define and characterise their presence in early medieval Britain. Many studies have

focused on prominent artefacts such as brooches, and distinct deposits such as hoards (see

Kershaw 2013; Graham-Campbell 2011). These highly visible and valuable artefacts are

important in discussions regarding social and economic relationships in the Viking-Age. In

this study, it is argued that Viking-Age bead finds also contribute important data to these

discussions. Beads are a widespread form of adornment used throughout history

(Brugmann 2004: 1). They are defined as centrally perforated objects, often strung in

multiples to form a jewellery item such as a necklace (Brugmann 2004: 1).

Figure 1: A necklace of beads found in a female grave from a cemetery complex at Saffron Walden,

Essex. Photograph by author (2014), courtesy of the Saffron Walden Museum, Essex.

In Viking-Age sites, beads commonly appear as grave goods in (mainly female)

burials (Jesch 1991: 18-9). Beads formed a part of the Scandinavian female dress, often

either strung between a pair of brooches or as a necklace (Jesch 1991:17, 19). However,

the study of beads cannot be confined to this context alone; to do so ignores the ways in

which beads were involved in shaping economic interactions. The appearance of large

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (14)


concentrations of beads and bead working waste at urban sites has highlighted how beads

can contribute to the understanding of craft development (Sode 2004: 99). The appearance

of these artefacts in sites distributed around the Viking world demonstrates the economic

connections between places and peoples (Callmer 1977: 9). Archaeological evidence for

Viking-Age beads in Britain has not yet been comprehensively discussed in regards to

these social and economic patterns, beyond site specific examples. This study seeks to

present an analysis of relevant economic themes of production and trade, and the use of

beads to express aspects of personal identity, to create a comprehensive picture of the

processes behind the appearance of beads in Viking-Age Britain.

In order to conduct this study, a large body of comparable data was required.

Analyses of the patterns in the appearance of beads in the archaeological record are better

developed (particularly at a regional level) by the use of earlier research and information

from a range of site types (Welch 1999: 3). This research sought to approach the

appearance of beads using a range of secondary sources, from antiquarian accounts to well-

published assemblages. Existing comparative studies often focus on sites in a specific area,

or on sites which share certain bead types (Welch 1999: 3). This approach is limiting when

discussing processes that work at broader scales (Welch 1999: 3). The scale of this study

will move between focussing on site specific examples to focussing on a group of sites

across regions, and ultimately across Britain. This study does not aim to cover every

Viking-Age bead find to create a reference collection of types. Rather, it is hoped that the

data produced from the analysis of the selected beads will demonstrate a better framework

for understanding the context of the processes that led to the appearance of this material

culture in Viking-Age sites in Britain.

Theoretical framework

The areas of focus for this study are the production, trade, and (social) use of beads.

One way to structure these different themes is to place them in a framework as stages in

the ‘life’ of a bead or beads. The idea of this framework is based on biographical studies of

material culture. The idea behind examining material culture from a biographical point of

view is rooted in the theory that an artefact is ‘involved in a particular set of social

relationships during its lifetime’ (Joy 2010: 8). Studies which adopt this approach aim to

answer questions regarding material culture and society (Joy 2010: 8). These studies focus

particularly on the ways in which the biography of material culture can chart changing

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (15)


ideas of artefact meaning within society and the subsequent history of social relationships

in which artefacts are actively involved (Joy 2010: 8). This life cycle method of analysing

beads as material culture has been adopted as a framework rather than as a formal

theoretical approach because the biography of the beads is reduced to key stages. The life-

cycle framework places the themes into major stages in the life cycle of a bead: the

production stage, the trade (and distribution) phase, and the use phase. These are the stages

in which beads are involved in shaping the social interactions and economic processes

which occur at different scales.

The Viking-Age in Britain

This study aims to analyse beads appearing in Britain during the Viking-Age. The

Viking-Age is traditionally identified as the period from the first Viking Raid on

Lindisfarne in AD 793 until Norman Conquest in AD 1066 (Graham-Campbell & Batey

1998: 1). These events are used to mark the beginning and end of the period; however, the

history of Scandinavian contact and settlement in the British Isles is more complex

(Wilson 2008: 20). There is evidence for slightly earlier contact between Scandinavia and

Britain (Redmond 2007: 1; Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998: 1). Furthermore,

Scandinavian involvement in different areas of Britain occurred at different times and

lasted beyond the Norman Conquest in many areas such as the Northern Scottish Isles

(Ritchie 1993: 9). Many Viking-Age sites are difficult to date due to unsecure excavations

and/or a lack of material for use in absolute dating methods (Graham-Campbell & Batey

1998: 48). This study has sought to focus on beads from sites with evidence of

Scandinavian presence or influence dating to the Viking-Age. The broad chronologies of

particular sites often fall outside of the traditional AD 793 to AD 1066 period. In general,

the sites date from the 9th century through to 12th century.

Vikings, Scandinavians and Anglo-Scandinavians

The popular term Viking is often applied to the foreign peoples from northern

Europe (specifically from the modern day countries of Norway, Denmark and Sweden)

who appeared in early medieval Britain (Wilson 2008: 11-2). The term has several possible

origins; most notably, the words víkingr and víking appear in Icelandic Sagas in reference

to pirates and raiding expeditions (Richards 2007: 10). While this term is conveniently

broad and appealing, it does not adequately cover the full context for migrants from this

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area (Richards 2007: 11). Archaeological literature often uses ‘Danish/Danes’ or ‘Norse’

as descriptive labels, particularly as these terms are used in early medieval documents

(Richards 2007: 14). These terms signify specific geographic origins in Norway and

Denmark. Often the use of these terms is supported by socio-political evidence and/or the

proximity of different regions of Britain to these north European areas (Richards 2007: 18-

20). Terms denoting migrants from Sweden are not often used, as Swedish settlement is

largely unknown in Britain (Ritchie 1993: 15). In using these connotative labels, it is

essential to be wary of restricting these migrant groups to a hom*ogenous ethnic identity

(Richards 2007: 14). The modern nations of Norway, Denmark and Sweden developed late

in the Viking-Age; ethnicity in the early period was arranged on a regional basis (Richards

2007: 14). Recent discussions of Scandinavian settlement use terms which recognise

hybrid communities; Anglo-Scandinavian, Hiberno-Scandinavian, Hiberno-Norse and

Cambro-Norse (Griffiths 2010: 22). In light of the wide geographic focus of this study, the

broad term ‘Scandinavian’ will be used. Terminology related to specific ethnicities will be

used where appropriate to reflect the interpretations from the source literature.

The Sources

This study has relied on published sources for the descriptive data regarding beads

and information on the context of the finds. As time constraints meant it was not possible

to undertake a first-hand analysis of all the collections, it was necessary to turn to the

published sources in order to be able to discuss the beads at the multi-scale manner.

Selected unpublished sources, made accessible for this study, were used for a small

number of sites which have not been fully published. First-hand examination of the beads

from the Saffron Walden (courtesy of Saffron Walden Museum) and 16-22 Coppergate

sites (courtesy of York Archaeological Trust (YAT)) was conducted. Selected bead

assemblages on display were observed in a visit to the National Museum of Scotland

(Edinburgh). Reliance on the secondary sources (which vary in terms of descriptive

content and reliability), has meant that there are incomplete records in the database. The

quality of the data from each site can be characterised into four groups:

1. Find spot – Isolated finds, often from field walking. Usually no other finds and no


Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (17)


2. Antiquarian – Finds from an early (often pre-1950) excavation context.

Questionable dating, interpretation and security of context. Some publications contain

detailed bead descriptions, whilst others have little information on the beads present.

3. Summary – Finds are recorded in either secondary accounts of excavations or as

incidental finds with minimal investigation. Bead finds may be thoroughly described, but

often mentioned in a passing reference in the interpretations of the site.

4. Thorough Investigation – Finds from securely excavated sites and publications

which clearly detail the beads finds and/or contain significant sections on the study of this


Examples of incorrect or revised descriptions are present in some publications of

early excavations or sites with large assemblages. Many sites contained examples of

Roman or late medieval beads in their context. As this study focuses on beads produced in

the Viking-Age, these much earlier or later bead types have been excluded.

The sites

A total of 67 sites were identified as relevant to this study. These sites are located

within the modern day countries of England, Wales and Scotland (including the Scottish

Isles). Sites from Ireland which contain Viking-Age beads fall outside of the scope of this

study. Furthermore, a recent PhD thesis by Johanna O’Sullivan has thoroughly studied the

appearance of Viking-Age glass beads in Ireland (2013).

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Map 1: The distribution of Viking-Age beads in Britain as identified in this study. Contains Ordnance

Survey data © Crown copyright (Digimap 2014).

The sites were chosen based on the characterisation of the sites as ‘Viking’ in the

literature. These determinations are based on the features of the site, evidence for ritual or

cultural behaviours, distinctive craft techniques and the identification of material culture

related to Scandinavian culture. There are a small number of included sites which are not

explicitly defined as Scandinavian, but contain evidence for Scandinavian or related social

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and economic influences in the early medieval period. The criteria for the inclusion of

these sites is the approximate date for the deposition of the material, the location of the

site, and the occurrence of beads which had potential to be in circulation in the Viking-

Age. The long circulation history of many bead types, and possible use of beads as

heirlooms, means that it is often difficult to define a chronological ‘end’ for any type

(Welch 1999: 94). By including sites with suggestive (rather than stated) evidence of

Scandinavian influence, the bead finds can be included in the overall discussions of the

production and trade of beads.

The archaeological records of many sites are often complex due to evidence for

different activities and contexts. In this study, simplified definitions for each site which

relate to the main context in which the beads assemblages were found have been applied.

For example, beads within evidence of a production workshop (production), within a burial

(burial) or within the remains or vicinity of housing structures (settlement). To clarify these

terms further, the term ‘settlement’ incorporates sites with evidence of occupation of any

type; towns, rural communities and individual farmsteads. The term ‘production’ is not

applied to disregard other mechanisms (such as occupation) which may have resulted in

the deposition of the beads. Rather, as stated above, it is meant to reflect the dominant

means through which the beads were most likely to appear at the site. The burials included

in this study only represent those containing beads (for overviews of burials in the different

areas see Redmond 2007, Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998, Wilson 2008, and Griffiths

2010). These burials are typically inhumations without coffins, often with minimal or no

surviving skeletal evidence (Redmond 2007; Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998). There are

examples of burials with stone settings, in mounds, and in cist or lintel graves (Redmond

2007; Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998). Examples of traditionally Scandinavian burials

include two possible cremations (Lamba Ness and the Knowe of Moan) and two boat

burials (Scar and Machrins Machair) (Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998: 57, 59, 138, 90).


This research seeks to better understand the mechanisms behind patterns in the

appearance of Viking-Age beads in British sites in a multi-scale approach. This research

will be structured into life cycle stages (production, trade and use) identified as significant

to the analysis of these Viking-Age patterns. The discussion of this analysis aims to

contextualise these patterns within studies of Viking-Age beads in Scandinavia, and the

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wider debates regarding the society and economy of the Viking World. There are five

objectives in this study:

Objective 1

To present the Viking-Age bead forms in the database, with recognition of the

distinctive contexts of specific areas (Scottish Isles, Mainland Scotland, England, Wales

and Isle of Man), and sites which have contributed to the appearance of beads.

Objective 2

To analyse patterns relating to the conditions and processes behind the production of

beads in Viking-Age Britain.

Objective 3

To analyse patterns relating to the conditions and processes behind the trade and

distribution (where appropriate) of beads in Britain.

Objective 4

To analyse patterns relating to the social use of beads in the presentation of personal

identity and the expression of cultural beliefs in burial contexts in Britain.

Objective 5

To contextualise and discuss the analysis of these patterns, and the inferred social

and economic relationships within the themes and debates highlighted in relevant studies

from Scandinavia.

This study aims to fit alongside existing trends in research regarding the production

and trade of artefacts in the Viking world, and the relationship between beads and personal

identity. Due to the preliminary nature of this study, it is focused on social and economic

patterns which are directly related to beads. The context of the production of beads and the

processes of trade are key economic themes which emerge in the study of artefacts. They

are particularly relevant to the perception of an extensive cultural system such as the

Viking world. The analysis of the use (stage) of beads has been restricted to the context of

personal identity and burial sites. These provide the most visible examples of uses for

beads beyond obvious statements of their adornment properties. The examination of the

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role of beads in expressions of personal identity will specifically focus on the ways in

which beads are used to determine and express aspects of sex (gender), age and cultural

beliefs. The focus on the relationship with sex and gender is particularly relevant as the

strong relationship between beads and female dress in Viking-Age archaeology has led

many published accounts to interpret the appearance of significant bead assemblages in

male graves as anomalies (Solberg 1985). This study aims to explore these assumptions

and question the relevance of these ideas to Scandinavian burials in Britain. Further

research on aspects of personal identity in the burials of Viking-Age Britain (particularly

on wealth, status, roles and ethnicity) is beyond the scope of this study.

In the following chapters, the five objectives are addressed in turn. The second half

of this chapter introduces the bead material. In Chapter 2, a literature review focusing on

the key thematic issues related to the appearance of beads in Scandinavia, and a brief

review of the relevant literature regarding bead finds in Britain are presented. In Chapter 3,

an outline of the historical and archaeological evidence for Scandinavian settlement in

Britain during the Viking-Age is presented. This section will provide brief introductions to

the sites used in this study. In Chapter 4, the methods used to analyse the bead finds and

the patterns relating to the selected themes will be presented and explained. In Chapter 5,

the results of this analysis will be presented with appropriate pictorial representations. In

Chapter 6, the results will be discussed in relation to thematic ideas from Scandinavia and

the wider Viking world. This chapter will also conclude the findings of this study.

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Introduction to the material

In order to discuss the bead forms and patterns in the archaeological record of

Viking-Age Britain, it is necessary to introduce the material, manufacturing techniques,

and site data from Scandinavia. These points form the foundation upon which ideas

regarding the production, trade and use of Viking-Age beads are based. The first section of

this chapter will focus on amber, gemstone and glass, and will broadly address the

characteristics inherent in the materials as well as the modes of bead production for each.

Discussions of these materials are relevant as they are the most significant and/or

commonly found forms in the archaeological records of Viking-Age Scandinavia and

Britain. Following this, a discussion of the temporal bead trends in Viking-Age

Scandinavia will begin by introducing the seminal work Trade Beads and Bead Trade, ca.

800-1000 A.D. by Callmer (1977). This discussion will then focus on the key bead trends

evident in the assemblages from key Scandinavian sites located in the modern countries of

Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany. Finally, selected broad trends in the appearance

of bead types across Viking-Age Scandinavia will be outlined based on Callmer’s research

(1977, 2003a). Due to the inaccessibility of many publications and the constraints of the

research, it is not possible to include data from every excavation at each Scandinavian site.

It is hoped that by focussing on the key points in both the broad and site specific beads

trends, useful comparisons for the patterns in Viking-Age Britain may be observed.

The raw material

Important Viking-Age bead materials which provide significant information

regarding production and trade are amber, gemstones and glass. Amber is an organic

material made of fossilised tree resin (Panter 2000: 2473; Causey 2011: 32). Its level of

transparency is related to the amount of air bubbles trapped in the material (Causey 2011:

37). In terms of colour, oxygenised material darkens over time from clear or yellow hues to

brown, orange and red hues (Causey 2011: 38). As amber is relatively soft, it is worked

into artefact forms by cutting the raw material to shape, using a borer to drill the

perforation, and finishing using a lathe and/or other abrasive materials to smooth (Callmer

2003b: 346).

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Figure 2: The steps for the manufacture of an amber bead; the raw material, cutting to shape,

perforating, and smoothing. Image modified from Callmer (2003b: 346).

The popularity of amber beads is evident in the frequency of examples from early

European contexts (Resi 2011: 107). The most common source for the amber in Viking-

Age sites is from the Baltic area (Panter 2000: 2473; Resi 2011: 107). This zone of Baltic

amber begins in the southern and central Baltic coastal areas and is distributed through

western Jutland, Northern Germany, the Netherlands, and East Anglia (Resi 2011: 108).

Amber from other important sources was in circulation largely before the Viking-Age;

Etruscan amber was a significant source in c. 6th century Britain (Panter 2000: 2473).

While the distribution of amber is largely the result of trade, trapped air bubbles allow

amber to float from sources close to shoreline; small amounts can therefore be transported

via water (Causey 2011: 37).

Notable gemstone materials for the manufacture of Viking-Age beads are rock

crystal and cornelian (Resi 2011: 154). Both materials demonstrate important trade links

and are distributed throughout Scandinavia and central/eastern Europe during the Late Iron

Age (Resi 2011: 154). Rock crystal beads are produced from single quartz crystals and

occasionally quartzite, where the rock contains quartz grains which have been compressed

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together (Resi 2011: 149). The material usually appears clear or frosted (Resi 2011: 149).

In a description of the working of rock crystal at the site of Valldal in Norway, the process

involves reduction in the size of the crystal through chopping and retouching, and rounding

by striking small blows on the uneven areas (Myhre (2005: 84) cited in Resi 2011: 153).

The final form is then smoothed by ‘quartize’ stones (it is unclear whether this word is

meant to be quartzite) (Myhre 2005: 84, cited in Resi 2011: 153). Cornelian can be

characterised as a translucent material with a red or orange-red colouration (Resi 2011:

147). It is a slightly softer material than quartz, and is worked mainly through a process of

polishing and drilling (Resi 2011: 147). A shared characteristic in the appearance of rock

crystal and cornelian in Scandinavian sites is that both materials are imports to the area

(Resi 2011: 144). Rock crystal has a wide range of possible Viking-Age sources (Resi

2011: 144). Sources in Western Europe (including local Scandinavian sources) are possible

(Resi 2011: 144). Eastern sources are also likely due to the similar distribution patterns of

finished rock crystal and cornelian beads (Resi 2011: 144-5). Cornelian beads have a more

restricted raw material origin, and are therefore regarded as a product imported in a

finished state from Eastern trade centres (Resi 2011: 144). Based on natural sources of

cornelian and the distribution of trade, it has been suggested that the manufacturing origin

for cornelian beads imported in the Late Iron Age may be more accurately located in Iran,

India and Caucasia (Resi 2011: 145).

Unlike naturally occurring amber and gemstones, the glass used for artefacts in the

Viking-Age was man-made. The most common chemical compositions for glass in the

early medieval period included soda or potash, lime, and silica (Whitehouse 2003: 302).

The colouration of glass is created by the addition of certain chemicals, either as a

deliberate part of the manufacturing process or as a result of accidental inclusion (Bayley

2008: 2522-3). Opaque glass can be achieved by adding an opacifying agent or subjecting

the glass to heat treatment (Henderson 1995: 68). It is a commonly held view that much of

the vessel glass (or cullet) found in Viking-Age sites was used as a source of pre-made

glass for bead production (Gaut 2011: 174). While this theory has some merit,

experimental studies have determined that cullet is an imperfect material source for the

production of beads as ‘gas bubbles and impurities’ frequently become trapped in the glass

when re-melted and combined (Gaut 2011: 175). The ideal glass form for bead production

are chunks of manufactured glass (and possible thick vessel bases), which is then re-melted

or chipped into the desired form (Gaut 2011: 175). While the reuse of vessel glass cannot

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be ruled out, it is clear that the relationship between raw material, waste material and bead

products in Viking-Age sites needs to be studied in a holistic manner to further understand

mechanisms of bead production (Gaut 2011: 175). Sources for raw glass imported into

Scandinavia are located in production centres in the Mediterranean and the ‘Near East’

(Gaut 2011: 237).

The main method for the production of beads was to wind the melted glass onto a

metal rod, and then shape it using tools, such as a spatula (Callmer 2003b: 350; Callmer

2002: 138; Sode 2004: 90).

Figure 3: The production of glass beads by winding the melted glass around an iron mandrel (Sode

2004: 86). Image modified from Callmer (2003b: 350).

Figure 4: The production of different bead shapes using a forming iron; a) round/oval, b) melon, c)

cylindrical, d) square. Image modified from Sode (2004: 90).

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Composite beads were made by fusing a collection of rods together to create a

specific design (Callmer 1977: 33). This technique produced mosaic beads (Callmer 1977:

33). Glass could also be blown; this method was often used to produce segmented beads

using crimping tongs (Callmer 1977: 33). Cold cut beads are manufactured by cutting the

glass and polishing in a manner similar to the working of gemstones (Callmer 1977: 33).

Decoration was made by applying sections of a composite design, or applying melted glass

to wound beads using rods (Callmer 2003b: 350; Sode 2004: 91).

Figure 5: Applied and combed thread decoration on a cylindrical bead; a) the secondary glass material is

wound, b) the comb pattern is produced by dragging the edge of a tool (in this case a spatula) through

the material. Image modified from Sode (2004: 91).

The appearance of bead types in Scandinavia

The appearance of locally manufactured and imported bead types and materials in

Viking-Age Scandinavia was subject to frequent change over time (Callmer 1977: 9). To

understand this change it is necessary to refer to Callmer’s work (1977). The hypothesis

for his study was based on the idea ‘that the bead material of the Viking Period is subject

to chronologically relevant changes’ (9). Callmer hoped to demonstrate the chronological

potential inherent in the bead assemblages by attempting to define restricted chronological

phases of bead types in the archaeological record based on systematic classification and

regional reviews (7-10). Based on collections from museums and other sources (refer to

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Callmer 1977 for a list of sites used), a classification of the beads was created based on a

hierarchy of specific features (33). The first feature was the raw material type (excluding

amber beads), then the production technique, and finally by the form of the bead in regards

to the shape, proportion, size, translucency, colour and decoration (33). The division by

material and production type (and by decoration for the glass beads) created 16 broad

classes of beads with multiple individual types (42-55). In some categories, such as

amethyst or jade beads, there was no further division as individual types could not be

distinguished (55). Other categories, particularly for glass beads, contained hundreds of

individual types based on the intersection of each feature of the bead’s form (42-55. Refer

to Callmer 1977 for list of individual types).

To understand the appearance of these types in relation to specific sites, it is useful to

discuss selected finds of amber, gemstones and glass beads from published excavations of

Scandinavian sites. As Callmer does not include amber beads in his study, it is necessary to

look to other literature for classification models. Two studies in particular have attempted

to create typological systems for amber beads (Resi 2011: 111-2). Stjernqvist’s 1998 study

of Iron Age finds from Sweden created a general classification based on shape (Resi 2011:

111-2). The key descriptive terms of round, annular, barrel-shaped, cylindrical, discoidal,

flat or wheel-shaped, ‘berlock’ and biconical were used in this study (Resi 2011: 111-2).

Tempelmann-Maczynska’s 1985 study of beads from the Roman Iron Age and early

Migration Period included a classification of amber beads which was far more detailed.

This study sought to incorporate production technique, decoration and accurate shape

descriptions as attributes in the classification (Tempelmann-Maczynska 1985: 23). Most of

the descriptions of amber bead types use similar terms for the shapes as those outlined by

both Stjernqvist and Tempelmann-Maczynska (Resi 2011: 111-2). Amber beads may be

divided into categories based on shape, form and colour (Resi 2011: 112-3). Evidence for

this production is present in several sites in Scandinavia (Callmer 2002; Bencard et al

1991; Resi 2011: 110-1). A discussion of amber beads present in two craft production sites

at Ribe in Jutland and Kaupang in Vestfold may provide useful data for the appearance of

amber bead types (Bencard et al 1991; Resi 2011).

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Table 1: Amber beads from the 1970-76 excavations north of Ribe Å by bead type and stratigraphic

position, after Bencard et al (1991: 101-3). Recent and medieval finds are not included (102-3).

Phase 2:

c. 730; c. 759










Bead Type

Natural 3 2

Flat, nearly square 1 2 1

Turned and ground


Cylindrical 2 3

Biconical 2 2

Ring-shaped 1

Unfinished 2

Broken 8 1 1

Total 14 9 1 6 1

The closest source of amber to Ribe are sources from the Jutish coast (Magnus 2003:

130). The proportion of raw and semi-manufactured beads to finished beads has led to the

interpretation that the amber beads worked at Ribe were for a non-domestic market

(Magnus 2003: 130). At Kaupang, there is a large amount of evidence for amber working

from both early and the more recent (1998-2003) excavations (Resi 2011: 110-1).

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Table 2: Finished amber bead types from the 1998-2003 excavtions at Kaupang (Resi 2011: 112-4). The

number of discoidal beads is stated as 28; however, the count of the number of different variation of

these forms is 29. The larger number has been used in this table. This has affected the total.

Bead Type Cross-section Total

Discoidal 29

Flat-oval 18

Oval 9

Nearly rectangular 2

Biconical 10

Lentoid 4

Discus 6

Barrel-shaped 4

Cylindrical 7

Square (rounded edges) 2

Facetted (sharply angled



Rounded 3

Octagonal, facetted 1

Annular 1

Individualistic/Irregular 2


The 1950-74 excavations at Kaupang recovered 21 amber beads from the settlement

area and 27 amber beads from the graves at Bikjholberget (Resi 2011: 110). These beads

appeared in annular, round, barrel-shaped and discus-shaped forms (Resi 2011: 110). It is

clear that both Ribe and Kaupang share similarities in the types of amber beads present,

such as biconical and cylindrical shapes. Data from Table 1 suggests the manufacture of a

wider range of bead forms occurred in the middle and late phases. There is insufficient

chronological data from publications on Kaupang to make a statement regarding phases.

As there is no work which attempts to bring together the classification of amber beads with

a chronological phasing, it is beyond the scope of this chapter to discuss changes in amber

bead types over time.

Carnelian and rock crystal beads have been recovered from the 1990 excavations at

Birka (Ambrosiani 1995: 53). The data from this site is not clearly defined; there are 65

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examples (42 of cornelian and 23 of rock crystal), which consist of 38 facetted forms, 23

spherical forms and four forms classed as other (Ambrosiani 1995: 57). At Kaupang,

gemstone beads form part of the jewellery assemblage from both settlement and burial

contexts (Resi 2011: 143).

Table 3: Cornelian and rock crystal bead types from Kaupang, after Resi (2011: 144).

Bead Material Bead Type Number

Cornelian 43

Spherical 9

Facetted discoid 7

Facetted spherical 5

Facetted polyhedrical 10

Facetted prismatic 10

Other shapes 2

Rock Crystal 54

Spherical 20

Facetted discoid 3

Facetted spherical 8

Facetted polyhedrical 6

Facetted prismatic 8

Facetted biconical 3

Other shapes (including almost barrel-shaped) 6

The high quality cornelian beads represent a range of shape types similar to amber

beads, with the addition of facetting in many examples (such as facetted discoid) (Resi

2011: 146-7). Various shades of red were represented (Resi 2011: 147). Whilst some of the

beads appear to be in a rough state, there is no raw or semi-manufactured evidence to

suggest that cornelian beads were produced at Kaupang (Resi 2011: 148). Evidence for raw

and worked rock crystal material is present, however, it is unclear whether this was the

result of bead-making activity (Resi 2011: 152-3). The range of rock crystal forms are

similar to those present in the cornelian assemblage (Resi 2011: 144). However, the rock

crystal assemblage contains a significant proportion of spherical beads, and some examples

of almost barrel-shaped forms (Resi 2011: 150). It is clear from both Birka and Kaupang

that spherical and facetted forms were common forms for these material types.

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Figure 6: Rock crystal, and cornelian beads from Kaupang, with a fragment of a jet bracelet and an

amethyst bead (Pedersen 2000).

Other mineralogical types present in the Kaupang assemblage include amethyst,

fluorspar and jet/jet-like. Two amethyst beads and two fluorspar beads were also recovered

during various excavations in the site’s archaeological history (Resi 2011: 143). The

amethyst beads are of low quality; one bead is a worked pebble and the other an irregular

ovoid shape (Resi 2011: 154). The fluorspar appear to be worked pebbles and may be

indicative of the use of a local source (Resi 2011: 154). There are 23 artefacts made from

jet and jet-like material at Kaupang, including at least two examples of possible beads

(Resi 2011: 123-5). Evidence indicates that the material was imported in a worked state

(Resi 2011: 125). Three pieces of raw jet material, along with a cannel coal or shale, semi-

manufactured artefact (either a ring or bead) and an unfinished shale bead, suggest that

there was small scale local working of jet and jet-like material (Resi 2011: 125).

Glass beads have produced the most variation in the stratigraphy of Viking-Age sites

due to the high number of individual types (Callmer 1977: 42-55). At Birka on the island

of Björkö in Lake Mälaren, glass beads appeared throughout the stratigraphy with a high

number of spherical, ring-shaped, cylindrical (particularly of blue or yellow) and

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segmented beads (often either blue or foil covered) found in the 1969-71 excavations

(Ambrosiani 1992: 76; Ambrosiani 1995: 53).

Figure 7 : Pictorial representation of the stratigraphic distribution of the dominant bead shapes from the

1990 Birka excavations (Ambrosiani 1995). Filled symbols represent finds of > 50% of that type;

unfilled symbols represent find of between 25-50% of that type (Ambrosiani 1995: 56). Adapted from

Ambrosiani (1995: 57).

A pattern of ‘spherical beads of various colours and materials’ was found throughout

the stratigraphy, while segmented, facetted and cylindrical glass beads occupied more

distinctive phases in the early 9th and 10th century layers (Ambrosiani 1992: 76). This

pattern is supported by further data from excavations in 1990 (Ambrosiani 1995: 62).

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Many of the production phases at Ribe align with those outlined by Callmer as broad

trends appearing in Scandinavia during the Viking-Age (1977, 2003a).

Table 4 : Patterns in the appearance of glass beads in phases of occupation at Ribe. Based on

observations by Sode 2004 and Sode et al 2010.


1/1A, c. AD



2, c. AD 725-



3, c. AD760-


c. Mid-8th


End of 8th


Trends in







dark cobalt



dark cobalt


Opaque red



Trends in






















Trends in



Applied eyes

Dark blue






Blue oval

beads with

mosaic eyes





Filigree glass






Metal foil

Green drawn

Metal foil



Mosaic eye

Metal foil

Drawn glass


Two key trends are present in assemblages from Ribe. The ‘wasp beads’, which have

been used to demonstrate the earliest layers of Ribe (dating from at AD 700), were

assumed to have been imported from Central Europe (Frandsen & Jensen 1988: 229).

However, more recent assessment of the manufacturing evidence has placed most of the

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production at the site (Sode 2004: 95). Imported glass beads (metal foil, drawn, mosaic eye

and drawn glass tube beads) appear in Ribe by the end of the 8th century and dominate the

assemblage, placing the site in line with a trend which occurred throughout Scandinavia at

this time (Sode 2004: 83, 95-9).

Evidence for glass working from the 1998-2003 excavations at Kaupang is well

supported by the waste material as well as finds of imported soda glass, blocks of raw

glass, tesserae and semi-manufactured beads (Gaut 2011: 169). There is some evidence

that polychrome and bichrome cable decorated beads were produced locally (Gaut 2011:

232). It is clear from the raw material, the finished and semi-finished beads and the waste

manufacture, that wound annular beads of translucent blue, opaque white and

green/yellow-green glass were the most commonly produced types at this site (Gaut 2011:

169, 232).

Figure 8: A selection of bead types and bead manufacturing waste from Kaupang (Pedersen 2000).

Glass bead working at Hedeby mainly produced monochrome, foil and polychrome

types, with evidence for complicated production techniques such as millefiori (Steppuhn

1998: 111). These sites appear to share several broad patterns in the production and

importation of glass beads during the Viking-Age. However, artefactual evidence suggests

that some bead types produced were limited to local markets (Steppuhn 1998: 111). Beads

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produced at Hedeby have been found in sites from Szczecin to Staraya Ladoga; however,

certain bead types manufactured at the site, such as flat beads, appear to have been traded

within an exclusively domestic market (Steppuhn 1998: 111).

As stated above, a key part of Callmer’s study was the idea that changes in bead

types were chronologically significant in the identification of distinct phases within the

archaeological record (1977: 9). The chronological analysis was based on the ‘earliest

appearance, maximum representation or representations, and ultimate disappearance’ of

the bead types, with allowances for the re-use of beads at a later date (56). The bead types

were placed into groups based on shared characteristics and associated dateable material

(56, 76). The broad chronological trends in stylistic bead changes largely relate to patterns

of importation and local production (Callmer 2003a: 41). A summary of the important

trends in imported and locally produced forms is shown in Figure 9.

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e of




in t




and c





d t




e. S





m C


er (




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Figure 10: Beads from Scandinavia and the Baltic region. Modified from Callmer (2003a: 42-43). Top:

Imported and locally manufactured beads dating to the late 8th century to c. AD 800, and the early to

mid-9th century. Bottom: Imported and locally manufactured beads dating to the mid to late 9th century,

and the early 10th century.

From the information presented in Figure 9, it is clear that the attributes of colour

and decoration, along with the number of imports and number of locally produced beads,

fluctuate over time. The illustrations from the late 8th to early 10th century in Figure 10

clearly show the changes and continuities in bead types over time (42-3). These trends

were strongly influenced by the relationship between local production and imported forms

(44-6). This relationship became unbalanced when the imports from Eastern sources

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (38)


flooded the market in the 9th century and caused a decline in the volume of Scandinavian

production (44). The cessation of these imports of beads (which coincides with the

disappearance of Arabic dirhams) correlates to a revival of the local industry (44). By the

10th century the two systems of import and local production appears to have reached an

‘equilibrium’ (45). This relationship is demonstrative of how closely the elements of

production and trade were connected within the economy of the Viking-Age.


The appearance of beads in the archaeological record of Viking-Age Scandinavia

presents a complex picture of resource use, importation, and production. Each of these

factors contribute to the apparent changes in bead types over time as broadly characterised

by Callmer (1977). In regards to the appearance of these trends in the archaeological

records of key sites, the lack of chronological data from many sites means that it is difficult

to accurately compare the data with Callmer’s phases (2003a). Ribe provides the clearest

examples of a site which appears to support parts of the key trends, particularly in Eastern

imports and glass beads. As with all seminal works, it is necessary to question the basis

upon which these influential ideas are formed. Callmer’s typochronology is not without

faults; it has been critiqued by Näsman who states that the absolute dating of the bead

phases is ‘based on a shaky and not easily comprehensible foundation’ (2003: 231). As this

publication is now more than 30 years old, there is certainly a need to re-evaluate

Callmer’s finds in the light of new data and chronological frameworks from Scandinavian

sites. However, it is clear that the data presented from the key sites still supports many of

the key points in the change of bead types over time. This is a sufficient basis for the

necessary task of further analysis and discussion regarding the wider thematic ideas behind

the social interactions and economic processes occurring across the Viking World at this


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Chapter 2: Beads in the Viking World: Scandinavia

and the West

To contextualise the patterns of production, trade and use of beads in the Viking

World, it is first necessary to review the social and economic systems in Scandinavia

during the Viking-Age. This chapter will review selected studies from Scandinavia which

discuss the development of production, trade and use practices around the Viking-Age

period. This review of this literature will contribute to the holistic understanding of the role

of beads within these systems. In terms of the overall structure of this study, this chapter

will present Scandinavian parallels for the British bead examples included in the database.

The time periods discussed in each work vary from the early to late Scandinavian Iron Age

period to the Viking-Age. Developments in the production, trade and use of beads in

Scandinavia will be associated with key Scandinavian sites where applicable. During the

review of this literature, several important and interconnected themes were identified as

relevant to discussions of Viking-Age beads. These can be broadly defined as: structure of

craft production, the development of urbanism, trade networks and burial rituals. As stated

above, limitations in the accessibility of literature has made it impractical for this chapter

to review much of the Scandinavian literature related to beads and the thematic issues. The

literature was selected based on the presence of an analysis and/or discussion which

presented a meaningful argument related to the larger ideas and themes identified in this

chapter, and the wider objectives for this study.

Studies of the Viking-Age beads in Scandinavia

Beads were often lost or overlooked in many early archaeological investigations into

the Viking-Age; however, some early discussions focus on ideas of typology and

chronology in association with particular sites (Callmer 1977: 7). Attempts to create an

organised and systematic reference guide were often a part of the analysis of the material

culture of a specific site (Callmer 1977: 7). Specific mention of beads most frequently

appeared in brief notations of styles and types within the records of site finds (Callmer

1977: 7). Arguably the first attempt at the broad categorisation and deliberate study of

beads from the Viking-Age was Callmer’s work in 1977. This piece of literature remains a

key reference source for the typology and chronology of beads from comparative regions

of Scandinavia dating from AD 800 to 1000 (7). The movement of beads around

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Scandinavia during this time period (and their ability to represent ‘intercultural relations’),

are further aspects discussed in Callmer’s work (Callmer 2003a: 38). These ideas have

continued to be discussed in literature regarding Viking-Age trade networks (see Sindbæk

2007a, 2007b). The appearance of beads in finds from Viking-Age burial and settlement

sites continues to be a key source of information regarding production, trade and use

(Callmer 2003a: 38). Recent work on these sites has centred on the discussion of beads in

trade networks and craft production areas, particularly in substantial ‘town’ sites such as

Kaupang with large quantities of beads and bead related manufacturing remains (Gaut

2011: 170).

Crafts, urbanism and trade in the Viking-Age

The themes of craft production, urbanism and trade networks are interconnected

elements in the interpretation of the production and movement of artefacts in Scandinavia

throughout the Viking-Age. Craft production is characterised by the modes of production

employed by itinerant or permanent craft persons (Callmer 2003b). These modes of

production have been used to define the appearance of seasonal or permanent markets,

trading places and towns (Callmer 2003b; Sindbæk 2007a). Several key sites have been the

focus of recent work on towns and urban development (Clarke & Ambrosiani 1991: 1). In

the Viking-Age, towns significantly changed the contexts in which the production and

consumption of goods took place (Skre 2007: 450). The role of towns and trading sites in

local and long distance trade networks have been frequently discussed in scholarly

attempts to characterise the nature of trade connections during this period (Callmer 1977,

1994; Sindbæk 2007a, 2007b, 2010). Early ideas of the diffusion of artefacts alongside

urbanism have developed into more complex network theories of communication and trade

(Callmer 1977; Sindbæk 2007b: 61).

To return to the role of craft production, two models of production are significant to

the understanding of the relationship between the production and circulation of goods

(Skre 2007). These are serial production (manufacture of goods for a market consisting of

many consumers) and artisanal production (the manufacture of unique, often one-off, items

requested directly by a consumer) (Skre 2007: 450). In Scandinavia, serial production rose

to prominence from the 8th century in correlation with the establishment of large market

and trading places, along with towns (Skre 2007: 450). This created an environment where

the availability of widespread products was concentrated (Skre 2007: 450). The evidence

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from craft production activity at a site is indicative of the activities engaged in, the

structure of the production environment, and the intensity of production (Feveile 2012,

Skre 2011; Hyenstrand 1992). It has been argued that the conditions for the production of

specialised crafts in the Viking-Age required access to raw material, a large consumer base

and an environment of protection which encouraged economic growth (Callmer 2003b:

358-9). Trading places and town sites contain evidence for specialised craft production

activities such as glass working and metal casting in dedicated areas (archaeologically

visible workshops), which often require access to imported materials (Skre 2007: 453). The

conditions of a seasonal market created a pattern of production which was often based on

locally available materials (such as comb making or iron working), with different

production activities shifted around the site each season (Skre 2007: 453). Therefore, the

nature of craft production at a site has a significant effect on the development of the layout,

features and finds visible in the archaeological record.

The role of dedicated craft persons in the development of production from artisanal

to serial is significant, as

…strongly specialised craft production supplied early medieval society with a wide

range of both functionally important and symbolically loaded artefacts, which the

local agrarian social units had no capacity to produce (Callmer 2003b: 343).

For many activities, such as metal casting and glass working, the craft person is seen as the

holder of ‘exclusive’ knowledge regarding the production techniques of that craft (Callmer

2003b: 337, 340). The production of polychrome beads, for example, requires specific

knowledge of the characteristics of the different glass materials, particularly when heated

and worked (Callmer 2003b: 349). In this model, the proportion of the population with

access to this knowledge is necessarily restricted to a small group (Callmer 2003b: 342-3).

The demands of specialised production removes these activities from the sphere of

domestic production to more established environments of trade and manufacture, such as

towns (Callmer 2003b: 341). Callmer argues that models with local and stationary craft

producers do not fit the pattern of widespread settlement in Scandinavia in the early and

high medieval periods (2003b: 343-4). One of the key aspects of this argument is the idea

that for a craft person to maintain a high level of sophistication in manufacture, production

must be voluminous, frequent, and therefore serve a large consumer base (Callmer 2003b:

343-4). To achieve this ideal, it is suggested that these craft persons may have been

itinerant, moving between the key seasonal and urban production sites in Scandinavia and

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further afield (Callmer 2003b: 344, 359). The circulation of different craft persons has

been suggested as an explanation for some of the changes in bead styles in the stratigraphy

of certain sites (Sode 2004: 86-7; Frandsen & Jensen 1988: 229).

This model of itinerant craft persons has been recently critiqued in discussions of

Viking-Age comb manufacture. A similar model was proposed to explain patterns in the

appearance of the manufacture and distribution of this artefact in the archaeological record

(Ambrosiani 1981: 32, 34, 39-40). This model places emphasis on the peripheral scale of

operation as suggested by the limited concentrations of waste material at manufacturing

sites, and the spread of similar comb types across Scandinavia, Frisia, Russia and Britain

(Ambrosiani 1981: 38-41, 50). Recent work on Viking-Age combs from north-east

England has shifted focus to a regional understanding of the way these artefacts have been

‘produced, exchanged and distributed’ (Ashby 2011: 303). Through close examination of

the variation in combs across the geographic area and time period, Ashby presents a model

in which production is a more complex process (2011: 305-12). Evidence from northern

England suggests that the relationship between north-eastern England and Scandinavia was

not a one-way diffusion of ideas from Scandinavia which circulated with itinerant craft

persons from one location (Ashby 2011: 316). Rather, the characteristics of Scandinavian

comb making served to influence the comb making industry in England (Ashby 2011: 309,

312). Further to this, Ashby argues that the sources for raw material in the northern

Danelaw supports locally based connections in industrial activity, rather than ‘a network of

peripatetic craftsmen’ (Ashby 2011: 305). The applicability of this critique to the model of

itinerant glass bead-makers is unclear considering the specialised nature of production.

Further analysis of the manufacturing evidence in sites from Scandinavia is required.

Recent excavations have demonstrated new insights into the urban development of

sites in the Viking-Age, particularly in relation to trade (Clarke & Ambrosiani 1991: 1).

Trade was a key feature in several pre-Viking settlements; early Germanic Iron Age sites

such as Lundeborg, Dankirke and Helgö were convenient points along sea trade routes

(Näsman 1991: 35-6). Goods from origins in Western and Central Europe, and the Baltic

are found to have passed through these sites, demonstrating that long distance trade

connections were established from around the 5th century (Näsman 1991: 35). However,

the rise of urbanism in the 8th century led to a higher rate of appearance of and

development in trade related sites (Näsman 1991: 36-7). Examples of these sites include

ports (Ribe, Hedeby and Åhus), trading sites (Paviken on Gotland) and central places

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(Kaupang) (Näsman 1991: 36-7). Many large trade and town sites later developed from

these early trade-based sites (or from nearby seasonal sites) (Näsman 1991: 36). For

example, Dankirke is thought to be the predecessor to the early seasonal marketplace at

Ribe (Näsman 1991: 36; Feveile 2012: 126). This marketplace became permanent for a

short period before disappearing for 150-200 years, and reappearing in the 11th century as a

high medieval town in another nearby location (Feveile 2010: 104). There are many sites

which have been identified as a Viking-Age town; often quoted examples include Hedeby,

Birka, and Kaupang (Clarke & Ambrosiani 1991: 56, 73; Skre 2011: 444). One aim of

these urban studies has been to consider what constitutes a ‘town’ in the Viking-Age

(Clarke & Ambrosiani 1991: 3). Certain organisational and appearance based aspects have

been discussed in the formation of a set of defining characteristics (Clarke & Ambrosiani

1991: 3). These include topography, historical review, how the town was established,

outlying food sources, and the appearance of trade and craft production in the

archaeological record (Clarke & Ambrosiani 1991: 3; Sindbæk 2007: 120). Many of these

sites were created as basis for political power and control; Kaupang and Hedeby were

strategically located along the late 10th century borders of the Danish kingdom (Skre 2007:

445). The relationship between religious and political central places and nearby market or

town sites (for example Kaupang and Skiringssal), demonstrates how craft production

economy, urbanisation, and trade networks are frequently bound together with political

motives in the development of sites (Skre 2007: 446-7).

Discussions regarding the development of Viking-Age towns and the role of trade in

this process, often focus on how these sites were connected to each other and to centres

outside of Scandinavia (Näsman 1991; Blindheim 1982). Early views of this relationship

were defined by contemporary diffusionist theory; trade and ideas passed from town to

town in a relatively linear (down-the-line) model (Sindbæk 2007a: 119, 2007b: 60). Large

settlement (emporia) sites, in Scandinavia were often located at notable points or

intersections in the lines of trade connecting local and long distance trade networks

(Sindbæk 2007b: 60). Kaupang was situated within a network of trade along the northern

shores and the surrounding inner hinterlands (Pilø & Skre 2011: 17). Birka had extensive

trade links within the northern European network, as evidenced by Slavonic and

Norwegian trade goods found at the site (Ambrosiani 2012: 98-9). Hedeby’s location on

the Jutland peninsula connected the North Sea trade system with the Baltic Basin (Carnap-

Bornheim et al 2010: 513). Callmer describes these sites as ‘large centres of diffusion’

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within Scandinavia where beads were moved through in bulk to be disseminated through

local networks (1977: 56, 174). These sites were connected to more distant centres where

selected bead styles originated; namely India, Middle East and the Mediterranean (Callmer

1977: 174). These sites are viewed as centres in dendritic shaped networks, often in

association with ‘specialised trade’ such as the slave and fur trade (Callmer 1977: 175-6).

These models explain the urban development of Scandinavian sites (such as Hedeby, Birka

and Kaupang) as a result of influences from ‘old cultural centres’ in areas such as the

Mediterranean or Middle East (Sindbæk 2010: 432).

A more complex view developed later based on the excavation of a number of

significant trade sites (Sindbæk 2007a: 119). Investigations into these trading places

focused on how they form dense patterns of trade in a particular region (Sindbæk 2010;

Callmer 1994). These patterns were situated in local and regional places of trade, with

some sites connected to ‘supra-regional networks’ (Sindbæk 2010: 432; Callmer 1994: 53).

For example, certain areas (such as the island of Gotland) appeared to have a high density

of trading places for the small size of the locality (Carlsson 1991). Excavation on Gotland

revealed several harbours dating from the Merovingian period which were used by small

local farms, or the local community for short periods (Carlsson 1991: 152-3). Larger trade

harbours at Paviken, Visby and Fröjel, were also found to contain evidence for craft

production activities and trade, which appeared to serve a wider area (Carlsson 1991: 148,

156-7). A number of these sites with evidence of trade (particularly long distance trade),

have been equated with the label ‘embryonic towns’ (Sindbæk 2010: 434). This assessment

is based on the idea that the evidence of trade and craft production is equal to a direct

connection with long distance trade in the site (Sindbæk 2010: 434, 436). However, the

nature of these sites can be better explained as trade-based settlements placed for the even

distribution of local trade and the re-distribution of long-distance trade (Sindbæk 2010:


Attempts to clarify the misconceptions around the applicability of the terms emporia

and town in relation to long-distance trade has led to the rise of network models (Sindbæk

2007a; 2007b). Sindbæk introduces the term ‘nodal points’ to characterise sites which

appear to have ‘an exclusive role in long-distance trade’ before the 11th century (2007a:

121; Skre 2007: 453). These nodal points are significant sites dating to the 8th and 9th

century; Ribe, Kaupang, Birka, Åhus, Truso (Poland), Groß Strömkendorf and Hedeby

(both in Germany) (Sindbæk 2007a: 121). A distinctive archaeological pattern was

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identified by quantifying selected imported artefacts (including glass beads), at each site

(Sindbæk 2007a: 121-3). The resulting pattern linked the sites through communication and

trade activities occurring at a similar scale (Sindbæk 2007a: 121-3). Pottery forms a large

part of this assemblage of imported materials on which the reconstruction of the network is

based (Fulminante 2014: 171). This means that this model is based on connections of trade

relating to material which is most likely to survive intact in the archaeological record

(Sindbæk 2013: 74). The shared chronology and conditions of these nodal points separate

them from other sites publicised as important towns in the Viking-Age (Sindbæk 2007a:

124-6). With regards to the difference between these nodal points and other trading sites in

the Viking-Age, Sindbæk argues,

…it is not trade as such that distinguishes 'great' and 'small' sites, but specifically

the role as nodal points for long-distance traffic… The nodal points thus differed

from more local markets. The latter were served by local traffic and doubtlessly

communicated with the nodal points, but not with the long-distance traffic that

travelled between them. (2007a: 126).

The continued functionality of these nodal points depended on the long-distance traders

and markets users; their topographic and geographic locations meant that they formed

‘hubs’ for long-distance trade within the web of local connections (Sindbæk 2007a: 129).

The presence of specialised craft production activities at each nodal point suggests the

presence of expert craft persons and reliable raw material sources for the production of

goods on a large scale for local and foreign markets (Sindbæk 2007a: 126). The

connections in this model create a chain of links from neighbour to neighbour, connecting

areas of this international network over long distances through a certain number of links

(Sindbæk 2007b: 61). The international scale of these hub connections creates a ‘small

world’ of trade networks and explains how artefacts in the Viking-Age appear to be so

regularly spread (Sindbæk 2007b: 61). It is not unusual for Scandinavian artefacts

produced from these hubs to appear in settlement and burial sites at the outer edges of the

Viking world (Sindbæk 2011).

Burial sites: beads, society and burial rituals in Viking-Age Scandinavia

Beads, along with other artefacts of personal adornment, are often interpreted as

signifiers of personal identity (Hayeur-Smith 2003: 228). The selection and arrangement of

such items contains coded information relating to aspects of identity on a ‘cultural level’

which can be read and interpreted by those in the same or similar social group (Hayeur-

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Smith 2003: 228). Key information represented by these artefacts relate to age, status,

gender and role (Hayeur-Smith 2003: 228-9; Dommasnes 1982). For archaeologists, the

picture of this presentation is incomplete as finds are often found divorced of their intended

social context as well as without the associated items (such as clothing) which contribute to

the overall construction (Hayeur-Smith 2003: 228). Therefore, Viking-Age jewellery has a

special role in attempts to investigate questions of identity (Hayeur-Smith 2003: 228). A

key source for deliberate constructions of personal identity is through burial rituals. Burials

of the Viking-Age have been a significant source for these artefacts in Denmark, Norway

and Sweden (Skre 2007: 18-9).

Aspects of pre-Christian Viking-Age burial rituals which are frequently studied

include the grave form, the treatment of the body and grave goods (Dommasnes 1982: 72).

A passage from Snorri’s Heimskringla suggest specific burial customs for Vikings based

on Norse mythology; the dead were cremated with all of their worldly possessions as

wealth for the afterlife in Valhalla, with great men commemorated through monumental

burials and raised stones (Hollander 1964: 11-2). However, archaeological evidence

suggests that burial customs in Scandinavia during the Viking-Age were subject to

significant variation across regions and communities (Price 2012: 257-8). The decisions

regarding burial rites for the deceased depended on a variety of intersecting factors; age,

gender, status and role were particularly relevant. Through ‘social norms’ general patterns

of burial rituals based on these factors can be identified in the archaeological record

(Svanberg 2003: 20). The most archaeologically visible burial rituals often relate to rich or

monumental burials (Price 2012: 263). While cremation and inhumation graves can be

characterised as rich, chamber-graves, mounds, and boat burials are thought to taken a

large amount of effort in construction and therefore represent a person of high rank (Price

2012: 263). These highly visible burials may represent the importance of leading figures in

the community; this has been suggested in relation to the appearance of large male boat-

burials at Valsgärde dating to the Vendel Period and Viking-Age, as other deceased are

cremated ‘regardless of their gender, status or age’ (Ljungkvist 2008: 51). Rituals

regarding the treatment of the body and deposition of grave-goods are similarly associated

with societal position (Solberg 1985: 61). The key assumption in the equation of rich

and/or highly constructed burials with high rank/status is that the burial customs reflect

aspects of the deceased’s life (Dommasnes 1982: 72). This idea is most clearly

demonstrated in the assessment of burial goods, which are assumed to have been owned by

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the deceased and/or are symbolic of the deceased’s role in the community during their

lifetime (Dommasnes 1982: 72).

If goods buried with a deceased are reflective of their life, then the analysis of these

artefacts contributes to the understandings of the relationship between artefacts of personal

adornment and the presentation of personal identity (Hayeur-Smith 2003: 228). Literary

sources have presented specific modes of dress which appear to be supported in the grave-

good assemblages (Solberg 1985: 68; Dommasnes 1982: 73). Poems and archaeological

finds have shown that women in the Viking-Age often wore oval brooches at the shoulders

to attach an apron or dress (often with a string of beads in between) and implements such

as knives, keys and toiletry equipment (Solberg 1985: 70; Hayeur-Smith 2003: 228). Men

of free status in the Viking-Age had a legal requirement (particularly in Norse areas) to

carry specific weaponry in accordance with their wealth (Dommasnes 1982: 73; Solberg

1985: 68-9). From the small number of identified child burials dating to the Viking-Age, it

appears that small bronze bells, toys and mirrors are artefacts associated with children

(Welinder 1998: 188). There is also some evidence that large numbers of beads were

attached to outfits or worn as ornaments by children in certain areas (Welinder 1998: 188).

There are also examples of deceased children who were treated in a similar manner to

adults, with gender-specific artefacts such as weapons or dress-ornaments in numbers

comparable to finds in adult graves (Welinder 1998:188, 192-3). For adults, the acquisition

of particular artefacts possibly occurred at different life stages; a key example are oval

brooches as a status symbol restricted to married Viking women (Hayeur-Smith 2003:

230). Similarly, white cowrie shells in female graves aged between five and 15 in Gotland

have been interpreted as symbolic representations of the gender and age of the deceased

(Thedéen 2010: 103, 109). It is clear that studies of these grave goods often involve more

than one aspect of the identity of the deceased.

Studies which have focused on the analysis of the wealth and status of the deceased

often use statistic valuations of the grave goods (see Ringstedt 1997; Solberg 1985).

Graves with high numbers of goods, and/or large numbers of high quality goods are

interpreted as representative of the deceased’s social importance (Solberg 1985: 61). In a

study of chamber graves from Birka, Ringstedt uses a type value method to statistically

analyse the wealth of the graves (1997: 133). This analysis was based on specified

categories of artefacts; weaponry, equestrian equipment, jewellery, beads, personal objects

other than jewellery, trade related items, tools, and household objects (Ringstedt 1997:

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135). From this study, beads appear to be a low-value artefact occurring in high frequency;

beads formed 56% of the total number of artefacts (Ringstedt 1997: 134). However,

Ringstedt raises the point that beads may in fact have a high social or symbolic value

which is not made apparent using the type value method (1997: 134).

One of the ways in which the presence of beads has been used in the analysis of

grave assemblages is to define the gender of the burials (see Dommasnes 1982; Solberg

1985; Ringstedt 1997). In many cases due to poor preservation of remains or the practice

of cremation, it is not possible to make any determinations of sex based on skeletal remains

(Gräslund 1981: 82). Instead aspects of habitual presentation during life, such as modes of

dress, are used to make an educated estimation of sex (and, by inference, gender)

(Dommasnes 1982: 73; Solberg 1985: 65). Therefore, studies such as Solberg’s determine

female graves based on ‘…at least one conical or oval brooch, five or more beads…and/or

textile utensils…’ and male graves based on the appearance of ‘at least one weapon’

(1985: 63, 65, emphasis in text). Graves with less than five beads are disregarded as they

can also appear in male graves (Solberg 1985: 65). Therefore, a distinct relationship

between beads and women of the Viking-Age is created (Solberg 1985: 65). However,

these studies such are not without issues. Gendered burials account for only a small

amount of the total number of burials and cannot therefore be reliably representative of

population demographics (Stylegar 2007: 83). The male-gendered artefacts, such as

weaponry, are often more readily recovered by archaeologists (Stylegar 2007: 83). This

skews the probability of finding artefacts used to assess wealth in more male burials

(Stylegar 2007: 83). Furthermore, the higher rate of change in female dress accessories

over time makes it difficult to maintain a set criteria of artefacts which denote wealthy

women (Stylegar 2007: 83). Evidence from the study Iron Age Man in Denmark found that

while most of the beads in Viking-Age graves were found in female graves, there was one

grave of a possible male which also contained beads (Sellevold et al 1984: 234). This

example, coupled with the inherent issues in sex determinations based on osteology, has

lead the authors to state that caution must be applied when using beads as ‘sex determining

criterion’ (Sellevold et al 1984: 29, 234).

Scandinavian studies which expand further on the relationship between gender and

artefacts have analysed the gender roles suggested by the patterns of the goods appearing

within male and female graves (Dommasnes 1982). In a study of 213 Late Iron age graves

from Sogn in Western Norway, Dommasnes sought to answer whether archaeological

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remains could form a secure basis for statements regarding role as well as status in this

society (1982: 70). This study revealed that agricultural and cooking related artefacts were

slightly more common in women’s graves, while blacksmithing, carpentry, hunting and

mercantile related artefacts were mostly restricted to male graves (Dommasnes 1982: 77).

However, there were exceptions which indicate that the separation of labour roles based on

gender was not a strict societal rule (Dommasnes 1982: 77, 80). It has been suggested that

specific social circ*mstances affected the division of roles between the sexes; namely the

absence of men away on Viking raids (Dommasnes 1982: 83). This may have resulted in

the appearance of engagement in subsistence activities and the attainment of particularly

high rank in female graves of the Viking period as women took over traditionally male

roles (Dommasnes 1982: 83).

In more recent discussions of gender roles, it has been argued that material culture

patterns are suggestive of women in more active roles within trade (Stalsberg 1991: 77).

This is based on the appearance of silver weights and scales in female graves in Russia,

Birka and in Norway (Stalsberg 1991: 78-9). Stalsberg argues that as the archaeological

record has demonstrated that women had economic responsibilities within the home and

farm (as evidenced by symbolic artefacts such as keys), it is possible that they held a

similar responsibilities in commerce (1991: 80). Furthermore, Øye argues that the

importance of textile production at many urban sites indicates that this production may

have been run by high status women (2010: 303). This interpretation is based on the idea

that textiles were traditionally produced by women, and the appearance of high status

burials with strong connections to textile working (Øye 2010: 303). It is argued that such

an intensive and sizeable industry required a figure with organisational and administrative

power; possibly a parallel to the hierarchy found in textile production in contemporary

sites to the south of Europe (Øye 2010: 303). Evidence of prestigious textile equipment

such as needle-boxes, are found in more burial deposits than in occupational deposits in the

Black Earth at Birka (Øye 2010: 303). It is possible that these deposits are a symbolic

reference to the role of the deceased women (Øye 2010).

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Beads in Britain: a literature review

In order to effectively discuss the character of Viking-Age bead assemblages in

Britain, a brief review of literature regarding bead types, use and bead production will be

presented in this section. The selected literature reviewed here are the most relevant

discussions of Anglo-Saxon and Viking-Age beads in England, with a brief overview of

bead production and types from Ireland. These studies focus on the themes of typology,

use, production and raw material types.

Typologies, and chronological phases of bead types the Anglo-Saxon period

Key to understanding patterns in the appearance of beads in the archaeological

record of Britain is recognising the pre-existing history of local bead production. The

archaeological record of the Roman and early Anglo-Saxon periods demonstrate evidence

for the local manufacture of beads, and imports from Ireland and Europe before the arrival

of Scandinavian settlers (Welch 1999: 1). The most comprehensive reference guide for

bead types appearing in the Anglo-Saxon period is The Glass Beads of Anglo-Saxon

England c. AD 400-700 (Guido 1999). This study aimed to contribute an extensive

reference for bead types dating to the Anglo-Saxon period across England based on first-

hand observation, including the study of beads in Europe and Scandinavia (Welch 1999:

3). The pictorial and textual representations of the bead types provide a useful framework

for identification of similar forms. In particular, the appearance and manufacture of similar

bead types in Europe adds to the discussion of the trade of the beads in this early period.

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Figure 11: The decorative motifs of glass bead types in Guido (1999: 15).

This book was written from the point of view of a ‘bead specialist’ concerned with

creating an accurate typology and providing dating information for reference purposes

(Brugmann 2004: 2; Welch 1999: 3, 10). Therefore, the types presented by Guido are

broadly descriptive rather than systematic. Guido aimed to create tight date ranges

alongside the typology; however, inaccuracies in the dating of burials based on material

culture prevented the formation of an accurate chronological sequence (Brugmann 2004:

3). The resulting correlations between time period and bead types are generalised

statements (Welch 1999: 94).

Based on post-doctoral research, Brugmann sought to build on Guido’s work by

using a sample set of 32,231 beads from 106 Anglo-Saxon graves (excluding cremations)

across England (2004: 3, 5). Brugmann’s site selection criteria, and typological system are

clearly defined. The typology was based on the methodical treatment of bead

appearance/form and production and incorporated elements from several Continental

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studies (4, 19-26). Comparisons between the appearance of specific chronological groups

of types in England, and selected Continental frameworks resulted in a series of phases in

development and change over time (42-3).

Table 5: Summary of the chronological bead phases in Brugmann (43, 70).

Bead group Chronological


Date range

A Early phase

grave goods

A1 c. AD 450-530

A2 c. AD 480-580

A2b c. AD 530-580

B Between Early

and Final phase

grave goods

B1 c. AD 555-600

B2 c. AD 580-650

C Final phase

grave goods

c. AD650

Significant for the beginning of the Viking-Age in Britain is the last phase (Phase C),

c. AD 650 to the end of the practice of interring grave goods with Anglo-Saxon burials

(70). The bead types in this phase demonstrate the move away from continental bead

fashions (except for the appearance of amethyst beads), with beads instead showing ‘vague

links’ to Scandinavia (70). However, Brugmann states that this chronology is problematic

(70). The bead phases relate to the deposition of the beads rather than the production and

use, and the dates do not include independent verifications based on accompanying

material culture such as brooches (70).

Beads in Anglo-Saxon grave assemblages

The use of beads in Anglo-Saxon graves is broadly outlined by Stoodley in his study

of the relationship between gender construction and burial rites (1999: 20). Stoodley states

that beads are a frequently recovered artefact, with monochrome and polychrome glass

beads forming the bulk of the finds (20). Beads made of amber, jet, rock crystal, metal and

shell beads are also frequently found (20). There is evidence for regional and temporal

preferences; for example, amethyst beads are most common found in East Kent, amber

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beads are common in the 6th century and orange frit beads are common in the 7th century

(20). In terms of the relationship between sex and beads in the Anglo-Saxon period,

Stoodley states that ‘necklaces of beads, and small collections of beads are female-linked’

(34). In fact, Stoodley goes on to state that ‘collections of more than one bead are

exclusively female’, with small collections of three or four beads are considered to be

slight indicator of femininity (35, 76). While there are a small number of male graves with

single bead finds (excluding sword beads), finds of this type are not considered to be

jewellery (35). It has instead been proposed that these single finds were fastened to

clothing (perhaps in a functional capacity as buttons), or placed in deposited containers

(35). With regards to burial customs, this pattern matches expressions of feminine gender

which emphasise the female body through grave goods associated with dress (74-5). In

contrast, expressions of masculine gender are separated from the body and based on a

‘martial image’ through the inclusion of weaponry as grave goods (74-5). When this data is

considered along with other factors of personhood, aspects of the deceased’s wealth, status

and ethnicity had a greater effect on the composition and richness of masculine grave

assemblages (139-40). Expressions of femininity appear to be similar across social

boundaries of status and ethnicity (140).

The production of glass beads: Anglo-Saxon to Viking-Age England

The study of beads from the Anglo-Saxon period has been a part of wider study of

glass and glass-working in England. Beads, vessels and windows form the majority of the

evidence for the use and production of glass (Bayley 2000a: 137). Naturally coloured soda-

lime-silica glass was the common material for the manufacture of windows and vessels (as

well as some examples of beads) (Bayley 2000a: 137). Many bead types and other

decorative forms of glass (such as enamel) contained colourants and/or further

compositional chemicals such as lead oxide (Bayley 2000a: 137). A key debate in these

discussions is whether beads were produced in Britain or imported (Bayley 2000a: 138).

There is only minimal evidence for early medieval glass manufacturing and working in

England (Bayley 2000a: 137). Possible evidence for this manufacture includes crucibles

with glass waste, furnaces and glass production materials and waste (Bayley 2000a: 138).

However, it is unclear how many of these finds are related to bead production (Bayley

2000a: 138). However, Bayley argues that to contend that all Anglo-Saxon beads must

therefore be importations is an argument based on negative evidence (2000a: 138).

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Studies of the glass working industry in the Viking-Age have also involved

discussions regarding the production of beads. Evidence for local production is more

visible in this period, with the appearance of high lead glass products and techniques in the

10th century from Eastern Europe (Bayley 2000a: 139-40; Bayley 2008: 16). The

production of high lead glass is evidenced from Gloucester, Lincoln and York (Bayley

2000a: 139).

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Map 2: Known high lead glass manufacturing centres of the Late Saxon/Viking-Age in Britain. Based

on Bayley (2000: 139-140). Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright (Digimap 2014).

At Lincoln, glass artefacts, production remains, and glass-working equipment were

found in sites across the city (Bayley 2008: 1). Nearly 90% of the high-lead glass finds

came from the Flaxengate site (Bayley 2008). Although there were several examples of

alkali glass in the assemblage, evidence from the crucibles suggest that only high-lead

glass was being actively worked at the site (Bayley 2008: 4). Scrap lead found in context

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with glass-working crucibles suggests that the high-glass lead may have been made on site,

rather than imported and re-melted (Bayley 2008: 10). Tesserae and beads of typically

Roman glass types are interpreted as either residual finds (in the case of the beads) or

importation for ‘small-scale glass working’ (Bayley 2008: 14-5). It is evident that the rise

of high-lead glass production in the 10th-11th centuries did not completely eclipse

previous manufacturing methods at the site (Bayley 2008: 16).

Evidence for Anglo-Scandinavian bead production at York includes high-lead glass

manufacturing dating to the 11th century (Bayley & Doonan 2000: 2519-20, 2528). Two

sites (22 Piccadilly and 16-22 Coppergate) contained evidence for high-lead glass working

crucibles and manufacturing waste, which were not found in the manufacturing evidence

from other sites in York (Bayley & Doonan 2000: 2520). However, the connection

between the evidence for glass working at 22 Piccadilly and 16-22 Coppergate

(particularly of residue on crucibles) and the bead products is not without issue (Bayley &

Doonan 2000: 2525). Comparisons between the residue and beads of similar material

contain different chemical compositions (Bayley & Doonan 2000: 2525). When the

chemical compositions of glass and glass waste are identical, the appearance of each

material is different (Bayley & Doonan 2000: 2525). Bayley & Doonan state that further

appreciation of the relationship between the products and manufacturing waste may benefit

from ‘a larger programme of analyses’ (Bayley & Doonan 2000: 2525). This does not

significantly affect the initial interpretation of this production as localised in these sites due

to the restriction of finds (Bayley & Doonan 2000: 2525). There is also evidence for the

working of soda glass to produce blue coloured beads contemporary to the high-lead glass

production (Bayley & Doonan 2000: 2526-8).

Glass working in the early medieval period in Ireland was closely connected to

metal-working, as many jewellery designs incorporated glass or enamels insets (Edwards

2008: 287). The industry was also ‘concentrated on high-status secular sites…and major

monasteries’ (Edwards 2008: 288). It is unclear whether the soda-lime-silica glass material

was imported, or manufactured on site (Edwards 2008: 288; Henderson 2000: 151). From

an early date in the medieval period, millefiori glass rods from the eastern Mediterranean

were imported into Ireland (Edwards 2008: 287). In the 7th-8th centuries, developments in

glass working lead to the creation of an Irish form of millefiori (or mosaic) design using

chequerboard rods and blue-white millefiori insets (Edwards 2008: 287). Bead types in this

later period appear in blue, white and yellow, often decorated with trails, spirals and

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cabling (Edwards 2008: 287). String-beads with cable decoration have been found in

Scandinavian contexts, particularly in Norway and Sweden, dating to the 9th century (see

the Methodology chapter for more detail on String-beads) (Briggs 1985: 101).

Scandinavian bead types have been found in Viking period contexts, such as the male

burial at Kilmainhaim-Islandbridge cemetery in Dublin (Briggs 1985: 94, 101). Several

examples from this site have been identified as 9th century types from Callmer’s 1977

typology (Briggs 1985: 101, 102).

The production of non-glass beads: identification of raw materials

Discussions regarding non-glass beads in Viking-Age sites have focused on the

identification of the material (Hunter 2008). Jet is a type of fossilised wood which has a

black colouration with a glossy finish when polished (Resi 2011: 123). As the source for

jet in the Viking-Age is restricted to one location (Whitby in North Yorkshire), the

accurate identification of jet is significant for the understanding of the movement of

materials across Britain (Hunter 2008: 103). The term ‘jet-like’ covers other mineral

compositions (cannel coal, lignite, oil shale and bitumen) which can have the same

appearance as jet (Resi 2011: 123). Hunter highlights inaccurate labelling of jet and jet-like

materials from Viking-Age sites, stating that ‘terms such as jet, shale, lignite and cannel

coal [are] being used interchangeably or according to personal preference’ (2008: 103). In

a chemical analysis of the ‘jet’ artefacts (beads, bangles and finger rings) found in Viking-

Age sites in Scotland (with two examples from Denmark and the Faroe Islands

respectively), Hunter found that only two examples were of jet (2008: 103, 109-10). While

the identification of amber is frequently accurate, issues arise when the material is analysed

for its provenance. An analysis of amber from the 16-22 Coppergate site in York,

concluded that while most of the samples fit the chemical signature of Baltic amber, four

samples did not (Panter 2000: 2474). The samples could only be assigned as non-Baltic

amber due to scarcity of chemical information from other potential sources (Panter 2000:

2474). There is a possibility that the amber came from a local source or was imported from

another transoceanic source; there is evidence for indigenous amber in Ireland (Panter

2000: 2474, 2501; Briggs 1985: 104).

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The aim of this chapter was to provide a background for the social and economic

processes which affected the production, trade and use of beads across the Viking World.

The wider thematic issues presented are intrinsically linked. The conditions which allowed

for craft persons to move towards more serial production of beads were the rise in

urbanism and long-distant connections, which also allowed for the development of

important Viking-Age emporia sites. Trade networks connected the outer areas of

Scandinavia with these central sites, and in turn with sites from distant centres in the

Middle East and Mediterranean through a few links. This made local and imported goods

accessible throughout Scandinavia; it is not unusual then to find objects from the markets

of Ribe or Birka at the farm site of Borg in Northern Norway or the rich female burial at

Ytre Kvarøy in Nordland (Sindbæk 2011: 58-9). Viking-Age burial rituals dictated that

personal items must be buried with the deceased, which limited inheritance practices and

helped to create demand for products (Callmer 2002: 152). While these practices varied

over time and across geographic areas, the assemblages of goods from many burials offer

insights into the personal identity of the deceased. The quantity of burials has allowed

many studies to investigate the relationship between artefacts such as beads, and aspects of

personal identity (age, wealth, status, gender and societal roles), which allow for a greater

understanding of life in Scandinavia during the Viking-Age.

The current state of bead studies concerning Viking-Age Britain is focused on the

production of beads within the context of the wider early medieval glass working industry,

and the identification of non-glass materials. Developments in Anglo-Saxon glass working

are often discussed in a framework which spans the whole of the early medieval period to

connect with later developments in the Viking-Age. However, there has been more

emphasis on creating broad bead typologies, analysing change over time, and determining

the use of beads in burial customs from Anglo-Saxon studies. This research aims to further

develop discussions of the appearance of bead types and the use of beads in Viking-Age

Britain. These aspects relate to the social and economic processes which occurred in the

wider Viking World. By focusing on the ideas of production, trade, and use of beads in

burial customs, it is hoped that this study will present a different approach to the study of

beads, with comprehensive comparisons to Scandinavian material. This approach may

inspire further developments in the study of Viking-Age beads in Britain.

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Chapter 3: The Viking-Age in Britain: history and


In order to comprehensively present the context for the Scandinavian bead finds, it is

necessary to outline a broad account of the Scandinavian presence in Britain during the

early medieval period. This chapter will describe key aspects of the archaeological and

historical evidence for Scandinavian presence in the areas of Scotland (including Orkney,

Shetland and the Hebrides), the Isle of Man, Wales and England. Further discussion at a

regional level will be undertaken where appropriate. The socio-political and economic

zones of the Danelaw, the Orkney Earldom, and the Irish Sea region will be outlined and

discussed with regard to the influence of these zones on the formation of Scandinavian

settlement. Due to the sizeable number of sites in the database, a brief summary of the

general context of each will be covered in this chapter. Further site details can be seen in

Appendix A.1.

Viking-Age Scotland

Evidence for Scandinavian settlement in Scotland is based on historical references,

sagas, place names and archaeological remains (Ritchie 1993: 30). In particular, the

linguistic and material culture evidence has led to the general characterisation of the

settlers as Norse; although Danish settlers (and raiding parties) may have also been present

at this time (Fellow-Jensen 2011; 398; Ritchie 1993: 15). Scandinavian settlement in

Scotland was largely rural; family owned farms were widespread across Scandinavian

controlled territory (Ritchie 1993: 33). There appears to have been significant economic

differences in the settlement of Scotland when compared to Scandinavian settlement in

Ireland and England (Ritchie 1993: 32). Key to this difference is the lack of evidence for

any major trade and craft production centres, similar to those evidenced in Dublin and

York (Ritchie 1993: 32). Long distance trade connections do not appear to have been

concentrated at a particular site (Ritchie 1993: 33). It is likely that the majority of imported

goods in the archaeological record were personal belongings of the first Norse settlers in

the early period (Ritchie 1993: 37). Later developments focused on the importation of

specific resources such as timber (Ritchie 1993: 37). In general, the economy was a

mixture of farming activities and exploitation of local resources (Ritchie 1993: 35-7). Craft

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production was localised and small-scale with evidence for specialised craft activity (such

as metal working) at a restricted number of sites (Ritchie 1993: 37).

Interaction with (or at least recognition of) pre-existing cultural groups by the

incoming Scandinavian settlers is evident in the archaeological record. For example,

evidence from cemeteries suggests that these sites were used or reused by Norse settlers

without the destruction of the earlier Pictish graves (Ritchie 1993: 25). Early Norse graves

were constructed in a pagan tradition with the inclusion of burial goods, while the

Christian traditions of the Pictish dictated burial without goods (Ritchie 1993: 25). The

nature of this relationship between the pre-existing native population and the early Norse

settlers is a much debated issue in Viking-Age studies (Ritchie 1993: 21). The interaction

between the Pictish peoples and the Norse settlers has been the focus of this debate. The

evidence for dense Norse settlement suggests that the Pictish population was quickly

removed in some way (Ritchie 1993: 25). However, this is contradicted by phases of

shared material culture at certain sites (Ritchie 1993: 26-7). The debate centres around two

characterisations based on these lines of evidence; the total domination of Pictish peoples

by the Norse, or peaceful co-existence between these two groups (Ritchie 1993: 25-6).

Current arguments have critiqued both ideas and suggest that the interaction was more

complex than the fixed pattern of relations specified in these early theories (Barrett 2004:


Orkney and Shetland

The Northern Isles of Shetland and Orkney contain some of the most important

archaeological remains of Scandinavian settlement (Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998: 54).

The linguistic and archaeological evidence attest to the enduring impact of Scandinavian

settlement in this area (Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998: 54). The initial theory for the

early presence of Scandinavians was that the islands functioned as bases for the Vikings

who raided in Britain and Ireland in the late 8th century (Forte et al 2005: 265). However,

more recent archaeological work has challenged this view (Graham-Campbell & Batey

1998: 54). The importance of Orkney in particular lies in the establishment of the Orkney

Earldom, as recounted in saga tradition (Forte et al 2005: 266). This account states that the

foundation of this Norse power base occurred as compensation for the death of the son of

the Earl Rognvald of Møre (Forte et al 2005: 266). Other theories behind the establishment

of this dynasty suggest a more deliberate operation; either sanctioned by the ruler Harald

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Hárfa*gri, or as an ‘independent initiative organised by Rognvald and his sons’ (Forte et al

2005: 266). However, many archaeologists are sceptical of the connection to Harald

Hárfa*gri as it is likely that the literary evidence is ‘modelled on the much later activities of

Magnus Barefoot’ (Barrett 2003: 96). Over time the territory of the Orkney Earldom grew

to incorporate Caithness and Sutherland, Shetland, the Hebrides, as well as a presence in

Ireland and attempted exertion of power in the Isle of Man (Forte et al 2005: 273). The

settlement of Orkney was not solely restricted to a base for political expansion (Forte et al

2005: 268). The island served as a connecting place for the Atlantic trading route

connecting Dublin and York with Norway, Iceland and Greenland (Forte et al 2005: 268).

Archaeological evidence for Scandinavian settlement in Shetland is less dense than in

Orkney; however it contains examples of large settlement sites such as Jarlshof (Graham-

Campbell & Batey 1998: 63-5). The environment on the Shetland Islands was less

accommodating to farming activity (Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998: 63). Resources of

soapstone played an important part in the trade economy of the islands (Graham-Campbell

& Batey 1998: 63). It appears that settlement was restricted to the ‘most environmentally

favoured areas’; these areas continued to be the focus of settlement through to the modern

day (Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998: 65).

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Map 3: The distribution of database sites in Shetland and Orkney; 9. Brough of Gurness, 10. Westness,

11. Lamba Ness, 12. Braeswick, 13. Scar, 14. Pierowall, 15. Quoygrew, 16-19. Birsay (Brough of

Birsay, Buckquoy, Brough Road Area 2 & Area 3), 20. Bay of Skaill, 21. Brough of Deerness, 22.

Greenigoe, 23. Knowe of Moan, 24. Housegord, 25. Clibberswick, 26. Jarlshof, 27. Old Scatness, 28.

Hillswick. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright (Digimap 2014).

Orkney contains a wealth of archaeological sites; however, the data from many of the

settlement sites suffers from underdevelopment in studies regarding ‘basic questions of

date, place and infrastructure’ (Hunter et al 1993: 272). More recent excavations at the

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settlement sites of Quoygrew and the Bay of Skaill have sought to place evidence of

contact and economy within the broader context of the islands (Barrett 2012a; Griffiths &

Harrison 2011). The Birsay area has always been a focus for archaeological excavations,

particularly as the Brough of Birsay has been interpreted as the seat of the Orkney Earldom

(Hunter et al 1993: 272). The organisation of the structural remains suggests that this site

has a more specialised function than other settlement sites (Hunter et al 1993: 272-3). The

name Birsay is also thought to derive from the name Byrgisherað found in the Orkneyinga

saga, which is a term denoting an administrative stronghold (Morris 1993: 285). The site

also contains evidence for pre-Viking-Age occupation, a feature shared by the nearby site

of Buckquoy (Hunter et al 1993: 273). Evidence from Buckquoy in particular has been

used to demonstrate the transition from Pictish to Norse phases of occupation,

characterised by social interaction between the groups (Hunter et al 1993: 273; Graham-

Campbell & Batey 1998: 164). Further evidence of settlement activity in this area (Brough

Road) suggests a developed settlement context within the wider Birsay environment

(Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998: 164). Orkney contains the largest concentration of

recorded pagan Norse graves (Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998: 54). Burials in the

database include single burials (Greenigoe and Knowe of Moan) including the high status

boat burial at Scar, areas with clusters of single burials (Lamba Ness/Braeswick) and

cemeteries (Pierowall, Westness, and the Brough of Gurness). A further site of significance

is the Borough of Deerness. The remains of this site include a chapel dating to the 10th-

12th century and structural remains of up to 30 buildings (Gaimster et al 2010: 423). The

site’s importance relates to the religious beliefs of the later Norse inhabitants as the chapel

has been interpreted as the earliest demonstration of Scandinavian Christianity in the

Atlantic settlement area (Gaimster et al 2010: 423).

Sites from Shetland include two burials sites (a child’s grave at Housegord and a

female grave at Clibberswick) as well as a cache of beads (Hillswick) (Graham-Campbell

& Batey 1998: 64). It is suggested that this cache may be the remains of a female burial

(Wainwright 1962: 148). Further bead finds have been recovered from the sites of Old

Scatness and Jarlshof. These sites are significant multi-period settlements with structural

and artefactual evidence for distinct Norse phases of occupation (Dockrill et al 2010;

Hamilton 1956). Jarlshof is the most well-known example of Norse settlement in the

Shetlands; however the multi-period complexity and many early excavations, has meant

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that the chronology and relationship between the phases of occupation is ambiguous

(Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998: 156).

Caithness and Inverness

Map 4: The distribution of database sites in northern Scotland and the Hebrides; 1. Balnakeill, 2.

Sangobeg, 8. Croy, 36. Kildonan (Eigg) and 37. Tote (Skye). Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown

copyright (Digimap 2014).

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Despite the close proximity to prominent Norse settlement in Orkney, the

archaeological evidence is limited in these areas (Ritchie 1993: 72). It has been suggested

that the regional names of the northern areas of mainland Scotland (Caithness and

Sutherland) have linguistic roots in Norse; Katanes meaning ‘headland of the cats’ and

Suðreland or ‘Southland’ (Ritchie 1993: 72). It is likely that settlement in these areas

occurred later than in the Isles (Ritchie 1993: 72). The database sites from the Caithness

area are the burial of a young male at Balnakeill and the settlement at Sangobeg (Batey &

Paterson 2012; Brady et al 2007). The site of the Pictish hoard at Croy is located further

south in Inverness (Anderson 1876).

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The Hebrides and Argyll & Bute

Map 5: The distribution of database sites in the west of Scotland including the islands of the Hebrides;

1. Balnakeill, 2. Sangobeg, 7. Dunadd, 29. Bhaltos (Lewis), 30. Cnip (Lewis), 34. Machrins Machair

(Colonsay), 36. Kildonan (Eigg), 37. Tote (Skye), 39. North Uist, 40. Coilegan An Udal (North Uist),

41 Bornish (South Uist). Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright (Digimap 2014).

Evidence for Norse presence in the west of Scotland is dominated by grave finds

which were often discovered and excavated in the 19th century (Ritchie 1993: 77). Very

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few grave and settlement remains are visible today (Ritchie 1993: 94). The burials which

have been used in this study are located on the islands of Lewis, North and South Uist,

Skye, Eigg, Colonsay, Oronsay and Islay (see Maps 5 and 6). Some of the most important

sites in the Hebrides are the burials on Lewis. The small cemetery at Cnip (also known as

Kneep) consisted of the burials of two females, two males and three children dating from

the late 9th century (Redmond 2007: 81; Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998: 74). One of the

female graves discovered in 1979, contained a rich array of burial goods consistent with

Scandinavian dress traditions (Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998: 74). A further female

grave with recognisably Scandinavian artefacts (found in the early 20th century) attests to a

strong Scandinavian influence in this area (Redmond 2007: 81; Etheridge et al 30-31). The

settlement remains at two multi-period sites in North and South Uist (Coilegan An Udal

and Bornish) consist of structures, material culture and subsistence economy which

demonstrate recognisable Scandinavian characteristics (Webster & Cherry 1972: 203;

Sharples 1999).

Evidence for Scandinavian presence in the mainland areas of Argyll and Bute is

limited to chance finds and Norse derived place-names (Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998:

84-5). The site of Dunadd in Argyll was a Scottish stronghold attributed to the Scottish

royal dynasty, Dál Riata (Lane & Campbell 2000). The site appears to have been occupied

from at least the sixth century (Craw 1930: 111). There is no evidence for Norse settlement

in the central area of the kingdom, suggesting that the strength of the Dal Riata kingdom

and its strongholds (such as Dunadd) kept the Norse settlers out (Graham-Campbell &

Batey 1998: 84-5).

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Dumfries & Galloway

Map 6: The distribution of database sites in the south west of Scotland including the islands of the

Hebrides, and the Isle of Man; 3. St Cuthbert’s, 4. Blackerne, 5. Castle Haven, 6. Whithorn, 7. Dunadd,

31. Ballinaby (Islay), 32. Newton Distillery (Islay), 33. Cruach Mhor (Islay), 34. Machrins Machair

(Colonsay), 35. Carn Nan Bharraich (Oronsay), 38. Druim Arstail (Oronsay), 42. St John, 43. Cronk Yn

Howe, 44. Peel Castle, 45. Claghbane. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright (Digimap


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The area of Dumfries and Galloway was a part of the kingdom of Northumbria in the

early medieval period, with a mixture of Briton, Irish and Anglian settlers (Ritchie 1993:

21). The small amount of archaeological evidence for Scandinavian presence is restricted

to the county of Kirkcudbright and at Whithorn (Cowan 1991: 63). Passing references in

the Chronicle of Man, Njal’s Saga and the Orkneyinga Saga suggest King Magnus

Barelegs of Norway visited and subsequently ruled Galloway in the 11th to 12th centuries

(Cowan 1991: 65). However, this evidence is subject to tentative interpretation of names

and descriptions of the area (Cowan 1991: 65). Place-name evidence has been studied to

some extent; however many of these place-names appear to be much later than the Viking-

Age (Cowan 1991: 64). Cowan concludes that the Scandinavian presence in Galloway was

‘not significant’ and that much of the evidence has been conflated in the interpretations of

historians and archaeologists (1991: 71). It is suggested that the area was largely

overlooked by Scandinavians as it was not a direct route to any key trade destination (such

as York), and that the local population likely provided significant resistance against any

incursions (Cowan 1991: 71).

The sites in this area consist of the burial at St Cuthbert’s (in a Christian cemetery),

the possible burial or cache at Blackerne, surface finds from the Iron Age dun at Castle

Haven and the monastic site of Whithorn (Redmond 2007: 76; Grieg 1940: 109; Barbour

1907; Hill 1997). Excavations at Whithorn uncovered evidence for a suggested Hiberno-

Norse settlement on the slope of a hill close to the ruins of the medieval priory (Hill 1991:

30). This area has been intensively settled since the early eighth century (Hill 1991: 32).

However, the scarcity of finds and manufacturing evidence suggest that Scandinavian

contact rather than settlement is reflected in the early phases of this site (Hill 1991: 34).

Viking-Age Isle of Man

The Scandinavian colonisation of the Isle of Man was a significant period in the

history of the island (Wilson 2008: 11). The significance of this colony to early medieval

and Viking-Age studies lies in the rich archaeological heritage and the establishment of the

island as a polity (Wilson 2008: 11). Evidence for Scandinavian settlement from the ninth

to the mid-eleventh century is found in studies of ‘archaeology, numismatics, place-names

and epigraphy’ (Wilson 2008: 22). Burials form a large part of the archaeological evidence

for early Scandinavian settlement (Wilson 2008: 25). There are 24 early Norse

inhumations, in the form of single burial mounds or flat burials, which are described as

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‘pagan, or semi-pagan’ (Wilson 2008: 27). Continued or residual pagan beliefs regarding

the interment of grave goods has created a rich material culture record (Wilson 2008: 26).

Despite the relationship between this practice and Scandinavian paganism, the material

culture is not strongly connected to Scandinavian origins; instead many artefacts

demonstrate insular origins (Wilson 2008: 55). As with many other areas of Scandinavian

settlement, it is difficult to characterise the relationship between the native population and

the incoming Scandinavians (Wilson 2008: 13). The seizure of land on the island has been

described by Wilson as ‘almost certainly brutal and probably bloody’, with the native

Manx population reduced from land owners to labourers or slaves (2008: 87, 89).

However, it appears that the interaction between these two cultural groups was complex;

social mobility on the island is suggested to have been driven by intermarriages (Wilson

2008: 13). Runic inscriptions, which feature Gaelic and Norse names arranged to suggest

intermarriage (or parent/child relationships), have been used to support this argument

(Wilson 2008: 77). Linguistic evidence suggests that this relationship was not ultimately

fatal for the Manx population (Wilson 2008: 13). Rather, a proportion of the population

must have continued to speak the original Celtic based language, as a version of this arose

again in the 13th century (Wilson 2008: 13).

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Map 7: The distribution of sites in the south west of Scotland, the Isle of Man, Wales, and North West

England. This area has been termed the Irish Sea system due to the trade links within this area,

including Ireland. The sites shown are: 3. St Cuthbert’s, 4. Blackerne, 5. Castle Haven, 6. Whithorn,

42. St John, 43. Cronk Yn Howe, 44. Peel Castle, 45. Claghbane, 46. Glyn, 47. Hen Gastell, 48. Meols,

49. Irby, 50. Claughton Hall, 51. Townfoot Farm, 67. Carlisle Cathedral. Contains Ordnance Survey

data © Crown copyright (Digimap 2014).

The database sites located on the Isle of Man are all burial contexts. Claghbane is an

exceptional example; it has been interpreted as a ‘cenotaph burial of weapons’ (Cubbon

1983: 18). Reasons for this unique burial are thought to relate either to the practice of

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burying grave goods despite the lack of a body (possibly lost at sea), or to new Christian

burial rites (with the separate burial of the body in a Christian cemetery) (Cubbon 1982:

450-1). However, it is also argued that the site may be the result of the removal of objects

during the reuse of burial sites for later inhumations (Wilson 2008: 51). The sites of St

John and Cronk Yn Howe appear to be associated with unsecure mound burials (Wilson

2008: 38, 50). One of the most significant burials is that of the so-called ‘Pagan Lady’

excavated from Peel Castle (Freke 2002). The deceased middle-aged female was interred

with a range of grave goods which appear to support interpretations of wide ranging

cultural links (Freke 2002: 97). This burial contains the largest assemblage of deliberately

deposited beads (71 total). Alongside the other 10th century burials, the ‘Pagan Lady’ is

thought to be a part of a group of ‘Scandinavian settlers who had been brought up in a non-

Christian Scandinavian tradition’ due to the inclusion of grave goods (Wilson 2008: 47;

Freke 2002: 96-7).

The Irish Sea system

The Irish Sea primarily incorporates the Isle of Man, the surrounding body of water

and the connected coastal areas of Ireland, south west Scotland, north west England and

north Wales (Griffiths 2010: 16). The movement of Hiberno-Norse from Dublin in the

early 10th century established the basis for Scandinavian presence in the Isle of Man, and

the coastal areas of Britain (Griffiths 2010: 21). This created shared cultural influences

(particularly Irish and Scottish) in Scandinavian settlement within this area, as evident in

expressions of imagery and material culture (Griffiths 2004: 133, 135). It has been argued

that stylistic developments in metal work from this area gave rise to distinctive ‘Irish Sea’

types in the 10th century (Griffiths 2004: 135). The trade network consists of connections

between harbours which are in turn connected to other centres through overland routes

(Griffiths 2010: 18). The contemporary rise of Dublin as a trading town, the regeneration

of the trading site at Meols, and the significance of York as a manufacture and settlement

site, meant that these sites formed important points in this trade network (Griffiths 2010:

21; Griffiths 2004: 135; Hall 2012: 379). By the eleventh century, the Isle of Man became

key to controlling the Atlantic trade route to Dublin, leading to invasions of the island for

political and economic reasons by Norse and Irish rulers (Wilson 2008: 24, 120-1).

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Map 8: Map of the Irish Sea area (including Ireland) with notable sites and areas (Griffiths 2010: 17).

Viking-Age Wales

Evidence for Scandinavian presence in Wales is best understood within the context

of the connections between this area and the other locations (particularly the Isle of Man

and Ireland) in the Irish Sea system, and northern England (Redknap 2012: 401). The area

was subject to Viking raids (and therefore, contact with Scandinavians) from AD 852

(Redknap 2012: 401-3). Evidence for Scandinavian settlement in Wales depended greatly

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on place-name data in early studies (Redknap 2012: 403). Subsequent revisions of this data

have discounted many of these examples; the remaining names are derived from

navigational points and personal names (Redknap 2012: 403; Redknap 2004: 143). The

lack of any linguistic relationship between Welsh place names and the Scandinavian place-

names suggests that Scandinavian influence was minimal (Redknap 2004: 143). Based on

documentary, place-name and archaeological evidence (particularly of hoards) it has been

suggested that Scandinavian settlement was focused in the north-west at Anglesey and

Arfon, and the north-east at Tegeingl (Davies 1990: 52). Anglesey in particular was the

focus for an attempt to establish a Scandinavian settlement by the Viking leader, Ingimund,

who was expelled from Dublin c. AD 902-3 (Redknap 2012: 402). In the later period it is

likely that this initially minimal presence in northern Wales was extended to some form of

Scandinavian rule (Redknap 2012: 407).

Archaeological evidence for the presence of Scandinavians in Wales is largely

limited to a handful of possible burials, hoards, and isolated material finds (Redknap 2012:

406). Only two sites from Wales have been included in the database. Excavations at Glyn,

Llanbedrgoch in Anglesey have uncovered the best evidence for Scandinavian settlement

in Wales (Redknap 2012: 406). This site contains an early farming settlement dating to AD

600 at the earliest, with activity in the 9th century which suggests Scandinavian influence

(Redknap 2004: 147, 150). In particular the evidence demonstrates several patterns of trade

networks: artefacts of Scandinavian, Irish Sea and Irish character; hack silver economy;

weights with parallels to sites in the Isle of Man and Ireland; ceramics from Chester; and

items of personal adornment similar to those found at Whithorn, Dublin, Meols and York

(Redknap 2004: 168). The site of Hen Gastell is located on a hill near Briton Ferry in West

Glamorgan (Wilkinson 1996: 1). The site contains evidence for activity from the 6th

century but has been identified as a possible location of the 12th century castle of a Welsh

lord (Wilkinson 1996: 1).

Viking-Age England

Based on linguistic and literary evidence, the Scandinavian presence in England has

been characterised as Danish, often with a strong military emphasis (Richards 2007: 9).

However, focus on one ethnic group ignores the complexity of the identities and

associations between areas of Scandinavia at this time (Richards 2007: 15). The early raids

(beginning in AD 840) into Anglo-Saxon controlled areas became more purposeful over

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time; over-wintering by raiding parties occurring in AD 850 (Forte et al 2005: 66-7). The

nature of this presence changed in the AD 860s as the Anglo-Saxon chronicles recorded

battles between Anglo-Saxon and Viking (Great) armies (Richards 2007: 32). This activity

demonstrates a clear military strategy with the aim of settling England by force (Richards

2007: 34). The success of these mobile campaigns is evident in records of land partitions in

Yorkshire, East Mercia and East Anglia (Richards 2007: 35). However, recognisably

Scandinavian burials in England are few, and Scandinavian settlement (particularly rural

settlement) appears to be ‘invisible’ to archaeologists (Richards 2007: 9, 189). One of the

explanations for this minimal evidence is that the interaction between Scandinavian

migrants and Anglo-Saxons created groups with a hybrid, assimilated or entirely new

culture (Richards 2007: 9). Major excavations of town sites such as York and Lincoln have

demonstrated definable populations of Scandinavian migrants; yet the character of these

sites can be better described as Anglo-Scandinavian (Richards 2007: 9).

The Danelaw

This socio-political area in the north and east of England was controlled by

Scandinavians throughout the Viking-Age. It has been long stated that Danish laws and

customs enforced this control and shaped the society in this area; however, the extent of

this influence is a much debated topic (Richards 2007: 35; Holman 2001: 3-4). This area

incorporated much of the north and east of England including Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire,

Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Huntingdonshire,

Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire, and Middlesex

(Holman 2001: 5).

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Map 9: Map with the approximate boundary line of the Danelaw. This line is based on common

depictions of the Danelaw boundary. However, the actual location of this boundary is unclear. Contains

Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright (Digimap 2014).

A key issue with the delineation of this area is that the term has been variously

applied in the historical record, usually to places where people of Scandinavian origin had

settled (Holman 2001: 5). The influence of these settlers also varies significantly; while

major settlements such as York suggest a clear Scandinavian influence in Yorkshire, other

areas appear to have little to no evidence for such influence (Holman 2001: 5). This

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cultural area was subject to fluctuations under Scandinavian political control over time due

to different socio-political events (Holman 2001: 6). One source of evidence for significant

Scandinavian influence in this area is the density of place-names of Scandinavian origin

(Richards 2007: 55).

Map 10: The distribution of database sites in England; 50. Claughton Hall, 52. Repton, 53. Flaxengate,

54. Harrold, 55. Saffron Walden, 56. Near Malton, 57. North Lincolnshire, 58-66. York (Bishophill,

Clifford Street, Walmgate, 16-22, Coppergate, 22 Piccadilly, All Saints Pavement, 6-8 Pavement,

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Parliament Street sewer trench, 34 Shambles). Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright

(Digimap 2014).

As demonstrated in Map 10, most of the database sites located in England are within

the Danelaw area. Sites to the North-West (Meols, Irby, Claughton Hall, Townfoot Farm,

and Carlisle Cathedral) are in a more ambiguous position in relation to this socio-political

sphere (Holman 2001: 6). However, their location means that they are within the Irish Sea

system. The site contexts for the bead finds in England vary considerably. Some sites are

find spots (Near Malton, North Lincolnshire, and Bishophill). A small number are burials

which vary in context. Two appear to represent clear links with Scandinavia (Repton and

Townfoot Farm), two sites are too poorly recorded to make any secure connections

(Claughton Hall and Carlisle Cathedral), and two sites interpreted as demonstrating clear

links with Anglo-Saxon culture, or as Anglo-Saxon burials (Harrold and Saffron Walden).

There are also sites with clear connections to economic activity (Meols, Lincoln and York)

which are also settlement sites (Irby is another settlement site). York is one of the most

frequently discussed area of Scandinavian occupation in England (Mainman & Rogers

2000: 2451). The sites within York which appear in this database, range from find spots

(Bishophill), settlement and/or commercial areas (Parliament Street Sewer Trench, All

Saints Pavement, and Walmgate), and areas of or nearby craft production activity (Clifford

Street, 16-22 Coppergate, 22 Piccadilly, 6-8 Pavement, and the later site at 34 Shambles).

One of the key features of the archaeological evidence from York is the wealth of material

relating to daily life and craft activities focused around the areas of Coppergate, Piccadilly

and High Ouse gate (Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2451). A wide range of craft industries are

represented, including non-ferrous metal working, amber working, bone/ivory/horn

working, antler working, stone working, glass working, and jet working (Mainman &

Rogers 2000: 2451).


It is clear from the summaries in this chapter that archaeological, documentary and

linguistic evidence has contributed to the overall understanding of the establishment of

Scandinavian settlement in Britain. Much of this settlement was shaped by significant

events. Certain sites formed bases for Scandinavian political and economic power over

vast areas of Britain. While there were distinct conditions which affected the development

of Scandinavian settlement in each area, there are obvious social, political and economic

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connections between many of the focal points of Scandinavian settlement. These

connections are important for the understanding of the social and economic development

of the (often hybrid) communities which arose in these areas.

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Chapter 4: Methodology

In this chapter, the methods used to organise and analyse the data will be discussed.

The information regarding Viking-Age beads from published sources was compiled into

excel spreadsheets. Each record of a bead or group of beads contains every available detail

regarding the morphology, with notes on the manufacture and context information. This

information was used to create useful categories of bead types in an organised system for

comparisons with classifications from other bead studies. The organisation of the bead

types into a system based on characterisation will be detailed further below. Callmer’s

(1977) study of beads appearing in Viking-Age Scandinavia is the seminal research on the

bead types in circulation at this time period. While this research provides useful

comparative material, a critique of his classification will also be presented below. The

main analysis of this study is the appearance of beads in patterns which infer processes of

production, trade, and use in burial contexts. This analysis used data regarding the

morphology of the beads in combination with information from literature on the location

and context in which the beads were found, in order to detail and outline the relevant

patterns. Further detail on the specific methods used in the analysis of these patterns

(including a discussion of relevant themes and ideas), will be presented below.

Bead classifications

The classification of artefacts has a pragmatic purpose in the organisation of large

numbers of artefacts (Read 2009: 19). The defining features on which typologies are based

(material type, function, style, shape, technology, time period or region), generally align

with the questions proposed in the research (Read 2009: 20; Rouse 1960: 314). Some

studies seek to create a definitive typology for an artefact which can be applied across

sites; one of the first attempts to create a universal frame work for the study of beads was

Beck in 1928. Beck recognised the need for a universal guideline for the description of

beads in research to mitigate situations where one type of bead is labelled differently

across publications (1928: 1). This study provided researchers with a standard terminology

and measurements to apply to studies of beads from different geographic areas and time

periods. While some of these methods have been adopted, studies of beads generally

continue to be framed within the conditions of a specific site assemblage. The following

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section will critically discuss the typology of one such study: Callmer’s research on

Viking-Age beads from Scandinavia (1977).

Callmer’s study attempts to classify beads on a wide geographic and chronological

scale (7). The aim of the work was to create a typology for Viking-Age beads which could

then be used to create an accurate ‘typochronology’ (Näsman 2003: 231). The systematic

typology and chronological framework in this study has been used as a reference guide for

comparable types appearing in other Viking-Age sites. The typology was based on

extensive first-hand study of the bead assemblage. To recognise the wide variety of bead

forms, Callmer’s typology uses multiple attributes with highly specific criteria to define a

type. The delineation of these attributes often incorporates a mathematical element in both

the terminology and the measurements (33-35). For example, the listed shapes are labelled

using terminology borrowed from geometry (33-35). The resulting terminology is

cumbersome; shape 145 is ‘planum parallel rhomboid discoid with facetted edges’ (35).

There are few site typologies which apply this level of detail; most literature sources, such

as of Meols or York, use more standardised terms such as annular, globular and cylindrical

(Tyson 2007 247-8; Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2592).

One of the most useful aspects of Callmer’s typology is the descriptions and

diagrams of glass bead decoration (36-42). While these descriptions also contain a high

level of (and arguably overemphasis on) detail, this decorative framework provides an

excellent guide for comparisons with studies of beads from other Viking-Age sites. For

example, motif ‘351 nonframed circular eye with rectilinear rays’ (37) has been directly

identified on at least one example from Peel Castle (Freke 2002: 342). Another useful

aspect of Callmer’s study are the groups created based on shared attributes from these

types (78-91). These groups are discussed with regards to their chronological appearance

in Scandinavia, and their manufacturing provenance (78-99). By creating these groups,

Callmer demonstrates changes in the character of beads in Scandinavia over time (9). This

data can be used to understand the origins of particular bead types, and compare their

chronological history in Scandinavia with their chronological history elsewhere (for

example in Britain). However, it must be noted that more recent publications on urban sites

within Scandinavia have shed more light on the appearance and manufacture of bead types

(Sode 2004). In light of the critique regarding the unsecure foundations behind Callmer’s

chronology (Näsman 2003: 231), this work is most valuable as a broad framework for

typological comparisons.

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Bead characterisation

As discussed in the previous section, a key part of the study of beads is the creation

of a system of typology. However, it was determined that the creation of the new typology

based on the beads in the database would not contribute any new insights into the

understanding of Viking-Age beads in Britain, particularly as the data was obtained from

secondary sources. The application of Callmer’s (1977) well-developed bead typology was

deemed too unmanageable for this study. Therefore, it was decided that to effectively

organise and represent the data, the beads would be characterised based on discrete traits.

A simple and broad characterisation with minimal divisions within categories was applied

to the beads in the database. The breadth allows for comparative analysis with existing

typologies based on shared attributes. By characterising the beads in this manner, this

study is able to present the forms in a flexible manner to accommodate the varied nature of

the assemblage and the information available on each example. Further detail on the

recorded information can be seen in the original records for each bead (Appendix A.2 &

A.3). This characterisation was also designed to be applicable across all raw material types.

As the physical appearance of bead types is the key basis for many organisational

systems (and as the majority of the sources focus on the form of the bead), it was decided

that the characterisation would be based on discrete traits relating to form. The traits

chosen for this research are raw material, shape, colour (including transparency/opacity)

and decoration. The terminology used for these traits draws on general literature regarding

bead classification (Beck 1928), literature on the classifications of beads from Viking-Age

Scandinavia (Callmer 1977), and literature on the classification of beads from various sites

in Britain (Guido 1999; Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2592). As stated above, the data was

derived from accessible literature, with some determinations made based on the appearance

of bead in images (both drawn and photographic), and first-hand observations where

possible. The coding system uses an arbitrary alphabetical, numerical and word based

method similar to classifications in the consulted literature (Callmer 1977: 33-7; Hirst

2000: 126). The coded divisions may incorporate several bead examples, or divide the

beads into individual categories based on the appearance of one example. The following

sections detail the terminology and appearance of the traits in the database assemblage.

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Raw Material

As discussed previously, most of the raw material types have distinctive attributes

relating to the natural appearance or manufacture of the material. These attributes allow for

identification of type by observation. However, there are examples in the database where

attributes of one material type are indistinct from another type. Scientific testing to reveal

such details as the chemicals involved in glass production or the raw material origin for

amber, have been applied to a small number of examples (see Mainman & Rogers 2000;

Bayley 2008). These details are only available in a small number of sources; therefore this

aspect has not been included as a method of characterising the bead assemblage.

Table 6: The raw material categories and coding used in the characterisation of the bead assemblage.

Raw Material


A. Glass

B. Amber

C. Jet/jet-like

D. Metal

E. Cornelian

F. Crystal

G. Bone/animal


H. Shell

I. Stone/Clay

J. Faience

K. Unknown

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Figure 12: Examples of beads of different raw material types. Left to right: cornelian bead from the

Brough of Birsay; amber bead from 16-22 Coppergate; jet bead from Kildonan; marble bead from 16-22

Coppergate. All photographs by author, courtesy of YAT and the National Museum of Scotland)



The shape of the bead is usually based on a visual assessment, which occasionally

employs a system of measurement to identify certain shapes (Mainman & Rogers 2000:

2592). For the purposes of this characterisation, the shape categories have been kept

intentionally broad. Additional divisions within a shape type which appear in other studies

(for example small, large, and long biconical in Guido 1999: 13) were not applicable due

to the limits of the source material.

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Table 7: The shape categories and coding used in the characterisation of the bead assemblage.

Figure 13: Selected examples of bead shapes with appropriate coding. All photographs by author; bead

replicas were used, except for discoid (g) and spherical (h) examples (courtesy of YAT and Saffron

Walden Museum) (2014).

Shape types

a. Annular

b. Globular

c. Cylindrical

d. Melon

e. Segmented

f. Biconical

g. Discoid

h. Spherical

i. Other

j. Unknown

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The majority of the shape labels are standard types found in most bead studies.

Decisions regarding the definition of certain labels are as follows:

The term Melon has been chosen to describe beads with an exterior surface

which is curved into segments (see example above). In the literature, these beads

have been labelled as fluted, melon, gadrooned and dimpled (Tweddle 1986: 221,

Paterson et al 2014: 47, 82, Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2592).

Annular and Globular beads have definitions based on dimensional

requirements (Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2592). For annular beads, the ratio for the

height to diameter is less than 1:2 (Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2592). For globular

beads the ratio for the height to diameter is greater than 1:2 (Mainman & Rogers

2000: 2592). However, the application of this dimensional principle varies across

the literature. In most cases, the original determination of the shape type from the

literature has been kept as further examination of the bead was not possible.

The category of Other has been included to incorporate shapes which do not

fall within the definition of the most common shape categories listed above.

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Table 8: The colour and opacity categories, and coding for the characterisation of the bead assemblage.

Colour types:



1. Translucent .1 Blue

2. Semi-


.2 Red

3. Opaque .3 Green

4. Unknown .4 Brown

.5 Black

.6 Yellow

.7 Orange

.8 White

.9 Grey/Silver

.10 Colourless

.11 Foil


.12 Polychrome

.13 Unknown

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Figure 14: Necklace of segmented beads from Burial A at Cnip, including examples of silver and gold

foil coloured beads. Photograph by author, courtesy of National Museum of Scotland (2014).

Figure 15: Examples of polychrome beads. Photograph of bead replicas by author (2014).

The colour of naturally occurring materials (amber, jet, bone, stone, cornelian, and

rock crystal) and some manufactured materials (metal) are generally restricted in range.

Glass and faience beads demonstrate visible choices in style as the colour of the raw glass

is manufactured through the addition of chemicals (Bayley 1999: 89-92). The

determination of the colour of a bead is a subjective process based on observation. This

process can be complicated if the material (for instance glass) varies in colour across the

body of the bead or if the material has decayed (Beck 1928: 52). There is no standard

analytical method for the scientific assessment of the colour of beads (Brugmann 2004:

24). The Munsell chart could be used with correct light conditions in a first-hand

examination (Brugmann 2004: 24). The labels used for the colour of beads in the database

are as follows:

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The labels for single colour (monochrome) beads have been reduced to one

basic colour label. For example, shades of turquoise and aquamarine are counted as

Blue beads. The reason for this simplification is to facilitate discussions regarding

the appearance of broad patterns in colour types.

Examples of beads with colours which blur the line between two labels (for

example Blue-Green) have been distinguished in line with standard assessments in

the literature.

The label Foil relates to a specific manufacture technique in which

colourless beads are produced with a metal insert or coating which creates a gold or

silver effect (Guido 1999: 78).

Beads which have more than one colour due to the appearance of decoration

have been labelled Polychrome beads in order to avoid confusion with beads of

mixed colours.


The majority of decorated beads in the assemblage are glass beads. There are two

metal beads and a stone bead which are also decorated. The main patterns of decorative

styles are simplified into key descriptive terms.

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Table 9: The terms used to characterise the decorated beads in the assemblage.










Framed Eye

Raised Eye











ND (no



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Figure 16: Examples of decorated beads in a necklace from Grave 1 at Westness, Orkney. Decorative

styles include: 1. Mosaic, 2. Millefiori, 3. Eye, 4. Herringbone, 5. (Combed) Zigzag, 6. (Crossed)

Waved. Photograph by the author courtesy of National Museum of Scotland (2014).

Figure 17: String and Twist decorated beads. Right: String decorated bead from Hen Gastell (Gathering

the Jewels. Copyright Neath Museum). Left: Bead fragment with Twist decoration. Photograph by

author, courtesy of YAT (2014).

Decorated beads have a wide range of different motifs and styles which appear under

various labels in the literature. The following labels were chosen for the bead decoration:

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Mosaic beads are manufactured with ‘elaborate combinations of different

kinds of coloured glass’ to create a composite decoration (Beck 1928: 68). In this

study, the term has been used as the main category for composite decorated beads,

and is applied to examples which do not clearly exhibit a style with another specific


o Millefiori decoration has been included as a sub-category of Mosaic

as it has the distinction of containing floral motifs within the design (Beck

1928: 68).

o Millefiori motif has been adopted in order to distinguish the

appearance of a singular floral pattern from a cut millefiori rod and applied

to a bead, from the manufacture of composite patterning.

Eye decoration is the application of a distinct spot or dot (Beck 1928: 63).

o Framed Eye is used to describe examples where a small dot is

applied over a larger dot.

o Raised Eye is used to describe a round protuberance of applied glass,

occasionally with another dot applied in the centre.

Herringbone is a term used to describe the appearance of beads decorated

with a linear pattern in alternating directions from the site of Dunadd (Guido 2000:

175). This form is also known by a variety of other names, most notably as reticella

(Guido 2000: 175). However, the use of the term reticella is problematic as it is

derived from a much later development in glass working (c. 16th century) (Sode

2004: 91).

String has been used to describe the raised bichrome linear pattern applied

to beads (commonly known as ‘String-beads’) (Campbell 1996: 22; Guido 2000:

176). In some literature, the Herringbone and String designs have been linked

together under the broad heading of ‘Cable’, also known as ‘Reticella’ on the

continent (Laing 2006: 149). Laing distinguishes three types of cable bead; 1)

annular beads with one bichrome cable, 2) the herringbone pattern created when

more than one bichrome rod is fused together in alternating directions

(Herringbone), and 3) beads with bichrome twists applied to either end (String)

(2006: 149).

Twist has been used to describe bichrome twisted cable which appears

within the body of the bead (Guido 1999: 76-7).

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Linear has been used to incorporate all decorative styles consisting of lines

(applied or incised), excluding the subcategories outlined below.

o Waved, Zigzag, and Trail are sub-categories of Linear. Trail is used

to label the straight line appearing around the circumference of a bead. The

motifs Waved and Zigzag are closely related. In this study, the label Waved

is applied to the appearance of lines with rounded arches and a wide

interspace between each curve. The label Zigzag is applied to the

appearance of lines with sharper arches and narrow interspaces.

Spiral has been used to label applied decoration in the shape of a spiral.

Moulding and Filigree have been included to describe the cast decoration of

two decorated metal beads.

One attribute which is commonly used in the classification of beads is size. This

attribute has been excluded from the characterisation as the recording of this feature is too

infrequent in the literature. For this attribute to add meaningful data to the existing

categories, an even application is necessary.

The production and trade of beads

The methods for the analysis of the patterns of production, trade, and distribution of

Viking-Age beads used in this study have largely focused on the bead types and

provenance information. These patterns can be better understood when the bead types are

analysed in relation to their raw material origin, manufacturing origin and the place of

deposition. The analysis of this relationship can be framed in a series of questions:

Was the raw material sourced locally (either within the site or the regional

area), or imported into Britain?

Based on the bead types and the manufacturing evidence found, what bead

types were produced in the production sites within Britain?

What bead types are considered to be imports into, or products of

Scandinavia during the Viking-Age?

In light of the manufacturing origins for different bead types, how were the

beads circulated around Britain? What connections and relationships can be

inferred through the movement and deposition of these bead types?

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It is clear from these questions that patterns in the appearance of Viking-Age beads

operate at different geographic scales. Therefore, the analysis of these processes moves

between scales at site level, region level, and across the wider Viking world. The methods

involved the quantitative analysis of selected bead types. These types represent the clearest

evidence for patterns of production and trade. One bead type (decorated glass beads)

required a more specific method of analysis. For this analysis, a grid table (Table 23,

Appendix E) of the primary/body colours, the secondary/decoration colours, and the key

decorative motifs was created. The data from Table 23 was used to create groups which

share colour and/or decorative features. These groups may be more easily analysed for

their provenance and distribution data. Maps were created for the visual analysis of the

distribution of certain materials. Two key material sources (jet/jet-like material, and

amber) were chosen to illustrate the distribution of sites, raw material sources (where

applicable) and/or manufacturing sources. These maps were created using a GIS

programme with the coordinate data for the relevant sites.

Beads in burial contexts

This section will focus on the most archaeologically visible use of beads; in the

material culture of burial sites. The aim of this section is to present the ways in which

Viking-Age beads were analysed for their involvement in the construction of personal

identity. The analysis of this relationship was focused on three key areas:

1) Analysis of the arrangement of beads in burial sites as display items, using

data regarding where the beads were located within the graves in relation to skeletal

and/or artefactual material. This information has been quantified and presented to show

the most common ways in which beads were arranged as personal adornment.

2) A quantitative analysis of the archaeological determinations of sex and age

was undertaken for the burial sites. The relationship between the terms sex and gender

is important in this analysis. The term sex relates to the biological characteristics which

can be observed in skeletal materials (Hays-Gilpin & Whitley 1998: 3). While

definitions of gender vary, it is usually associated with the idea that ‘cultural values

[are] inscribed on sex categories’ (Hays-Gilpin & Whitley 1998: 3). Artefacts fall

within this latter definition as items associated with (projected) ideas of gender in the

past. The purpose of this analysis was to create a backdrop for further quantitative

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analysis of the bead finds found with different sexes and ages. The analysis of the

association of beads with gender in Britain can then be compared to studies in a

Scandinavian context. It is hoped that this comparison will contribute to the critique of

gender determination through artefacts.

3) An analysis of the appearance of single finds was motivated by

interpretations in the literature which suggest that these finds represent a specialised

role for beads beyond personal adornment. Based on these interpretations, beads appear

to have been used as amulets or talismans. It is thought that large examples of single

find amber beads in male and female burial contexts are representative of the use of

amber in a protective role (Magnus 2003: 135). Another example are talismans known

as ‘sword beads’ were attached to the scabbard of a sword (Magnus 2003: 133). By

studying these single finds, the relationship between these uses of beads and Viking-

Age belief systems can be discussed.


To conclude this chapter, the methods used to characterise the assemblage and

analyse the selected patterns reflect the conditions of this broad scale study. This study has

used a system of organisation with broad categories based on the discrete traits of raw

material, shape, colour and decoration. This characterisation of the beads allows for the

inclusion of multiple assemblages from different sites. By organising the beads in this

manner it is still possible to make meaningful comparisons with other broad studies from

Scandinavia (Callmer 1977). The analysis of the patterns of production, trade and use in

burial contexts used the most relevant evidence from the bead types and site contexts to

contribute to the understanding of social and economic interactions in Viking-Age Britain.

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Chapter 5: Results

The preceding chapter outlined the methods used to characterise the bead

assemblage, and analyse the data for patterns of production, trade, and the use of the beads

within burials. This chapter will present the main trends in bead types appearing in Viking-

Age Britain and the analysis of these types for evidence which contributed to the

appearance of the patterns listed above. In order to understand the presentation of the

results, the organisation of the data is as follows. As indicated above, the presentation of

the analysis results will move between scales of site, region/area, and beyond as

appropriate. The initial two sections (the key trends of the assemblage and the analysis of

trade and production) were analysed by dividing the total assemblage into two broad

categories. These categories are: 1) sites at which bead assemblages are found with or near

evidence of commercial production (termed production sites), and 2) sites at which the

beads have appeared as a result of deliberate or accidental deposition (termed non-

production sites). This division allows for an examination of the data in recognition of the

higher volume of finds within assemblages from production sites with considerable craft

working activity. The patterns in each of the life cycle stages connect and overlap.

However, only the stages of trade and production have been presented in a combined

section as the results of the analysis for these processes are better understood together. The

division between the remaining sections (distribution and bead use in burials) has been

made in order to organise the data more efficiently and focus on the most relevant patterns.

The percentage figures in the following sections are rounded to one decimal point. In order

to include the material from each site, the analysis of the bead types in the assemblage was

based on the records of a bead type rather than the count of each individual example of a

bead type (unless otherwise stated). While in most cases the count of each individual

example of a bead type is the same as each record for the bead, there are records where the

individual count of a group of beads is unknown (see Appendix A.2 for details).

The character of the assemblage

The database of Viking-Age beads used in this study has a total 499 recordings from

61 non-production sites (including seven records where the beads are grouped and/or the

number is unknown) and 371 recordings from six production sites (with 18 examples from

6-8 pavement and 34 Shambles where multiple beads have been recorded in groups – see

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (97)


Appendix A.2 & A.3 for details). The full characterisation of each bead type in the

assemblage (as described in the previous chapter) can be seen in Appendix A.2 & A.3, and

has been used to produce concordance tables (Tables 18-20 and Table 22 in appendices B

and D) comparing these forms with Anglo-Saxon and Viking-Age Scandinavian types

(Guido 1999; Callmer 1977). Selected key characteristics of bead types are presented in

this section to further analyse the appearance of these Viking-Age types in Britain.

The raw material

The number and percentage of each type of raw material present at the non-

production sites are displayed below (Table 10).

Table 10: Number and percentage of raw material types at non-production sites. The category of

unknown material includes examples which cannot be identified to one category.

The proportions of raw material types present from the non-production sites

demonstrate the clear predominance of glass beads (76.1 %). In comparison, the next most

frequently occurring material type (amber beads at 10.4%) forms a much smaller

proportion of the total. The remaining raw material types (and beads of unknown material)

each form less than 5% of the total number. Despite the low numbers of these materials,

the presence of a variety of material forms demonstrates a wide range of bead types in

these sites. A more comprehensive understanding of this range of types requires closer

examination at a site level. With reference to the non-production sites (Appendix A.2), it

becomes apparent that certain raw material types are restricted in location. The metal, rock



































Count 380 52 19 14 15 9 3 2 2 2 1 499

Percentage 76.1
























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crystal and two of the cornelian beads derive from the same site (Saffron Walden). The

faience examples derive from two sites on the Isle of Man (Peel Castle and St John).

As a point of comparison with Table 10, the raw material types present in the 16-22

Coppergate (hereafter referred to as Coppergate) assemblage are presented in the table

below (Table 11). The assemblages from the other production sites (22 Piccadilly and 34

Shambles (hereafter referred to as Piccadilly and Shambles), Flaxengate, Clifford Street)

contain material forms restricted to either glass or amber. The site of 6-8 Pavement

(hereafter referred to as Pavement) contains four amber beads (with evidence for amber

working) as well as the glass beads (MacGregor 1982: 152).

Table 11: Number and percentage of raw material types present in Anglo-Scandinavian contexts at


Table 11 demonstrates a clear predominance of glass beads (79.7%), followed by

stone beads (7.3%) and amber beads (5.5%). The presence of six distinct raw material

types shows a wide range of materials present for one site. This is a reflection of the high

number of different craft working activities. There is clear evidence for working of other

artefacts of amber, bone/antler, metal and stone at Coppergate (Mainman & Rogers 1999:

1903). While there is evidence for jet-working at the site, the only possible bead find from

the later 11th and 12th century contexts is more likely to be a pendant due to the size and

decoration (MacGregor 1978: 41).

Tables 10 and 11 establish the predominance of glass beads at this time. It is

important to note the differences in the scale implied by each table. The higher percentage

of amber in Table 11 correlates to the fact that there are more sites included which contain




















Count 228 21 16 14 6 1 286

Percentage 79.7% 7.3% 5.5% 4.8% 2.0% 0.3% 99.6%


Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (99)


amber. To compare the data from Table 10 with these (non-production) sites at a site level,

it is clear that there is a higher number of amber beads found at Coppergate (14 complete

beads). The largest assemblage of amber beads from a non-production site comes from

Peel Castle (10 beads total). Two interesting trends are the lack of jet/jet-like manufactured

beads and imported beads of cornelian and rock crystal at Coppergate. The working of jet

and jet-like material at York appears focussed on the production of other artefacts types.

The lack of cornelian and rock crystal beads suggests that these beads were not imported

for sale in the urban market at York.

The glass types

As the glass beads in the database form the greatest proportion of types, a closer

examination of the appearance of this material type will reveal important information

regarding the key patterns in the variation of types. One commonly analysed variation in

glass bead assemblages is to establish the proportion of undecorated (often monochrome)

and decorated beads. The recorded percentages of undecorated, decorated and unknown

glass types from the non-production sites is presented in Figure 18.

Figure 18: Percentages of undecorated and decorated glass beads on the non-production sites. Beads

identified as glass and those identified as possibly glass have been included. The unknown category

incorporates beads where there is insufficient information to determine if the bead was undecorated or


Percentage of decorated, unknown and undecorated forms at

non-production sites

Non-decorated Unknown Decorated

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (100)


Figure 18 shows that more than half of the glass beads (59%) from these sites are

undecorated. The recorded number of decorated beads (22%) slightly outnumbers the

records where this information is unknown (19%).

Figure 19 presents the percentages of decorated and undecorated glass beads from

the production sites.

Figure 19: Recorded decorated and undecorated glass beads types at production sites. Due to the well-

written records from each of these sites, an unknown category is unnecessary.

It is clear from Figure 19 that undecorated forms also predominate at the production

sites. It is important to note that decorated bead forms are not restricted to glass types. Two

metal beads from the grave at Saffron Walden (427, 428) contain moulded patterning. A

bead of black stone from Old Scatness (187) appears to have an incised linear pattern

(Dockrill et al 2010: 256).

The attributes of colour and decoration style in decorated glass bead types are too

complex to be analysed in a simple, quantitative manner. Further information on the

variations in colour and decoration can be seen in Appendix A.2 & A.3, and in the analysis






16-22 Coppergate 22 Piccadilly 6-8 Pavement 34 Shambles Flaxengate

Numbers of decorated and undecorated glass beads at

production sites

Decorated Non-Decorated

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (101)


of the stages of trade and production below. As the dominant glass bead type in the

database is undecorated, the variation in colour of these forms can be analysed further in

order to gain a more detailed understanding of the appearance of this type.

Figure 20: Numbers of undecorated glass beads of different colours at non-production sites. Colours of

a different shade (for example Dark and Light) have been incorporated into the main colour group (for

example Blue or Green). The records not included in this graph are: five records where the colour is

unknown, one record of a bead as ‘opaque’ and five records of blue and white or white, brown and blue

in an unknown combination (mixed, applied decoration or a shade between two colours).

Figure 20 is a representation of the colours present in the database assemblage. There

are many further distinctions which can be made in the analysis of this attribute. The trend

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140




















Number of recorded colour variations in undecorated glass

beads from non-production sites

Opaque Translucent SemiTranslucent Not Stated

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (102)


from the above graph shows the clear dominance of blue undecorated bead types (128

total), followed by yellow types (48 total). In regards to the distribution of different colour

types across the sites, particular types are present in large concentrations at one site. For

example, the burial (A) at Cnip on Lewis contains all of the recorded silver/gold beads

(Dunwell et al 1995). Of the two most common colours, 45% of blue glass beads came

from the Knowe of Moan on Orkney, and 75.6% of yellow glass beads came from Meols

on the Wirral Peninsula.

To understand the range of colours within a manufacturing context, the following

series of pie charts represent the coloured glass bead types from production sites. The

labels for the colours at each site reflect the specific variations present in each assemblage.

As there is a wide variety of colours at Coppergate, a simplified pie graph was created with

broad colour types in order to maintain the comparative integrity of the pie graph series. A

bar graph showing further details of the variation in colour at Coppergate has also been


Figure 21: Percentages of the different colours in the undecorated glass bead assemblage at Flaxengate,

Lincoln. The data is based on the count of each type in the assemblage.

There is a wide range of colours at Flaxengate, which are relatively evenly

distributed in frequency. While there is a dominance of green types (23%), it is not an

exceptional proportion of the assemblage. The range of colours present at Flaxengate are

affected by the presence of high lead glass working at the site, which typically produces

Colours of undecorated glass forms at Flaxengate

Green Yellow Yellow/brown Black

Blue Colourless Silver foil/colourless Opaque orange

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (103)


shades of yellow, with copper added to produce green or a very dark green which appears

black (Bayley 2008: 4).

Figure 22: Percentages of the different colours of undecorated glass beads from the assemblage at

Pavement, York. The data is based on the count of each type in the assemblage.

The predominant colour at Pavement is clearly green (67%) followed by brown

(20%). There is a more limited range of colours from this site and no blue examples. There

is no evidence for glass bead working at this site; therefore it is likely that the glass

material came from a nearby craft workshop (Mainman & Rogers 2004: 474).

Colours of undecorated glass forms from Pavement

Green Brown Black Yellow Iridescent Black

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Figure 23: Percentages of the different colour of undecorated glass beads in the assemblage at

Piccadilly, York. The data is based on the count of each type in the assemblage.

There is a wide range of colours at Piccadilly with blue forms (64%) as the

predominant type. This is due to the recycling of blue soda glass for the production of

beads (Mainman & Rogers 2004: 474). The opaque pink-white colour is not found


Colours of undecorated forms at Piccadilly

Blue Opaque Orange-Brown Opaque Orange

Green V. dark (black) Opaque pink-white

Opaque dark brown Opaque red

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (105)


Figure 24: Percentages of the different colours present in the undecorated glass beads in the assemblage

at Shambles, York. The data is based on the count of each type in the assemblage.

The assemblage from Shambles shows the clearest dominance of one colour type

with black undecorated glass beads forming 71.4% of the total. As with Pavement, the

colour range at Shambles is more restricted and contains no blue types.

Figure 25: Percentages of simplified colour types in the undecorated glass bead assemblage at

Coppergate. The data is based on the count of each type in the assemblage.

Colour of undecorated forms at Shambles

Black Yellow Green Opaque Black Brown Transparent Brown

Colours of undecorated glass beads at Coppergate

Yellow Green Blue Black

Orange Brown Colourless Red

Colourless/Foil Grey White

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (106)


Figure 26: A more detailed representation of the numbers of colour types in the undecorated glass bead

assemblage at Coppergate. The data is based on the count of each type in the assemblage.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50





Dark Green







V. dark/black

Orange brown










Number of detailed colours of undecorated beads at


Opaque Not Stated

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (107)


Figures 25 and 26 demonstrate a predominance for yellow, green and blue glass

beads. As with Flaxengate, there is evidence for high lead glass working at Coppergate

which influenced the colour types produced (Bayley & Doonan 2000: 2519). However, the

large number of blue beads at the site attests to the continuation of soda glass

manufacturing/working (Bayley & Doonan 2000: 2526). The colour range for this site is

wide, with many variations combining two colour labels, for example blue-white or

yellow-brown. The determination of these colours may be the result of the aims of the

catalogue for the assemblage. An interesting aspect of the assemblage at Coppergate is the

appearance of orange or orange shaded colours which do not appear in any other sites in

the database.

The analysis of the colour variation in the assemblages from the production sites

demonstrates patterns shared across the sites, and patterns which are specific to each site.

Green is the dominant colour for glass beads at two sites; however, the percentage of green

examples at Piccadilly visibly exceeds the proportion of this type at Flaxengate. Of the

remaining three sites, each has a different colour type which forms the largest part of its

assemblage; blue glass beads at Pavement, black glass beads at Shambles and yellow glass

beads at Coppergate. Three sites are dominated by one colour by more than 50%

(Piccadilly, Pavement and Shambles) while the remaining two sites (Flaxengate and

Coppergate) have a more even distribution of colour types. Pavement and Shambles have a

more restricted range of five to six colours. Flaxengate and Piccadilly have a slightly wider

range of eight colour types each, while the Coppergate assemblage contains the widest

range of colours (22 total). The high lead glass working at Flaxengate and Coppergate has

clearly affected the colour types produced at each site. The appearance of individual colour

examples at Pavement and Coppergate demonstrate the production of distinctive forms.

Patterns in dominant colours at production sites can provide an insight into possible

specialisation of manufacture by craft workers. Evidence from Piccadilly, Pavement and

Shambles suggest specialisation in the manufacture of green, blue and black beads,

respectively. When compared with other production sites (particularly in Scandinavia), this

data can add depth to discussions of craft working practices and bead type trends in the


Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (108)


Production and trade

In analysing patterns of production and trade of the bead types in the database, there

are several lines of evidence which were followed to establish an understanding of these

processes. These are the location of the source for the raw material types, the inferred

location for production for beads of different materials, the shape of the amber beads in the

assemblage, and the colour and decoration style of decorated glass beads.

Local resources and local production

Evidence for the use of local resources and production of beads is clearest in some of

the less frequently occurring raw material types. While there is evidence for the local use

and production of jet and jet-like beads, this pattern will be discussed below in the

distribution section. To provide a site specific example of the local production of beads

from locally sourced and imported raw materials, Table 12 presents the relevant bead types

from Coppergate.

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Table 12: The appearance of locally produced beads of shell, bone, antler, metal and stone, with raw

material origins and bead characteristics.

Table 12 provides well-researched and (in many cases) scientifically analysed

examples of bead types. Many of these types demonstrate the use of local resources within

Material Species


Raw material origin Bead characteristics

Shell (6) Probably


Not stated - use of materials

from subsistence

Flat/discoidal, diameter

range 12-12.5 mm

Bone (12) One from a




Assumed local - use of

materials from subsistence

Mostly disc with one

spherical, diameter

range 9.5 mm and 14.5


Antler (4) Red deer (one

not stated)

Local hinterland of York Disc shaped, diameter

range 10 mm to 13 mm

Metal (1) Sheet copper Assumed local Globular, diameter:

10.5 mm

Stone (21) Steatite Shetlands – possibly reused

from earlier imported vessel


(fragment), diameter:

11 mm

Mudstone Sources in proximity to

York and Yorkshire area as

well as southern Scotland

and Cumbria.

Discoid, shades of grey

to black, diameter range

9 mm to 18 mm

Siltstone Sources in proximity to

York and Yorkshire area as

well as southern Scotland

and Cumbria

Discoid, grey, diameter:

11 mm

Marble Mediterranean area –

possibly reused from earlier

imported form

Discoid, greyish white,

some examples with

yellowish inclusions,

diameter range: 9 mm

to 13 mm

Crinoid ossicle

in calcite

Sources in Yorkshire

(particularly Great Scar and

Wensleydale carboniferous

rock groups)

Discoid, diameter: 4



quartzitic rock

Not stated Discoid, translucent

grey/white, diameter:

12 mm

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (110)


York and its surrounding hinterland. The source for the bone and oyster material can be

attributed to the subsistence practices within the settlement (Hall & Kenward 2004: 397).

The appearance of bone beads may also be attributed to the presence of bone working

activity. The establishment of antler-working crafts is well evidenced from the site,

suggesting that the production of antler beads may be related to this activity (MacGregor,

Mainman & Rogers 1999: 1905). The metal bead may also be the result of activity on an

individual level from sheet copper manufactured in the Coppergate/High Ousegate area

(Mainman & Rogers 2004: 467). The stone beads are the clearest example of the use of the

resources from the local hinterland. One exception to this is the appearance of marble.

While there are some British sources for marble in north-western Scotland and Ireland, the

evidence for quarrying of this material is minimal (Gaunt 2000: 2598). Therefore, it is

most likely to have travelled to York as a trade item (Gaunt 2000: 2598). It may be that the

marble material was imported as another artefact form, which was subsequently worked

into a bead (Gaunt 2000: 2598).

Against the example of the Coppergate site, it may be possible to define similar

trends from other examples of organic and stone materials. Table 13 presents the material

types from the non-production sites and the material/production origin where possible.

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Table 13: A list of beads examples from non-production sites which may be representative of local

resource use and/or local production.

Material type Site Material






Bone Westness Assumed




Three beads, discoid,

possible cylindrical

and spherical,

coloured light

brown, grey and


Brough of






One individually

found, others in

group with jet-like

beads, number

unknown. No further


Tote Assumed




Suggested as

possible ivory,

irregular, roughly


Bornish Assumed




Possible globular in

grey colouration

Stone (type


Westness Unknown Unknown Three beads, all

examples discoid

and coloured white



Unknown Unknown Discoid black with

incised linear design

Claystone Jarlshof Local? Assumed


No further


Clay Pierowall

(grave 16)

Local? Assumed


Burnt, irregular

globular shape, grey



Tusk (possible


Brough of






Oval shape

The pattern suggested by Table 13 is of assumed use of local resources for small-

scale production of beads. The small number of these beads suggest this bead-making

activity occurred on an individual level for personal use. Without formal identification of

the bone and stone types, it is impossible to definitively state where the raw material

source is located. However, as with the situation at Coppergate above, it is likely that the

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materials are products of subsistence practices and the use of resources in the surrounding

hinterland. For example, the possible seal tooth or tusk found at the site in Orkney was

likely locally sourced due to the native seal population found on the island (Wickham-

Jones 1998: 9).

Locally produced vs. imported amber beads

Amber is presumed to be an imported material in British sites. The clear evidence for

the production of beads within Britain challenges interpretations which infer that the amber

beads are also imported (Mainman & Rogers 2000). As the use of Baltic amber and amber

bead-making are widespread across the Viking World, it is difficult to distinguish between

amber beads which have been manufactured within Britain and beads manufactured in

other areas such as Scandinavia. One attribute of amber beads which may highlight some

distinctive difference is the shape of the beads. This technique has been used in early

studies comparing steatite vessels in Shetland with those found in Scandinavia as the

composition of the material did not allow for clear comparisons to the raw material origin

(Forster & Bond 2004: 221). The proportions of different shape styles found at the

production sites in York (Figure 27), and in non-production sites (Figure 28) are compared


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Figure 27: Percentages of different shape types from the catalogue of amber beads in the Anglo-

Scandinavian layers at Clifford Street, Pavement and Coppergate, York. The graph excludes examples

which cannot be identified to one shape type.

Figure 27 is based on 21 finished or near finished examples from three sites at York

(three from Clifford Street, four from Pavement and 14 from Coppergate). The beads have

been grouped into broad shape categories identified in the literature and from the

characterisation of the beads. Fragments and irregular forms have been included in the

related shape category. There is a large amount of amber working material from Clifford

Street and Coppergate, including unfinished and broken beads. A clear preference for

annular amber beads can be seen across the sites (45%). All of the examples from

Pavement are annular, as are two from Clifford Street (the third is an example of irregular

globular, counted here as globular). Coppergate contains the most variation in the shape of

the beads with examples from all of the listed shape types. However, this variation is also a

reflection of the larger number of beads from this site.

To compare the shape styles from the British manufacturing sites, the variations in

shapes from the non-production site finds is presented in Figure 28 below.

Percentages of shapes from amber production sites at

Clifford Street, Pavement and Coppergate York

Annular Globular Unknown Spherical

Rectangular Irregular Biconical Subconical

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Figure 28: Percentages of different recorded shape types from non-production sites across Britain. This

graph only includes the records identified as amber. Fragments of an identifiable shape have been

included in the appropriate shape type. Fragments which could not be identified to a shape were


There are 51 records of identified amber beads (excluding one record of fragments).

The most common shape is annular (39%). There is a high proportion of records where the

shape of the amber bead is unknown.

To compare Figure 27 and Figure 28, it is clear that they share two common shape

types. The pattern for a predominance of annular amber beads is represented at both sites.

Globular beads are present at both sites, with greater number at the production sites in

York. Biconical, Spherical, Sub-conical and Rectangular beads appear to be restricted to

Coppergate. Cylindrical beads and varieties of flat (oval, disc and concentric) or Ring-

shaped beads appear restricted to non-production sites. It has been suggested that amber

beads in a ‘flattened disc’ shape may have been common in Viking-Age Scandinavia

(Magnus 2003: 127). The ring-shaped bead appears in the typology of beads from

Tempelmann-Maczynska (1985). A Scandinavian origin is therefore possible for these

‘flat’ types. In order to determine the origin of each amber bead example, the specific time

period and context of each non-production site must be taken into account. This affects the

ability to make broad statements as to whether the amber beads are trade objects, brought

with settlers or if they represent the movement of a product of Anglo-Scandinavian urban


Percentages of shapes of amber beads in non-production


Annular Unknown Cylindrical Globular Ring shaped

Disc-shaped Irregular Flat/Oval Flat/Concentric Rough Circular

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Evidence for importation

Comparisons between imported bead types which appear in the database and

typological groups created by Callmer (1977: 94-9) are presented in Table 21 (Appendix

C) alongside the provenance determinations made in the study. Table 21 provides useful

data for locating the manufacturing centres of the glass (undecorated and decorated),

faience, cornelian and rock crystal beads compared in the concordance tables (Tables 18-

20, Appendix B). However, more recent excavations and studies from around the Viking

World have produced more information regarding the production of beads in the Viking-

Age. In light of this, an analysis of the possible manufacture locations for selected bead

forms are presented below.

Table 14 presents the bead examples with the best evidence for identification as

importations into Britain.

Table 14: Examples of bead types which are definite imports into Britain.

Material Site (s) Raw Material




Cornelian Saffron Walden,

Brough of Birsay

Eastern import Eastern


Rock Crystal? Saffron Walden Possibly eastern or


Possibly eastern

or Scandinavian?

Metal (silver) Saffron Walden Scandinavia? Scandinavia?

Faience St John

Peel Castle

Mediterranean? Mediterranean?

Steatite Jarlshof Norway? Not clear

Serpentine Carn Nan Bharraich,


Norway? Not clear

Arguably, the only material with clear raw material and manufacturing origins from

outside of Britain are the cornelian beads (Resi 2011: 144-5). Rock crystal beads are

generally considered to have manufacturing origins outside of Britain (Resi 2011: 144-5).

However, they also have a wide distribution in England before the Viking-Age (Huggett

1988). The metal beads share similarities with finds from Birka (Evison 1969: 340).

However, there is a possibility that the metal beads were locally manufactured as the

pendants found with the beads are thought to have been made locally in a Scandinavian

style (Kershaw 2013: 69-70). As these beads largely come from one context and/or have

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little evidence for trade related importation into Britain during the Viking-Age, it is

possible that they represent movement with an individual from Scandinavia rather than

trade activity (Evison 1969: 341). It is unclear where the faience beads may have been

produced. Freke suggests that the example from Peel Castle is an antique bead possibly

from the Mediterranean (2002: 339). Similarly, the example from St John is described as a

common Roman type which is suggestive that it was also in circulation pre-Viking-Age

(Megaw 1937: 237). The steatite and so-called serpentine (another type of soapstone) are

likely to be imports, possibly as other artefacts which were later turned into a bead.

Imported decorated glass bead types

In order to understand the patterns in imported glass beads, this section focuses on

detailing the trade of decorated types. Decoration styles provide a more tangible link to

certain locations of glass bead production during the Viking-Age based on the

manufacturing evidence for the production of these types. There are 73 examples of

decorated glass beads from non-production sites and 16 from production sites. Decorated

beads from the production sites have been included as it is unclear whether they were also

manufactured at the same site. As stated previously, Table 23 was created to divide the

decorated glass bead types into groups which can be used to infer relationships between

styles and the location of manufacturing centres (see Appendix E). Clusters of shared

attributes were reviewed for their potential to be grouped and then linked to a possible

manufacturing location. It was not always possible to link a group to one specific location.

The bead groups produced from the data in Appendix E is presented with the areas of

likely production in Table 15 below.

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Table 15: Groups of decorated glass beads which share simplified attributes (primary and secondary

colour and/or decorative style). The number, find location and possible production origin are also

included. The decorated beads used for this analysis are from non-production and production contexts.

Tables 18-20, 21 and 22 in appendices B, C and D provide more detailed comparisons between the

database material, and the Scandinavian material and Anglo-Saxon material.

Group number Number Location of Sites in


Possible origin for bead


1 – Herringbone


4 (5) SW Scotland,

Orkney, Inner


Irish bead – cable bead.

Similar design found at Ribe

c. 8th C

2 – Millefiori motif 3 Isle of Man Scandinavia

3 - Mosaic 3 (?) Orkney, Shetland Suggested as North west

Europe. Ribe produced

evidence of chequerboard.

4 – Waved (black

with white wave)

2 North East England,

SW Scotland

Suggested in literature as

Celtic development

(Whithorn). Parallels with

earlier Anglo-Saxon

suggested as European

imports and from Ribe.

5 – Linear

Horizontal (blue

with white)

2 Orkney, Shetland Suggested Scandinavian for

Old Scatness example.

Mediterranean/East for the

Westness example

6 – Millefiori motif

and Waved

2 North England, Isle

of Man

One type is suggested as

Scandinavian (Townfoot

Farm), the other as an

Eastern import (Peel Castle).

7 – Trail and Eye 3 Orkney, North

Scotland, Shetland

Examples from Croy is

suggested as Pictish.

8 – Trail and


2 Inner Hebrides,

Southern England

The example from Ballinaby

may be from Scandinavia.

There are few instances where the primary/secondary colours and the decorative

style are the same across multiple sites. However, the attributes of beads in groups 1, 4 and

5 appear to be closely shared. Group 1 is the most hom*ogenous group. The herringbone

design has been identified as originating in Ireland from the 7th century to the 9th century

and from Ribe in the 8th century (Guido 2000: 175-6). Group 4 has a more common

decorative design and is grouped based on the shared colour combination. Waved

examples have been found in pre-8th century Anglo-Saxon contexts (see Guido 1999). The

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provenance of beads in Group 6 is better understood when divided further by the shape

(cylindrical and segmented respectively). The segmented examples fall into a group which

has been discussed as an import into Scandinavia from areas around the Mediterranean or

the Middle East (Callmer 1977: 98). The example from Old Scatness is identified as

Scandinavian in the literature (Dockrill et al 2010: 348-9). The remaining groups are based

on similarities in the decorative style only. As with group 6, variations in the colour and/or

other attributes of these beads suggest that they may be individually representative of

different origins. However, the pattern suggested by Table 15 is that many of the examples

originate in Scandinavia and/or known production/trade centres to the East.


The following distribution maps detail the locations of the amber, and jet/jet-like

finds. The distribution of materials demonstrates the movement of bead types around

Britain, and the relationship between sources of raw material and locations of production.

The presentation of the distribution of selected forms is also useful for displaying clusters

and gaps in the geographic spread of bead types.

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The distribution of amber beads

Map 11: Locations of finds of amber beads from the database. The red cross-hatching indicates the

location of the amber working sites in York. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright

(Digimap 2014).

In the database compiled for this study, there are 29 sites containing amber. Of these

three are production sites (from York), four are categorised as settlement sites, and two are

classed as other (one is an unsecure find at an Iron Age Dun and the other a part of a

hoard). The remaining sites are burial contexts. There is a clear pattern of numerous finds

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of amber in Scotland particularly around Orkney. As amber beads appear to be most

commonly found in burials, it is likely that this pattern is due to the high number of burials

found in this area. There is a distinctive lack of amber bead finds of the Viking-Age in the

Eastern areas of mainland Scotland and most of England and Wales. The lack of amber

beads in England is an interesting trend considering the location of amber craft working

activity in York.

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The distribution of beads of jet and jet-like materials

Map 12: Database sites with Jet and/or jet-like beads. The approximate location for the source of jet

(Whitby) is shown in diagonal lines. Possible cannel coal/oil shale sources are shown in cross hatching,

after Hunter 2008 (104, Fig 1). Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright (Digimap 2014).

Of the nine sites where these materials are found, three sites are settlement sites, one

represents a find spot and five are burial sites. In terms of the accurate identification of the

material, examples from three sites (Cruach Mhor, Brough of Birsay and Kildonan) were

identified by XRF in Hunter’s 2008 study. The examples from Whithorn were also studied

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scientifically by X-radiography, XRF and examination of physical characteristics of the

artefacts (Hill 1997: 441). Apart from the examples from Peel Castle, which were not

scientifically analysed (Freke 2002: 341), is not stated whether the identification of

material from the remaining sites (Walmgate, Near Malton, Brough of Deerness, Peel

Castle and the Brough of Gurness) was verified by scientific analysis. It is assumed that the

results are based on physical characteristics of the artefacts and the experience of the

analyst. The identification of the example from the Brough of Gurness (which is now lost),

is stated as ambiguous (Hunter 2008: 114).

Hunter identifies raw material sources for jet at Whitby, and possible cannel coal/oil

shale sources from Scotland (2008: 104). Evidence for the manufacture of artefacts from

cannel coal, canneloid shale and lignite are evident in sites from Shetland, and oil shale

manufacture is evident from Orkney (Hunter 2008: 113-114). The working of jet and jet-

like material involves cutting the material, turning, and smoothing/polishing (Resi 2011:

125). There is a wide distribution of jet and jet-like materials, however, the number of sites

and finds is significantly less than finds of amber beads. There is a lack of jet and jet-like

bead finds in England and Wales as well as most of Mainland Scotland. As stated above,

there is evidence for the working of jet and jet-like materials at York. There is also

evidence for manufacture in Dublin (Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2500). Beads of jet or jet-

like materials found in early medieval excavations at Flaxengate (Lincoln) have been

considered Roman deposits, however, there is some potential 11th century evidence of the

working of this material into other objects (Mann 1982: 12, 45).

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Beads in the context of burial sites

It is likely that beads in the Viking-Age were most commonly used as personal

adornment, particularly as jewellery. Models of dress and accompanying artefacts have

been meticulously recorded from sites across the Viking world to form a conceptual idea of

the standard burial costume/assemblage for male and female adults (Hayeur-Smith 2003:

228). This section will present the data from the records of the burial sites in the database

in order to discuss three related ideas; 1) how the beads were displayed as adornment, 2)

the determinations of sex and age from the burials, and how beads contribute to these

determinations as a gendered artefact, and 3) the specialised function of single finds in an

amuletic role. Each burial was analysed (despite the lack of human remains in many

contexts) as each has been determined to belong to a gendered person or persons.

The use of beads as display goods

Figure 29 is a pictorial representation of the location of the bead finds within various

burial context in relation to the artefacts and/or the human remains. This data is intended to

show how beads were arranged on the deceased’s body and/or in the vicinity of another

artefact as part of the personal adornment of the deceased.

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Figure 29: A visual representation of the recorded locations of beads found in grave sites, in relation to

skeletal and/or artefacts. Each dot is a record of a grave site with bead finds with information regarding

the location. Based on data in Appendix F. The interpretations for the jewellery type formed by the

beads (such as necklaces) have been taken from the literature. Illustration by author with aspects from

The most common area for beads to be found was in the neck/head zone of the

deceased, leading to interpretations that the beads were either a necklace of multiple beads,

or a small number of beads in association with a pendant of another material such as a

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whetstone (Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998: 64) or even a Thor’s hammer (Biddle &

Kjølbye-Biddle 2001). Three finds of 1-3 beads have been considered here as pendant to

highlight the possibility that the beads were the central focus of the adornment and

functioned as a pendant. However, these two terms (necklace and pendant) can be

generally used to describe similar uses of beads for adornment worn from the neck. There

are three recorded cases of beads found in direct association with brooches, as well as

cases where the beads were found in the vicinity of the chest area. These finds indicate that

the beads were strung from or between the brooch finds. The category of ‘Other’ consists

of two finds which have been interpreted as representing a different display/use of the

beads. The find of a single bead at Townfoot Farm (Grave 5) in part of a complex of

materials is thought to have belong in a pouch or purse at the deceased’s belt (Paterson et

al 2014: 113). A bead found in the neck area of the deceased in a grave at Harrold has been

interpreted as a sword bead or a clothes fastener (Eagles & Evison 1970: 44). Due to the

unsystematic nature of the excavations and small size of the artefact, many beads were

recovered from unsecure or unrecorded contexts.

The determination of the sex and gender

Figure 30 is intended to illustrate the archaeological determinations of the sex of the

deceased, as well as what these determinations were based on. As the literature varies in

content, some of the determinations differ from one source to the next. Each site has been

included despite the unreliability of some of the sources and the questionable nature of the

label of ‘burial’ for some sites. The burials at two sites (Claughton Hall and Kildonan

Grave 2) have been identified as primarily male based on the presence of artefacts

associated with male gender. However, the additional presence of artefacts associated with

female gender has led to the suggestion that both sites are examples of mixed gender

interment. These sites have been counted as mixed graves based on artefacts in the graph.

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Figure 30: The number of burials identified in the literature as male, female, mixed or unknown.

Identifications are matched to the known evidence (skeletal and/or artefactual) where possible. The sex

of the deceased was not identified at every site. Four individuals identified as children were not

included as they could not be sexed due to their young age.

Figure 30 shows that most of the graves were sexed based on the artefacts present in

the site. Artefacts are often the only basis for any identification of sex due to the

decomposition of the skeletal material. The majority of the publications do not define a

distinction between gender and sex. Where skeletal evidence is able to provide a biological

foundation, it is likely that the sex of the deceased is the aspect determined. However,

terms of ‘male’ and ‘female’ used to identify biological sex are also stretched to identify

gender. Recurring patterns of artefact and gender associations across Viking-Age burials

(such as with jewellery types), create a reference for these sex/gender determinations.

However, such assumptions can be problematic, particularly if the grave assemblage does

not follow the characteristics dictated by these gendered associations. Some of the

determinations of sex based on skeletal material and artefacts are antiquarian assessments.

Therefore it is unclear if the investigation of the skeletal remains was conducted in a

reliable manner.








Male Female Mixed/Multiple Unknown






Sex determination

Determination by sex based on artefactual and skeletal


Artefacts Skeletal Skeletal & Artefacts Unknown

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The determination of age

To add another dimension to the association of beads with different aspects of

personhood, the burials in which age was identified are presented below.

Table 16: Precise age determinations from burial sites in the database. Based on observation and/or

specific skeletal evidence.

Site Individuals Age range

Cnip Burial F Infant 6-9 months

Cnip Burial B Child 6 years

Balnakeill Male, young adult 9.5-14.5 years

Scar Child 10 years

Scar Male 30+ years

Scar Female 70+ years

Cnip Burial A Female 35-45 years

Repton Male 35-40 years

There are only a few determinations of age from the database burials. However, the

range shown by this select group suggests that beads are not exclusive to adult burials.

Number of beads in burials by gender

Figure 31 shows the number of single finds, finds of less than five beads (excluding

the single finds) and finds of more than five beads in relation to the determinations of

gender in the literature. The numerical parameters are based on Solberg’s study, where the

one of the criteria for determining the deceased as female (based on artefactual remains)

was the presence of more than five beads (1985: 65). Single finds have been included as

they have potential to represent specialised roles which may also be gendered (see further


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Figure 31: The records of beads finds in single, less than five and more than five amounts, by the

identified sex of the deceased. Graves of children and sites with an unknown number of beads have

been excluded.

The trends outlined in Figure 31 appears to broadly support the assertion that larger

quantities of beads are found with female graves. Correspondingly, there is a higher

number of male graves containing less than five beads. However, there is at least one

outlying example of a male grave with more than five beads (Grave 3, Townfoot Farm).

The similar numbers of single finds for male and female contexts suggests that that single

finds are not gender specific. However, these numbers are overshadowed by the greater

number of single finds from burials which could not be sexed.

Single bead finds

Single finds of beads are not unique to burial sites. There are 26 sites in the database

with single finds. Of these, 10 can be considered to be accidental losses at find spots or

within settlement contexts (Sangobeg, Coilegan An Udail, Hen Gastell, Irby, Near Malton,

North Lincolnshire, All Saints Pavement, Bishophill, and Brough Road - Areas 2 & 3).

Single finds from burial contexts which are suggestive of beads in a specialised role are

presented in more detail below.











Single Finds < 5 > 5

Number of bead finds by gender

Male Female Mixed Unknown

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Table 17: The site and material type of single finds within burial contexts, including the characteristics

of the beads and graves sites.

Site Material of

single bead



Burial characteristics

St Cuthbert’s Glass Black?, diameter of

15 mm

Burial in Christian

cemetery, assumed male

based on artefacts. Found


Blackerne Amber Unknown Unknown – context of site

could be either burial or

cache. Found 1756.

Lamba Ness Amber Possibly amber,

diameter of 28 mm

Cremation, female based

on artefacts. Found c.


Bhaltos Amber Cylindrical/oblong,

reddish brown,

length of 30 mm

Female inhumation. Found


Cnip (Burial B) Amber Annular, diameter of

18.5-19 mm

Deceased a child.

Excavated 1991.



Amber Unknown Cist grave suggested

female based on artefacts.

Found 1845.



Amber Unknown Mound burial, bead found

in soil. Excavated late 19th


Cronk Yn




Mound burial (possibly

female) over lintel graves.

Excavated 1984-91

Peel Castle Glass


Unknown Uncoffined grave of

infant. Unclear if part of

burial deposit due to


Excavated 1982-88.

Harrold Glass Flat disc,





Male based on artefacts.

Anglo-Saxon cemetery.

Excavated 1951-2.



Amber Annular, diameter of

8 mm

Unknown – adult.

Excavated 1988.

Claghbane? Glass Annular? Red with

possible decoration


Cenotaph burial.

Excavated 1979.

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Finds of single beads have been interpreted as representing beads in specialised roles.

Many of the graves in Table 17 are poorly recorded and were often the subject of unsecure

excavations. This lack of information particularly affects sites of single amber finds

(Blackerne, Newton Distillery, Machrins Machair, and Carlisle Cathedral). Amber beads

were considered to have magical properties; therefore single finds of this type have been

interpreted as amulets (Freke 2002: 339; Graham-Campbell & Batey 1998: 149-50). The

finds of amber at Lamba Ness and Bhaltos may represent amulet beads in female graves,

particularly as they are large examples (Magnus 2003: 135). The bead from Cnip (Burial

B) may be an amulet bead in a child’s grave; however, this magical association is not a

consistent trend in child graves from Viking-Age Scandinavia (Magnus 2003: 135). The

glass bead from the pre-12th century child grave at Peel Castle is decorated with an eye

motif (Freke 2002: 339). This eye motif has been interpreted to serve a protective function

against evil (Freke 2002: 339). The decorated glass bead from the female burial at Cronk

Yn Howe does not appear to have any symbolic motifs and therefore, may not have had an

amuletic role. Further examples of amulet beads may be represented in the female grave at

Newton Distillery, and the grave at Machrins Machair. However, without more

information on the form of the beads the assessment remains unclear. The bead from the

grave at Carlisle Cathedral is too small to be characteristic of an amuletic bead. Another

interpretation for single beads in male graves (in association with swords), is that they

functioned as talismans (the so-called sword beads). It is possible that the single finds of

glass beads from Claghbane, Harrold, and St Cuthbert’s are representative of sword beads

as they are all found in graves containing swords where the deceased is identified as male.

Claghbane has been included as while it contains no skeletal material it is suggested to be a

cenotaph burial (Cubbon 1983: 18), and therefore symbolic of a deceased individual.


The data from the Viking-Age beads used in this study presents with evidence for a

range of different economic and social patterns. It is clear that there was local production

of beads of all materials except for the gemstone and faience examples. This local

production incorporates the use of local and imported resources, including possible reuse

of materials originally in another form. Furthermore, this local production appears to be

present at a commercial craft working scale for materials of jet, amber and glass. Bead-

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making on an individual level is suggested by beads of organic materials. In terms of trade,

selected groups of glass beads provide the clearest evidence for relations with Ireland,

Scandinavia, Western Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East. The finds of

gemstone beads in the burial at Saffron Walden may be illustrative of a situation where the

beads travelled with an individual settler or settlers. The context of deliberate depositions

of beads in burials across Britain confirms the common view of beads as items of personal

adornment associated with female graves. However, the use of beads is not restricted to

this role, as evidenced by the presence of beads in male and child graves. Furthermore,

selected bead finds present with evidence for roles beyond personal adornment, as amulets

and sword beads.

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Chapter 6: Discussion

The results of this study have highlighted a number of patterns and ideas which will

be discussed in this chapter. Patterns in the appearance of beads from the Viking-Age sites

examined in this research can be summarised into a few key trends. The majority of the

sites (42 of 67) contain less than five beads. Five sites contain more than 50 beads,

including the production sites with contexts in which hundreds of beads were found. The

main material groups are glass, amber, jet/jet-like, stone and organic animal material. The

beads appear frequently in annular, globular and cylindrical shapes, or in forms

approximating these. There is a clear predominance of glass across Viking-Age Britain.

Only 15 of the 67 sites in the database do not contain glass beads. One of the reasons for

the dominance of glass bead finds is the fact that they are present in high concentrations at

certain sites, particularly those with more than 50 beads. Glass beads are most commonly

of monochrome and undecorated varieties. The majority of monochrome types are blue

glass beads, followed by yellow and green types. Decorated beads, while occurring in

lower frequencies, appear to be widespread across all site types.

A precise comparison of these patterns against broad trends of the 6th to 10th century

Scandinavia (as outlined by Callmer: 2003a), is difficult, as this research has taken a

different approach. However, there are trends that can be compared at a general level. The

focus on the production of (often wound and annular) monochrome beads in Scandinavian

centres is a characteristic shared by production centres in Britain (41, 44-5). Chronological

changes in dominant colour types in Britain and Scandinavia can be usefully compared. To

restate these Scandinavian trends, the popularity of colours in glass beads appears to

increase and decrease in phases; blue, green, brown and yellow in the 6th century, orange

and red-brown in the 7th century, blue and white in the early 8th and the ‘blue phase’, green

and white in the late 8th century, and an increase of blue beads again in the 10th century

(41, 44-45). High frequencies of blue beads in Scandinavia occur just prior to the

beginning of the Viking-Age in Britain (8th century) and again at a time (10th century)

when Scandinavian settlement is well-established, particularly in urban centres. The high

frequency of yellow and green glass beads occurs at a much earlier period, although the

frequency of green beads rises again just before the start of the Viking-Age in Britain.

Several of these colour based phases do not appear to have significantly affected the

appearance of forms in Viking-Age Britain. There are examples of brown, orange, red-

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brown, white and blue/white beads in the assemblage, but they do not appear in numbers

comparable to the appearance of these types in Scandinavia. Similarly, the domination of

imported forms (such as cornelian, and millefiori) from Eastern sources in the 9th century

does not appear to have significantly affected the appearance of these imported forms in

Britain (44-45). This may be due to the cessation of Eastern imports into Scandinavia c.

AD 870 or the trade connections between Britain and Europe during this period (44). To

understand the causes behind the appearance of beads in the archaeological record of

Viking-Age Britain it is necessary to discuss the stages of production, trade and use.

The production of beads in Viking-Age Britain

The raw material types, along with the context of the finds within the sites, provide

the strongest evidence for processes in bead production at different scales. Evidence for the

production of beads from materials such as bone, stone, shell, and antler, suggest

manufacture at a domestic scale for personal use, either in the adornment of the maker or

as a gift. Examples of domestically produced beads appear at settlement sites in Orkney,

Shetland, the Hebrides, and the production sites in York (see Tables 12 and 13). Finds of

this type are limited in number, and represent the use of easily accessible materials from

within the site or the wider hinterland. In terms of sources, it is notable that the some of the

raw materials used are probably by-products of subsistence practices (for example bone

from cattle), derived from the reuse of material from a former artefact (such as a soapstone

vessel), or produced in relation to craft working (for example off cuts from bone and antler

working). Evidence for bead production as a by or side product to other industries can be

seen at York. The presence of a productive bone and antler industry suggests that beads of

this type could be a side product of a craft such as comb making. Similarly, the sheet

copper bead may be linked to the metal working industry, and the large number of stone

beads suggest that they may be the result of (or linked to) a small-scale craft working.

Further to this, many of the organic and stone beads were found together which indicates

they come from a limited number of jewellery forms (Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2598).

These finds may be representative of the personal manufacture discussed above, or

alternatively, they may represent an artisan producer-consumer relationship in Viking-Age


Bead finds of amber, jet and jet-like materials appear to represent unspecialised craft

working in a site. The identification of this craft working activity as unspecialised is based

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on the manufacture of beads from a naturally occurring material using techniques such as

cutting, shaping and polishing (Callmer 2003b: 346). While this craft working requires

firm knowledge of the materials, it does not require the specialised knowledge behind the

manufacture of man-made materials such as glass (Callmer 2003b: 346, 349). Evidence for

jet working indicates that it was a minor or small-scale industry in Viking-Age York and

Lincoln (Mainman & Rogers 2004: 478; Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2607; Mann 1982: 46).

Evidence for amber working suggests it was a more established industry in York

(Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2607). While amber and jet working appear within urban sites,

evidence for the working of jet-like materials has been found in more rural contexts

(Hunter 2008: 107-108). The importation of jet-like materials to these sites (in Orkney and

Shetland) from nearby areas suggests that production may have been organised into craft

production, rather than as bead-making on an individual scale (Hunter 2008: 107-8).

Specialised craft working appears to be restricted to the manufacture of glass beads

in urban sites. The skill and knowledge necessary for the manufacture of different glass

bead types defines this production as specialised (Callmer 2003b: 349). The data from this

study does not contribute any further evidence to the debate as to whether craft persons

were itinerant or stationary. Evidence from York suggests that the glass working craft

person/s specialised in the manufacture of different coloured beads in various

areas/workshops (for example Shambles, Piccadilly and Pavement). The main glass

workshop in production during the Viking-Age is thought to be located in the northern area

of the Coppergate site and the Piccadilly site (Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2607). The glass

industry at Coppergate appears to be a mixture of Scandinavian/European influenced forms

(such as the production of high lead glass), forms which have a long and widespread

history of production (such as blue soda glass beads), and forms which parallel finds from

Anglian deposits at Fishergate (such as annular, globular and melon shapes) (Bayley &

Doonan 2000: 2527-8; Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2594). The high volume of finds from

these sites is suggestive of an industry with a sizeable consumer market (Mainman &

Rogers 2000). However, it is unclear whether this market was located within the urban and

hinterland areas of York, or extended further to other medieval market places (Mainman &

Rogers 2000: 2607).

Aside from craft working, raw material types demonstrate connections within and

outside of Britain. Within Britain, the restriction of the source of jet in the Viking-Age to

one location (Whitby) draws connections between this area and sites containing jet beads

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in the Hebrides, and possibly Orkney, Dumfries and Galloway, and the Isle of Man.

Further to this, jet is one of the materials in which trade from Britain to Scandinavia can be

assessed. A significant number of jet finds at Kaupang demonstrates a link to British

centres based on the trade of finished objects and (possibly) the supply of jet in its raw

material form (Resi 2011: 125). Archaeological evidence shows this material spread

through many areas of Scandinavia; jet artefacts have been found at Birka, Ribe and

Hedeby and other settlements, as well as a number of 9th and some 10th century burials

(Resi 2011: 125-7). At one level, amber finds represent trade links to the Baltic or to the

Baltic via centres elsewhere in Northern Europe. It has been proposed that the trade route

for Baltic amber from the Southern Baltic went through western Jutland, Northern

Germany and the Netherlands to the coast of East Anglia (Resi 2011: 107). The trade in

raw amber (which occurred pre-Viking-Age) was greatly increased by demand from craft

workers in Viking-Age Britain (Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2605). The wider connections

between Continental Europe and Britain also influence the types of glass beads

manufactured in the production sites. At York, the appearance of barrel-shaped, biconical

and segmented beads is limited to Anglo-Scandinavian contexts; these shapes are stated to

be common finds in Scandinavia (Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2594-6). Similarities in bead

forms make it difficult to define one point of origin for the manufacture of types. The

characteristics of finished amber and monochrome glass beads in particular do not provide

clear enough examples to identify whether finished products were made within Britain or

outside, from centres such as those in Scandinavia.

The trade of beads in Viking-Age Britain

It is clear in this study that Viking-Age beads in Britain were sourced from a wide

range of local and international production centres. Particular bead types (namely

decorative glass, gemstone, and metal beads) provide evidence for ‘world’ trade

connections between Britain and Ireland, Scandinavia, and (through European trade

centres) the Mediterranean, and so-called ‘Eastern centres’ (Resi 2011: 145). Trade links

between Ireland and Britain are evident in the appearance of early Christian decorated

glass bead forms (such as herringbone and string) in Argyll and Bute, Orkney, Wales and

the Isle of Man (Guido 2000). These beads may represent the continuation of pre-Viking

connections as it is possible that the herringbone beads from Argyll and Bute have been

present from the 7th century (Guido 2000: 176). Beads of this herringbone style were also

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produced in Ribe in the 8th century (Sode 2004). Based on the provenance data from

Callmer’s bead groups, there are several undecorated and decorated glass bead types with

possible origins in Scandinavia (1977: 94-9; see Appendix C). Decorative styles include

millefiori motif, mosaic, waved, eye, and linear designs, as well as combinations of these

decorative styles (see Table 15 and Appendix C). Many types (also) originated in Western

Europe, the Mediterranean, Middle East and Central Asian areas (Callmer 1977: 94-9).

This demonstrates a multiplicity of production centres for glass beads and evidence for

shared stylistic ideas. Other types (segmented and faience beads) are also thought to

originate from production centres outside of Scandinavia (Callmer 1977: 98-9). Cornelian

and rock crystal were imported from the eastern connections with Asia, Iran and India

(Resi 2011: 145). These types of beads are considered to be representative of the vast trade

connections between Scandinavia and the wider Viking World (Callmer 2003a). It is likely

therefore, that the presence of these beads in Britain occurred through intermediary

Scandinavian urban centres. However, some of the beads appearing in Britain may

represent travel with an individual who was not involved in trade.

Beyond the appearance of imported bead forms, a number of sites contain artefacts

which infer engagement in trade with the wider Viking world. This engagement was

facilitated through local and transoceanic networks. Finds of lava querns and hones from

Viking-Age Lincoln are evidence for indirect connections to the Rhineland and Norway

(Mann 1982: 46-7). It is likely that direct trade occurred at other British centres, with these

artefacts then traded on to Lincoln (Mann 1982: 46-7). It is suggested that the economy of

Lincoln was more engaged in local trade networks as a regional centre (Mann 1982: 46-7).

Evidence from York suggests a more prominent role in facilitating economic connections

between England and Europe, perhaps as a ‘nodal point’ (Sindbæk 2007a). To restate, the

criteria for a ‘nodal point’ is the presence of long-distance traffic, and the trade of imported

artefacts of a similar nature with other nodal points (Sindbæk 2007a: 119, 121). Further to

this, evidence of significant production activity in domestic (textile, iron working and

comb making) and specialised (copper alloy and glass working) artefacts is required

(Sindbæk 2007a: 126). There is definitive evidence for long-distance trade at York,

including Eastern silks, Baltic amber, quern stones from the Rhineland, and stone material

from southern Scandinavia (Mainman & Rogers 2004: 460). There is also evidence for

engagement in ‘local and regional’ resource networks, particularly for bone and antler

(Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2607). Production at the site includes textile working, ferrous

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and non-ferrous metal working, bone and antler crafts (including comb making) and glass

working (Mainman & Rogers 2004: 464). In light of the ideas presented in the network

model, York can be understood as a hub within the local network in the north of England

and nodal point for long distance trade (Sindbæk 2007a; Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2607).

The distribution of imported bead types across Britain was likely facilitated through these

urban sites with long distance connections such as York or Dublin. Market sites such as

Meols may have been an additional intermediary between the urban sites and British

consumers. However, the nature of certain finds (particularly in burial contexts) suggest

that they may have belonged to Scandinavian migrants, or were inherited by first or second

generation settlers. This connects back to the idea presented above that imported beads

may have been carried by individuals to Britain, rather than distributed through trade

networks. Therefore, the acquisition of these beads may have occurred in Scandinavian

centres by consumers who then travelled with their personal belongings to Britain, where

these imported types were subsequently deposited.

The distribution of beads in Viking-Age Britain

The distribution of Viking-Age beads in the database correlate with the main areas of

Scandinavian settlement. To contextualise the distribution of these Viking-Age beads

within Britain, it is useful to briefly discuss the appearance of pre-Viking material.

Comprehensive studies of this nature mostly focus on Anglo-Saxon England. Two studies

which cover relevant material are Huggett (1988) and Guido (1999). Huggett discusses the

distribution of a range of imported materials, and argues that this distribution indicates

different exchange systems during the Anglo-Saxon period (1988: 63). Two of the selected

materials are amber and crystal beads (Huggett 1988: 63). Based on records of the

occurrence of these materials at cemetery sites, it was demonstrated that amber and crystal

beads were highly concentrated in central and eastern areas of Southern England (Huggett

1988: 65, 71, Figure 1 and 4). Guido’s (1999) study of glass beads includes distribution

maps for selected bead types. To summarise the text and map data presented in this study,

the majority of forms are found in Kent, often in high concentrations. East Anglia and the

Midlands are also areas in which glass bead types occur in high frequencies. The most

northerly distribution for particular forms is Yorkshire, with at least one example in

Northumberland. Bead finds in areas to the west and south-west are significantly lacking.

In sum, the picture presented by these studies is of high numbers of particular bead types in

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the Eastern areas of Anglo-Saxon England, including many counties which later formed

part of the Danelaw.

The distributional data from studies of other Viking-Age artefacts allows for further

comparisons with the distribution evidenced in this study. The relationship between

brooches and beads has been established above (see Figure 29). Kershaw’s (2013) recent

work, focusing on the distribution of Anglo-Scandinavian and Scandinavian metal artefacts

(largely uncovered through metal detection), has shed new light on brooch types in the

Eastern areas of the Danelaw. A map of Scandinavian and Anglo-Scandinavian jewellery

demonstrates intensive clusters around Norfolk (185). The density of finds in this area is

due to the high level of metal detector use (186). There appears to be some cluster patterns

around the areas of York and Lincoln, in the North-East of the Danelaw (185). There is a

scattered spread of distribution in areas to the south near the boundary of the Danelaw

(185). Two sites (Harrold and Saffron Walden) within this southern area, are similarly

distributed. These sites are stated to have Anglo-Saxon influences which may correlate to

their location along the Danelaw boundary (Kershaw 2013: 69; Wilson 1976: 402-3; Guido

1999: 332). Kershaw states that sites in the north west of England, in Cumbria (such as

Claughton Hall, Carlisle Cathedral and Townfoot Farm) and in Cheshire (such as Meols

and Irby) may be within areas of Norse influence or exchange (186). Notable gaps for bead

finds from the Viking-Age appear in much of mainland Scotland, particularly central and

eastern areas, and the south west areas of England beyond the Danelaw boundary. To

develop a holistic understanding of the appearance of imported beads (including

Scandinavian forms) in England, future studies may find it useful to incorporate data from

non-Viking/Scandinavian sites of the period.

The deposition of beads in Viking-Age graves: personal identity and

amuletic beads

The beads studied in this research were dropped, discarded or deliberately deposited

by a person or persons who lived during in the Viking-Age. Burial sites are a setting in

which aspects of an individual’s identity become visible. The remains, burial structure and

material culture of the deceased provide information regarding their personal identity. The

analysis of the association between the sex/gender of the deceased and bead deposition

clearly supports the view that beads are an artefact which was commonly placed with

women as an item of personal adornment. This association is also apparent in early Anglo-

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Saxon graves, often with large numbers of beads (Stoodley 1999: 34-5). Literary sources

provide further evidence of the relationship between beads and women in descriptions of

female dress. One of the clearest descriptions of female dress occurs in Eirik’s saga

(Hayeur Smith 2004: 84). In one passage, the dress of the female diviner is detailed; this

attire includes ‘a necklace of glass beads’ (Hayeur Smith 2004: 84). Beads can be

understood as one of the components which make up the expression of female gender

(Hayeur Smith 2004). It is likely that the appropriate expression of feminine gender was a

necessary part of identifying and belonging to Viking-Age social groups (Hayeur Smith


Determinations of sex have a strong correlation with interpretations of gender in

Viking-Age graves. There is evidence for that biological sex was considered to be

synonymous with gender expression in the Viking-Age, as implied in texts such as the

Norwegian Gulafling Law and the Icelandic law code (Grágás) (Norrman 2000: 377). Both

texts advocate punishment for transgressions in cross-dressing (Norrman 2000: 377). The

comedic value of the Thrymskvida is the transgression and subversion of gender norms

(Orchard 2011: 99; Clunies Ross 2002: 181). This occurs when Thor is dressed in bridal

attire in an attempt to masquerade as Freya (including the possible involvement of beads;

‘broad gem-stones sitting on his chest’) (Orchard 2011: 99; Clunies Ross 2002: 181).

However, it has also been argued (based on skaldic verses) that ‘gender was determined by

actions and could, possibly, be independent of sex’ (Straubhaar 2002: 261). In this

interpretation, gender is a social expression based on the roles taken by men and women

during their lifetime (Straubhaar 2002: 261). Examples of situations where gender identity

changes include, women becoming masculinised by acting assertively, or men becoming

feminised through advanced age or engagement in hom*osexual acts (Straubhaar 2002: 261-

2). The relationship between beads and gender in burial contexts is complicated by other

aspects of personal identity (such as status and wealth) involved in the customs dictating

the deposition of material culture (Dommasnes 1982; Solberg 1985). Furthermore, the

ability to accurately correlate patterns of dress and expressions of personal identity in the

archaeological record is dependent on the burial customs of an area, and of those involved

in burying the deceased (Dommasnes 1982: 71, 83). In light of the proportion of graves in

the database in which sex was determined based solely on artefacts, these factors are a

reminder that gender is a complex aspect of personal identity. Material culture which is

interpreted as related to male or female gender is suggestive rather than concrete evidence

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of sex, particularly when personal preferences and cultural backgrounds complicate the

contextual basis for interpretations.

Evidence from the database shows that beads formed at least a small part of Viking-

Age dress for a small proportion of the male population. While the number of burials in

this study is small, there are clear associations between men and single finds or finds of

less than five beads. The case of Grave 3 at the Townfoot Farm site demonstrates the use

of more than five beads in a necklace composition belonging to a male; although the

possibility has been raised that the items were worn in a pouch (Paterson et al 2014: 82). If

the arrangement of beads was intended as a necklace, then the addition of three silver rings

to this jewellery composition is a ‘prominent feature’ and has a parallel in a necklace found

in the burial of a male at Ship Street, Dublin (Paterson et al 2014: 82). The interpretation

of this necklace is unclear; it is suggested that while there may be some significance to this

display of adornment, it could equally represent ‘a reflection of personal taste or wealth’

(Paterson et al 2014: 151). This particular example and its interpretations are an anomaly

amongst the data, which generally follows the pattern of minimal bead finds from male

graves in Scandinavia (Solberg 1985). In terms of age, there is not enough secure data

from the skeletal material to make significant comments on a relationship between beads

and particular age groups. Based on the available data, there appears to be examples of

beads deposited at each stage of life, from infant to elderly. As stated above, the

intersections of other aspects of personal identity and burial rites may be more influential

in the decision to inter the deceased with grave goods.

The pattern of beads which appear to have a possible amuletic role demonstrates a

use for beads beyond personal adornment. Evidence from the database suggests that single

finds of amber and glass beads may have been deposited as amulets in the graves of

women and children. The association between single finds of amber (with or without other

bead forms), is noted in the graves of children (and women) in the early Anglo-Saxon

period (Meaney 1981: 67, 71). Talismans in the form of single glass ‘sword’ beads were

found in three male graves. These sword beads are discussed as an artefact with a clear

amuletic role in Anglo-Saxon male graves (Meaney 1981: 28). To connect the use of beads

in this manner to Scandinavian cultural ideas, it is necessary to briefly examine ideas

regarding magic and religion in the Viking-Age. Hayeur Smith discusses amulets and

talismans as part of ‘the magical dimension of Norse paganism’ (2004: 83). This

understanding is based on idea that magic serves a specific purpose (a ‘means to an end’)

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rather than the more complex role of religion in society (Hayeur Smith 2004: 83).

Therefore, amulets are objects which engage in this idea of magic by representing an

attempt to exert control over the outcome of a situation (Hayeur Smith 2004: 83, 85-6).

While this is particularly relevant to the role of sword beads as talismans during fighting,

the inclusion of amulets in burials could be seen as an attempt to control the outcome of

the deceased’s afterlife through the protective properties of amber beads or a bead

decorated with an eye motif (Hayeur Smith 2004: 83). Items such as Thor’s hammer

pendants (such as the one found in Repton, Grave 511) are more directly associated with

religion due to the connection with a specific deity (Hayeur Smith 2004: 86; Biddle &

Kjølbye-Biddle 2001: 40).

To further complicate the cultural background behind the use of beads as amulets,

Hayeur Smith suggests that there is a connection between certain bead types to deities in

Icelandic contexts (2004: 90). For example, amber beads are connected to the deity Freya

(Hayeur Smith 2004: 90). In light of these discussions, it is possible that the use of beads

as amulets blurred the line between the magical and the religious elements of Norse

paganism (Hayeur Smith 2004: 83). The use of beads in a magical or religious capacity is

difficult to accurately interpret from the archaeological record, particularly in light of

factors such as personal preferences (Hayeur Smith 2004: 89). Furthermore, there is a risk

of projecting ideas regarding amulets from later texts backwards into the early Viking-Age

(Fuglesang 1989: 15). In light of the nature of the evidence for beads as amulets from the

database, perhaps it is better for these examples to be understood within their site specific

context rather than as a wider pattern of behaviour in the Viking-Age Britain.


The patterns suggested by the appearance of beads in Viking-Age sites are in part the

result of the stages of production, trade, and use in the life cycle of this artefact. There may

be many factors which have influenced the appearance of beads in archaeological contexts;

their value within Viking-Age society, the wealth or status of a deceased individual, and

the techniques used to excavate sites. By focussing on the study of beads within this life

cycle framework, it is hoped that this study has illuminated some of the ways in which the

study of Viking-Age beads can be furthered in Britain. Works such as Callmer (1977) and

Guido (1999) provide useful comparisons for understanding the trade and movement of

beads in the pre-Viking and Viking-Age periods. However, in light of new data from

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excavated sites and studies conducted since these publications (within Scandinavia and

Britain), a wider range of ideas and information can be used to update the understanding of

beads in the Viking-Age.

It is clear that bead-makers worked with many different locally sourced and imported

materials at different scales of production. Individual bead-making and small scale

production occurred across many sites using materials left-over from other activities,

imported material from transoceanic sources, or material transported over small distances

to the site from the hinterland or neighbouring area. The use of local materials

demonstrates engagements in regional networks of trade. Evidence for specialised

production of glass beads within Viking-Age England is influenced by continued and

introduced glass working techniques. The local production of Scandinavian and Anglian

types, as well as the introduction of high lead glass manufacturing techniques from Eastern

Europe, demonstrate that the bead-makers at Coppergate worked within a well-connected

system of craft working knowledge (Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2594-6; Bayley 2008: 16).

The Viking-Age connections between Britain and the wider Viking world is also evident in

imported bead types. The database assemblage for this study contains examples of

Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Irish, Western European and Eastern forms in circulation

before, during, and (in all probability), after the Viking-Age. While it is often difficult to

accurately identify the origin of manufacture (Mainman & Rogers 2000: 2605), bead forms

from Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Central Asian areas demonstrate engagement in

a long distance trade network which connected urban sites such as York to intermediary

emporia sites in Scandinavia.

The role of beads within economic processes of production and trade form only part

of the life cycle of a bead. As these beads are a product manufactured for a consumer, the

appearance of Viking-Age beads in Britain is also influenced by the use of beads. It must

be recognised that some of the bead finds were purchased in Scandinavia, and the

subsequent movement of these artefacts across the North Sea occurred with a Scandinavian

migrant. Viking-Age burials are important sources of information regarding the use of

beads to express (and determine) personal and cultural identity. The arrangement of beads

into jewellery forms such as necklaces or as an attachment to brooches is one expression of

Scandinavian female identity. However, this gendered association is not exclusive as there

are many examples where small numbers of beads were deposited in the burials of men

and children. Beyond this role in personal adornment, the appearance of beads in a

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functional role as an amulet or talisman provides a slight insight into the magical and

possibly religious beliefs of the deceased and their local community.

It cannot be said that beads in and of themselves were instrumental in founding the

economic networks of the Viking World in the early medieval period. Nor are they objects

which contain inherent signifiers of ‘Scandinavian-ness’ which can be read in the

archaeological record of Viking-Age Britain. However, beads are one of a number of

proxies for the development of these ideas and interactions. Patterns in the appearance of

beads (alongside other material culture) demonstrate engagements in similar markets,

traditions and ideas throughout the wider Viking World. The incorporation of finds which

might otherwise be excluded in other research designs (particularly beads which have been

lost), has created a broader representation of these patterns. Beads are therefore a small but

significant part of the interactions and processes which shaped Viking-Age society in


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Appendix B

Concordance Tables 18-20 - Comparison with Scandinavian forms

A comparison between the types listed in Callmer (1977) and the forms which appear in

the database of this study. Comparison with undecorated glass forms excludes database

entries of unknown shape or colour. Decorated glass forms of unknown shape are included

to demonstrate further information on the provenance of decorative styles.

Key: D = diameter, T = thickness/W= width, L= length, H= height.

Table 18: Gemstone and faience beads

Database type Callmer (1977) Types Key descriptive points

Ec 4.13 ND,

Ec 4.4-7 (both facetted)

T009 (Group Ta) Cornelian, cylindrical, facetted

8 sides

Fh 1.10 ND S001, (Group Sb)


Rock crystal, spherical

Jd 4.1 ND,

Jd 3.1 ND?

R001 (Group Ra) Faience, melon shaped

Table 19: Undecorated glass beads

Database Type Callmer (1977) Types Key descriptive points

Aa 1.1 ND A171,

A173 (Group An),

A200 (Group Ao)

Glass, annular, blue (range of

shades), translucent, two

examples folded manufacture

Aa 1.3 ND A340?


Glass, annular, translucent,

green (range of shades)

Aa 1.10 ND A001 (Group Aa) Glass, annular, colourless,


Aa 2.1 ND (singular


None Glass, annular, semi-

translucent, blue (appearing

dark), D 18 mm x H 8 mm

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Database Type Callmer (1977) Types Key descriptive points

Aa 2.3 ND (singular


None Glass, annular, semi-

transparent, green (medium-

dark), D 22 mm x T 7.5 mm

Aa 3.1 ND (singular


None (Closest to A190) Glass, annular, translucent,

blue (dark), D: 6mm

Aa 3.4 ND None Glass, annular, opaque, brown

Aa 3.5 ND A030 (Group Ad) Glass, annular, opaque, black

Aa 3.6 ND A060 (All Group Ag),


Glass, annular, opaque, yellow

Aa 3.6-4 ND (singular


None Glass, annular, opaque, yellow-

brown, D18.5 mm x 9.1 mm

Aa 3.8 ND (singular


None (Closest A020-3,

A025, A371)

Glass, annular, opaque, white,

D 20 mm

Aa 3.9-3 ND None (Closest to A360) Glass, annular, grey-green,

opaque, D: 11 mm

Aa 4.1 ND,

Aa? 4.1 ND




A173 (Group An),





A231? (Group Ao),





A293 (Group Ar)

Glass, annular, blue (range of


Aa 4.1-3 ND (singular


None (Closest to A260-

4, A270-1, A280)

Glass, annular, blue-green, D

19.2 mm x H 9.6 mm

Aa 4.3 ND,

Aa? 4.3 ND







Glass, annular, green (range of


Aa 4.4 ND None Glass, annular, brown

Aa 4.5 ND A030 (All Group Ad),


Glass, annular, black

Aa 4.6 ND A040, Glass, annular, yellow

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Database Type Callmer (1977) Types Key descriptive points



A043 (Group Ae),

A050 (Group Af),


A061 (Group Ag)

Aa 4.6-4 ND A120 (Group Ak) Glass, annular, yellow-brown

Aa 4.10 ND (singular


A001 (Group Aa),

A012 (Group Ab)

Glass, annular, colourless, D:

between 3 and 17 mm

Aa/d 4.1 ND (singular


None Glass, annular with nicks/cuts

on outer edge – gadrooned?,


Ab/h 4.5 ND (singular


Close to A033? Glass, globular? Spherical?,


Ab 1.1 ND A171,

A172 (Group An),


A230 (Group Ao)

Glass, globular, translucent,

blue (range of shades)

Ab 1.3 ND A340?



Glass, globular, translucent

green (range of shades)

Ab 1.4 ND (singular


None Glass, globular, translucent,

brown, D 3.5 mm x T 2 mm

Ab 1.6 ND A041 (All Group Ae),



Glass, globular, translucent,


Ab 1.6-4 ND (singular


None (Closest to A120) Glass, globular?, translucent,

yellow, D: 14 mm

Ab 2.1 ND (singular


None (Closest to A210) Glass, globular, semi-

translucent, blue, D: 15 mm

Ab 3.1 ND A190 (Group Ao),


Glass, globular, opaque, blue

(range of colours)

Ab 3.1-3 ND (singular



A261 (Group Ap)

Glass, globular, translucent,

blue-green, D 8.1 mm x H 7.6


Ab 3.3 ND A360? Glass, globular, opaque, green

(range of colours)

Ab 3.4 ND None Glass, globular, opaque, brown

Ab 3.4-5 ND (singular


None Glass, globular, opaque,

brown-black, D 8.2 mm x H

7.4 mm

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Database Type Callmer (1977) Types Key descriptive points

Ab 3.5 ND A030 (All Group Ad),


Glass, globular, opaque, black,

D: 9 mm to 11 mm

Ab 3.6 ND A060 (All Group Ag),


Glass, globular, opaque, yellow

Ab 3.6-4 ND (singular


None Glass, globular, opaque,

yellow-brown, D 8.8 mm x H

5.5 mm

Ab 3.8 ND,

Ab 3.9-8 ND

A020 (All Group Ac),





Glass, globular, opaque, white,

D: size range between 3 and 11


Ab 4.1 ND A170,

A171 (Group An),





A231? (Group Ao),





A291 (Group Ar)

Glass, globular, blue (range of


Ab 4.1-3 ND A260,


A262 (Group Ap),



A280 (Group Aq)

Glass, globular, blue-green, D:

between 6 and 17 mm

Ab 4.1-8 ND (singular


None Glass, globular, blue-white, D

8.4 mm x H 5.5 mm

Ab 4.2 ND (singular


None (Closest to A100) Glass, globular, red, D 2.3 mm

x H 1.9 mm

Ab 4.3 ND A340?





Glass, globular, green (range of


Ab 4.4 ND (singular


None Glass, globular, brown, D 6.2

mm x H 5.0 mm

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Database Type Callmer (1977) Types Key descriptive points

Ab 4.5 ND A030 (All Group Ad),



Glass, globular, black

Ab 4.6 ND A040,


A042 (Group Ae),

A050 (Group Af),


A061 (Group Ag)

Glass, globular, yellow

Ab 4.6-8 ND (singular


None Glass, globular, yellow-white,

D 116 mm x H 8.9 mm

Ab 4.7 ND (singular


A080 (Group Ai),

A090 (Group Aj)

Glass, globular, orange, D 7.6

mm x H 4.8 mm

Ab 4.10 ND (singular


A001 (Group Aa),

A013 (Group Ab)

Glass, globular, colourless, D

13 mm x H 12.6 mm

Ac 1.1 ND A174 (All Group An),


Glass, cylindrical, translucent,

blue (dark)

Ac 1.1 ND None Glass, cylindrical – rectangular

prismatic, translucent blue


Ac 1.4 ND (singular


None Glass, cylindrical, translucent,

brown, D 4.5 mm x H 5.5 mm

Ac 1.6 ND A044 (Group Ae) Glass, cylindrical, translucent,


Ac 2.6 ND None Glass, cylindrical, semi-

translucent, yellow

Ac 3.2 ND None Glass, cylindrical, opaque, red

Ac 3.2-4 ND (singular


A135 (Group Al) Glass, cylindrical, opaque, red-

brown, D: between 6 and 8 mm

Ac 3.3 ND A361? Glass, cylindrical, opaque,

green (range of shades?), D:

between 6 mm and 8 mm

Ac 3.4 ND None Glass, cylindrical – tubular,

opaque light brown, D: 9.3 mm

X L: 7.4 mm

Ac 3.5 ND (singular


None Glass, cylindrical, opaque,


Ac 3.6 ND None (Closest to A044) Glass, cylindrical, opaque,


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Database Type Callmer (1977) Types Key descriptive points

Ac 3.6-4 ND (singular


None Glass, cylindrical, opaque,

yellow-brown, D 10 mm x L 6


Ac 3.7 ND (singular


None Glass, cylindrical, opaque,


Ac 3.8 ND (singular


A024 (Group Ac) Glass, cylindrical, opaque,


Ac 4.1 ND A174,

A175 (Group An),

A294 (Group Ar)

Glass, cylindrical, blue (shades


Ac 4.2 ND (singular


None Glass, cylindrical, red, D 2.6

mm x H 1.3 mm

Ac 4.1-3 ND (singular


A272 (Group Aq) Glass, cylindrical, blue-green

Ac 4.3 ND None (Closest to A343?


Glass, cylindrical, green (range

of shades)

Ac 4.5 ND None Glass, cylindrical, black

Ac 4.6 ND A044 (Group Ae),

A063 (Group Ag)

Glass, cylindrical, yellow, D:

between 3 mm and 8 mm

Ac/e 4.5 ND (singular


None Glass, cylindrical/segmented,


Ad 1.1 ND A177 (All Group An),


Glass, melon, translucent, blue

(dark), D: between 9 and 14


Ad 1.3 ND A300 (Group As) Glass, melon, translucent,

green (medium to dark), D:

between 9mm and 20 mm

Ad 1.6 ND (singular


A045 (Group Ae) Glass, melon, translucent,

yellow, D: between 6 mm and

8 mm

Ad 1.8 ND (singular


None Glass, melon, translucent,

white, D 8 mm x L 6-7 mm

Ad 1.10 ND A006 (Group Aa) Glass, melon, translucent,

colourless, D: between 9 and

14 mm

Ad 3.1 ND (singular


A295? Glass, melon, opaque, blue

(shade unknown), D 13 mm

Ad 3.8 ND (singular


None (Closest A036) Glass, melon, opaque, white (-

pink), D 10 mm x W 9.9 mm x

T 6 mm

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Database Type Callmer (1977) Types Key descriptive points

Ad 4.1 ND A177,

A178 (Group An),

A211 (Group Ao),

A295 (Group Ar)

Glass, melon, blue (turquoise

and unknown shades)

Ad 4.3 ND A300 (Group As),

A345 (Group Av)

Glass, melon, green, D:

between 6 mm and 14 mm

Ad 4.5 ND None Glass, melon, black

Ae 1.1 ND (singular


E060 Glass, segmented (five),

translucent, dark blue, D:

between 3mm and 11 mm

Ae 3.1 ND None Glass, segmented, opaque, blue

Ae 3.6 ND E030? Glass, segmented, opaque,

yellow, D: between 3 mm and

11 mm

Ae 3.6-8 ND None Glass, segmented, opaque,


Ae 3.8 ND None (Closest to E020) Glass, segmented (two?),

opaque white

Ae 3.10 ND (singular


None Glass, segmented (one),

opaque, colourless (coloured


Ae 4.1 ND E060,


Glass, segmented, blue (range

of colours?)

Ae 4.1-3 ND (singular


None Glass, segmented (two), blue-


Ae 4.1-8 ND (singular


E064 Glass, segmented (two & 3),

blue-white (lined)

Ae 4.3 ND E080 Glass, segmented, green

Ae 4.6 ND E030 Glass, segmented, yellow

Ae 4.6-8 ND None Glass, segmented, yellow-


Ae 4.10 ND E001 Glass, segmented, colourless

Ae 4.11 ND,

Ae 4.11? ND



Glass, segmented, foil

Af 3.7 ND None Glass, biconical, opaque,


Af 3.7-4 ND (singular


None Glass, biconical, opaque,


Af 4.1 ND A176 (Group An) Glass, biconical, blue (shades


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Database Type Callmer (1977) Types Key descriptive points

Af 4.10 ND (singular


None (Closest to A004) Glass, biconical, colourless, D

6.1 mm x H 3.5 mm

Ah 1.1-9 ND (singular


None Glass, spherical, translucent,

blue-grey, D 7 mm

Ah 1.10 ND (singular


None Glass, spherical, translucent,

colourless, D 8 mm

Ah 3.1 ND (singular


None Glass, spherical, opaque, blue,

D 2.5 mm

Ah 3.4 ND (singular


None Glass, spherical, opaque,

brown (dark), D 7 mm

Ah 3.6 ND (singular


None Glass, spherical, opaque,

yellow, 3 mm x 3 mm

Ah 4.3 ND (singular


None Glass, spherical, green, D 10

mm x L 10 mm

Ah 4.6 ND (singular


None Glass, spherical, yellow

Table 20: Decorated glass beads.

Database Type Callmer (1977) Types Key descriptive points

Aa 1.12 Zig Zag None Glass, annular, translucent,

polychrome: green with

(opaque) yellow combed zig

zag, D 21-23 mm x L 11 mm

Aa 1.12 Trail Close to B382 (Group


Glass, annular, translucent,

polychrome blue with

(opaque) white trail in

irregular triangles

Aa 3.12 Waved None Glass, annular, opaque,

polychrome: yellow-brown

with two green-brown

crossing waves

Aa 3.12 Waved None Glass, annular, opaque,

polychrome: brown with

white waved line, D 13.6 mm

x H 6.8 mm

Aa? 3.12 Eye B025 (Group Bn) Glass, annular?, opaque,

Polychrome: white with at

least two blue eyes

Aa? 3.12 Mosaic G040 (Group Ga) Glass, annular?, opaque,

Polychrome: yellow-white

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Database Type Callmer (1977) Types Key descriptive points

with red and black squares in

a possible chequerboard


Aa? 3.12 Mosaic? Close to G040? (Group


Glass, annular? opaque,

polychrome: brown-red with

yellow and black squares –

possibly mosaic?

Aa 3.12 Trail Unknown Glass, annular, translucent,

polychrome: blue with

yellow-green decayed trails,

D 10 mm X H 4 mm

Aa 4.12 Waved Close to B414 (Group


Glass, annular (fragment),

polychrome: blue with

opaque yellow waved line in

crossed/chain pattern, D: 22.5

X H: 10.8

Aa 4.12 Waved B052 (Group Bd) Glass, annular, polychrome:

Black (or very dark green)

with a white waved line, D:

between 15 mm and 20 mm.

Aa 4.12 Waved/Trail B545 (group Bc) Glass, annular, polychrome:

green with two red trails

either side of a yellow waved


Aa 4.12 Eye None Glass, annular, polychrome:

blue with white eyes

Aa 4.12 Eye Unknown – could be

B240? (Group Bl)

Glass, annular, polychrome:


Aa 4.12 Raised


None Glass, annular, polychrome:

black, yellow, blue, white

Aa 4.12 String None Glass, annular, polychrome:

mix of glass in body with

main colouration of dark

blue, opaque yellow/brown

twisted cable decoration, est.

D 35 mm x H 17 mm

Aa 4.12 Twist None Glass, annular, polychrome:

turquoise with yellow cable

decoration, L 13.2 mm x H 8


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Database Type Callmer (1977) Types Key descriptive points

Aa 4.12 Trail Close to B389 (Group


Glass, annular, polychrome:

blue with an opaque yellow

concentric trail

D: 11 mm X H: 4.5 mm

Aa 4.12 Trail Close to B389 (Group


Glass, annular, polychrome:

blue with an opaque white

concentric trail

D: 15.4 mm X 4.3 mm

Aa? 4.12 Herringbone,

Aa 4.12 Herringbone,

Aa 1-3.12 Herringbone

K001 (Group Ka) Glass, annular?, polychrome:

blue with white lines in a

herringbone/possible false

reticella pattern

Ab 1.12 Framed

Eye/Raised Eye

Close to B005 (Group


Glass, globular, translucent,

Polychrome: colourless with

red disc and cluster of yellow

applied blobs

Ab 3.12 Linear/Raised


None Glass, globular, opaque,

polychrome: red with white

random linear pattern over

top of applied yellow blobs,

D 9 mm x L 6 mm

Ab 3.12 Trail None Glass, globular, opaque,

polychrome: brown with light

brown concentric circle

Ab 3.12 Raised Eye None Glass, globular, opaque,

polychrome: brown with

cream applied blobs

Ab 3.12 Waved B052 (Group Bd) Glass, globular, opaque,

polychrome: black with white

wave, D 15.5mm x H 9.7

Ab 3.12 Millefiori


B030 (Group Bn) Glass, globular ?, opaque,

polychrome: white with

central blue eye and straight

red and white rays with no

border, D: between 6 mm and

11 mm

Ab 4.12 Trail None Glass, globular, polychrome:

dark blue with white

concentric trial, D 15.1 mm x

13 mm

Ab 4.12 Trail/Raised


Close to B438/440

(Group Bm)

Glass, globular, polychrome:

blue with white waved trail

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Database Type Callmer (1977) Types Key descriptive points

and applied blobs, D 22 mm x

H 11 mm

Ab? 4.12 Herringbone K001? (Group Ka) Glass, globular? polychrome:

blue with grey-like linear

pattern in a herringbone

pattern – possibly incised?

Ab? 4.12 Zigzag Close to B409 (Group


Glass, globular?, polychrome:

blue with white combed


Ab? 4.12 Framed Eyes B480 (Group Bg) Glass, globular? polychrome:

white eyes with smaller blue

eyes in the centre.

Ac 1.12 Waved/Eye None Glass, cylindrical,

translucent, polychrome:

grey-green with two waved

bands of red on white and

four eyes of same red/white

colour in each interspace

Ac 3.12 Linear B225 (Group Ba) Glass, cylindrical ?, opaque,

polychrome: yellow with two

black crossing waved lines,

D: between 6 mm and 11 mm

Ac 3.12 Linear None Glass, cylindrical, opaque,

polychrome: blue with white

horizontal lines, D 8.5 mm x

L 10 mm

Ac 3.12 Trail B391? (Group Bf) Glass, cylindrical ?, opaque,

polychrome: white with red

and blue trails in spiral

horizontally along surface of


Ac 3.12 Waved Unknown Glass, cylindrical ?, opaque,

polychrome: white with blue

waved line around

circumference, D: between

6mm and 20 mm

Ac? 3.12 Waved B018 (Group Ba) Glass, cylindrical?, opaque,

polychrome: black/blue with

blue and white crossing


Ac 3.12 Millefiori


Close to B238 (Group


Glass, cylindrical, opaque,

polychrome: yellow with

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Database Type Callmer (1977) Types Key descriptive points

straight black and white rays

around a central red eye, D:

between 6 and 11 mm.

Ac 3.12 Millefiori


Close to B089 (Group


Glass, cylindrical, opaque,

polychrome: green/black with

decayed white trail around

three millefiori discs of red

eye with yellow rays

Ac 3.12 Millefiori


Literature states close to

B268. Close to this,

however, Callmer

example has red body

colour. (If considered as

this then Group Bp)

Glass, cylindrical, opaque,

polychrome: brown with

white crossing waves around

three red millefiori discs

Ac 3.12 Millefiori


Close to B090 (Group


Glass, cylindrical, opaque,

polychrome: black/red with

black and white curvilinear

rays, a red and white central

eye and a red border

Ac 3.12 Millefiori G002 (Group Ga) Glass, cylindrical, composite

made, multi-coloured with

clear floral design

Ac 3.12 Millefiori

motif/Zig zag

Close to B090 (Group


Glass, cylindrical ?, opaque,

polychrome: black with white

zigzag in a chain pattern with

red and white raised eyes, D:

between 12 mm and 17 mm

Ac 3.12 String/Raised


None (B447 closest) Glass, cylindrical, opaque,

polychrome: blue with

translucent blue and white

collars at each end and three

knobs at the centre of the

beads consisting of swirled

blue and white glass, D 5-7

mm x L 17 m

Ac 3.12 Framed Eye/

Raised Eye

B090 (Group Bh) Glass, cylindrical, opaque,

polychrome: black with discs

(?) encircling red blobs with a

black eye at the centre, D

14mm x L 13 mm

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Database Type Callmer (1977) Types Key descriptive points

Ac 4.12 Linear/Raised


Unknown Glass, cylindrical,

polychrome: interlacing lines

and multi-coloured bosses

Ac 4.12 Trail/Zigzag None Glass, cylindrical,

polychrome: blue with yellow

linear circumference line and

cream/white zigzag

Ac? e? 3.12 Trail None Glass, wound cylindrical or

segmented?, opaque,

polychrome: dark brown with

yellow trail in twist around

external surface,

D: 6 mm

Ad 3.12 Trail None Glass, melon, opaque,

polychrome: green with

circumferential yellow band,

Ad 4.12 Trail None Glass, melon, polychrome:

blue with light blue trail, D

12 mm

Ad 4.12 Trail None Glass, melon, polychrome

with white circumferential

threads, D 12 mm x T 10 mm

Af 3.12 Waved None Glass, biconical, opaque?

Polychrome blue with white

waves in crossed pattern, L

7.9 mm x H 5.6 mm

Af? 4.12 Trail/Eyes None Glass, biconical?,

polychrome: dark blue with

white enamel trail and yellow


Af 4.12 Trails/Waved None Glass, biconical, polychrome:

v. dark/black with

white/cream concentric trials

and irregular waves, D 9.6

mm, H 6.0 mm

Af 4.12 Linear None Glass, biconical, polychrome:

yellow with red crossing lines

in a diamond pattern

Ag 4.12 Trail None Glass, discoid, polychrome:

green with white trail in spiral

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Database Type Callmer (1977) Types Key descriptive points

pattern on circumference of


Ai 1.12 Raised Eye None Glass, other – oval,

translucent, polychrome:

green with irregular yellow

applied blobs, D 10 mm x 7


Ai 1.12 Trail/Eye Close to B563 (Group


Glass, other – circular,

Translucent, polychrome:

blue-green with red trail and

yellow/green eyes

Ai 1-3.12 Herringbone K001 (Group Ka) Glass, other – barrel-shaped,

translucent blue with opaque

white, rows of blue and white

twisted rod in a

herringbone/possible false

reticella? Pattern, D 9 mm x

H 9 mm

Ai 4.12 Eye Close to B426 (Group


Glass, other-circular,

polychrome: blue with three

green and white insets, D c.8


Ai 4.12 Raised Eye None Glass, other-irregular square,

polychrome: blue with

applied white knobs with a

blue eye in the centre

Ai 4.12 Millefiori motif Close to B082 (Group


Glass, other – Barrel-shaped,

polychrome: v. dark/black

with green blobs and yellow

lines, D: between 9 and 20


Aj 1-3.12 Raised


Unknown Glass, fragment of tripartite?,

translucent green with yellow

knob surrounded by opaque

white and blue-green cable

Aj 3.12 Waved/Eye

Close to B438? (Group


Glass, fragment, opaque?,

polychrome: blue with yellow

eyes and crossed waves

Aj 3.12 Waved Close to B016? (Group


Glass, shape unknown,

opaque, polychrome: white

with blue crossing waved


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Database Type Callmer (1977) Types Key descriptive points

Aj 4.12 Linear None Glass, shape unclear,

polychrome: yellow with blue

dash markings

Aj 4.12 String/Eye None Glass, shape unclear,

polychrome, blue with white

and blue cabling and yellow


Aj 4.12 Herringbone? K001 (Group Ka) Glass, shape unclear,

polychrome: blue and white,

possible herringbone (based

on photograph)

Aj 4.12 Spiral None Glass, fragment, polychrome:

yellow with black/brown

coloured spirals

Aj 4.12 Waved Close to B381, B382

(Group Bd) B383, B384?

(Group Bf)

Glass, polychrome: blue with

white waved line

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Appendix C Bead groups and provenance information

Table 21: The provenance information for forms identified as similar to types in Callmer’s (1977)

bead groups.

Summary of key features

(database examples)

Bead group

(Callmer 1977: 78-


Provenance (Callmer 1977:


Annular, globular, Melon


Aa Scandinavia or West Europe

Annular, globular,


Ab Scandinavia or West Europe

Globular, cylindrical, white Ac Scandinavian (except A370 –

Mediterranean or Middle East


Annular, globular (possibly

melon), black

Ad Scandinavia or West Europe

Annular, globular,

cylindrical, melon, yellow

Ae Scandinavia or West Europe

Annular, globular, yellow Af Scandinavia or West Europe

Annular, globular,

cylindrical, yellow

Ag Scandinavia or West Europe

Globular, orange Ai Scandinavia or West Europe

Globular, orange Aj West European

Annular, yellow-brown Ak Scandinavia or West Europe

Cylindrical, brown-red Al Scandinavian or West


Annular, globular,

cylindrical, melon,

biconical, (dark) blue

An West/Central Europe (A176)

Annular, globular, melon,


Ao Scandinavian

Globular, bluish green Ap Scandinavia or West Europe

Globular, cylindrical, bluish


Aq Scandinavia or West Europe

Annular, globular,

cylindrical, melon,


Ar Scandinavian

Melon, green As Scandinavia or West Europe

Melon, grey green Av Scandinavian

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Waved (crossing) Ba Scandinavia, Baltic Littoral,

Staraja Ladoga

Waved (crossing) Bb Scandinavia

Waved/Trail Bc Scandinavia, Baltic Littoral,

Staraja Ladoga

Waved, Trail Bd Majority Scandinavia,

possibly Western Europe

Zigzag (combed), Trail,


Bf Scandinavian or Western


Eye Bg Mediterranean or Middle East

Millefiori motif, Millefiori

motif/Zigzag, Raised

Eye/Framed Eye

Bh ‘West Turkestan’- Central


Eye Bl Western Europe

Framed Eye/Raised Eye,

Trail/Raised Eye, Trail Eye,


Bm Western Europe

Eye, Millefiori motif, Bn Unclear – Scandinavia likely;

possibly Western Europe

Millefiori motif/Waved Bp Scandinavian, Baltic Littoral

and Staraja Ladoga

Millefiori motif/Trail,

Millefiori motif

Bq Not Stated

Segmented Ea Byzantine or Caliphate

Composite beads (eye,

spiral, flower and chequer


Ga North Western Europe

Herringbone (Reticella) Ka West Europe

Faience Ra Mediterranean?

Rock crystal (small


Sb Western and Southern Asia

Cornelian Ta Iran or India

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Appendix D

Concordance Table 22 - Comparison with types appearing in the Anglo-

Saxon period.

A selection of bead forms which share similar features with bead types appearing in

Guido’s (1999) study of Anglo-Saxon England, are presented below. Due to the broad

descriptive nature of Guido’s study, this comparison is restricted to examples which share

similarities in shape, colour and decoration style with the bead types dating to the Anglo-

Saxon period.

Table 22: List of examples from the database with similar features to types created by Guido

(1999), including provenance information.

Site Bead database


Anglo-Saxon types

AD 400 to 700

Possible origin

Peel Castle 297, 316, 334, 340,

355, 357

Type 1i Unknown

Sangobeg 004 Type 2i Possible



Westness 032 Type 2i Possible



Quoygrew 086 Type 2i Possible



Peel Castle 344 Type 2i Possible



Townfoot Farm 422 Type 2i Possible



Parliament St

Sewer Trench

437 Type 2i Possible



Whithorn 017 Type 2vi Europe

Peel Castle 306 Type 2ix Possibly Rhenish


Whithorn 009 Type 3i Possibly


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Knowe of Moan 163 Type 3i Possibly


Jarlshof 182, 183 Type 3i Possibly


Ballinaby 261? Type 3i Possibly


Peel Castle 332, 335 Type 3i Possibly


Repton 424 Type 3i Possibly


Bay of Skaill 098 Type3iiia Europe – the

Netherlands one


Peel Castle 356 Type 3iv Suggested local –

Norfolk and


Westness 033 Type 3v Frankish

Quoygrew 082, 083 Type 4i Manufacture

known locally

and in


Knowe of Moan 159, 160 Type 4i Manufacture

known locally

and in


Peel Castle 343 Type 4i Manufacture

known locally

and in


Peel Castle Type 4vi Possible local


Peel Castle 294, 299, 305, 309,

313, 317, 321, 323,

324, 325, 331, 349,

350, 352

Type 5i Possibly local

Walmgate 440 Type 5i Possibly local

Brough of Birsay 448 Type 5i Possibly local

Townfoot Farm 453, 457, 458, 460,

461, 464, 472

Type 5i Possibly local

Meols 492 Type 5i Possibly local

Whithorn 491 Type 5i Possibly local

Peel Castle 308, 326, 328 Type 5v Local


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Ballinaby 255 Type 5ix Possible Frankish

Townfoot Farm 423, 462, 451, 463 Type 5x Local


Peel Castle 310, 318 Type 5x Local


Whithorn 018 Type 5x Local


Dunadd 499, 500 Type 6i Manufacture

known from


Westness 036-9, 055, 061-4,


Type 6i Manufacture

known from


Quoygrew 085 Type 6i Manufacture

known from


Brough of Birsay 091, 450 Type 6i Manufacture

known from


Jarlshof 186 Type 6i Manufacture

known from


Old Scatness 188-9 Type 6i Manufacture

known from


Cruach Mhor 265 Type 6i Manufacture

known from


Peel Castle 304, 358, 361, 365,

367, 369

Type 6i Manufacture

known from


Claughton Hall 420 Type 6i Manufacture

known from


Townfoot Farm 467-8 Type 6i Manufacture

known from


Bornish 473, 474, 476 Type 6i Manufacture

known from


St John 290 Type 6ii Possibly local or


Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (164)




Peel Castle 338 Type 6ii Possibly local or




Jarlshof 185 Type 6iii Possibly local or




Westness 052 Type 6vi Early Anglo-

Saxon examples

from Frankish

Rhineland. Later

Viking period

examples from

Sweden and


Brough of Birsay 090, 093 Type 6vi Early Anglo-

Saxon examples

from Frankish

Rhineland. Later

Viking period

examples from

Sweden and


Knowe of Moan 150-6, 167 Type 6vi Early Anglo-

Saxon examples

from Frankish

Rhineland. Later

Viking period

examples from

Sweden and


Peel Castle 348 Type 6vi Early Anglo-

Saxon examples

from Frankish

Rhineland. Later

Viking period

examples from

Sweden and


Bay of Skaill 097 Type 6vii Not stated

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (165)


Jarlshof 184 Type 6viii Not Stated

Bornish 282, 478 Type 6viii Not Stated

Castle Haven 007 Type 6ix Unknown

Townfoot Farm 452 Type 6ix Unknown

Westness 054 Type 6x Not Stated

Croy 023 Type 6xiv Unknown

Peel Castle 333, 345 Type 8i Europe,


northern Europe

and southern

Denmark for

annular examples

Claughton Hall 419 Type 8i Europe,


northern Europe

and southern

Denmark for

annular examples

Dunadd 510 Type 8i Europe,


northern Europe

and southern

Denmark for

annular examples

Townfoot Farm 465 Type 8i Europe,


northern Europe

and southern

Denmark for

annular examples

Westness 034, 043, 044, 057,

058, 059, 060, 065,


Type 8i Europe,


northern Europe

and southern

Denmark for

annular examples

Ballinaby 252, 256, 262? Type 8i Europe,


northern Europe

and southern

Denmark for

annular examples

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (166)


Westness 042 Type 10a Rhineland and

Frisia; Ireland; or


Harrold 426 Type 11b Possibly English


Brough of


100 Type 13 Continental

Europe (first in

Mediterranean in


Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (167)


Appendix E. Table 23 – decorated glass bead types

Table 23: A grid table of simplified data regarding the primary (body) and secondary (decoration)

colours and decorative styles of decorated glass beads arranged into clusters. This table is the basis

for the groups presented in Table 16.









































g w





ed z















Dunadd (501) 1 2

Dunadd (504) 1 2

Dunadd (506) 1 2

Westness (046) 1 2

Ballinaby (257)


colour grey)


Peel Castle


2 1&2


Peel Castle


2 2 1 2

Peel Castle


2 1&2





1 2 2 2

Westness (042) 1 2 2 2

Westness (035) 1 2 2

Westness (053) 2 2 1 ?

Hillswick (191-



Dunadd (502) 1 2 2




1 2

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (168)










































g w





ed z
















Farm (452)

1 2




1 2





6-8 Pavement


2 1








2 1

34 Shambles


2 1

Peel Castle


2 1

Harrold (426) 2 1

Westness (056)


colour grey)


Croy (023) 1 2

Westness (033) 2 1

Ballinaby (260) 1&2


Repton (425) 1 2 2

Meols (396) 1



1 2




2 1

Area 3: Brough

Road (490)

2 1

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (169)










































g w





ed z















Peel Castle

(295) (Primary


2 2

Peel Castle




Whithorn (017) 2 1




2 1




2 1

Castle Haven


1 2

Peel Castle


2 1

Bay of Skaill 2 1

Brough of

Birsay (094)

2 1 2




1 2




1 2

Peel Castle


2 1

Peel Castle


1 2

Westness (054) 2 2 1

Peel Castle


2 1

Westness (051) 1 2

Hen Gastell


1 2 1 1 2




1 2

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (170)










































g w





ed z















Croy (494) 1 2

Westness (041) 1 2

Old Scatness


1 2

Peel Castle


2 1 2


Farm (470)

2 2 1


Farm (469)

1 2 2

Brough of

Birsay (447)

1 2 2 2

Croy (024) 1 2 2

Jarlshof (181)



Ballinaby (255) 2 1 2


Walden (433)

1 2 2




2 1

Cronk Yn

Howe (291)

2 1 2




1 2

Knowe of

Moan (165)


2 2




1 2

Peel Castle






2 2 1 2

Dunadd (503) 2 2 2 1

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (171)


Appendix F. Table 24 – Location of beads in burial contexts Table 24: The location of the bead finds within the context of burial sites. This table forms the

basis for Figure 29.

Site Name Bead number Bead location Directly



Probable bead

use based on


Balnakeill 3 Neck area of



None Suspended

from neck –

amber bead



St Cuthbert’s 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown

Blackerne? 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown

Broch of


1 Mixed burial


Unknown Unknown

Whithorn 2 Unknown Unknown Unknown

Westness 39/40 Unknown Unknown Unknown

Lamba Ness 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown

Braeswick 3 Wrapped with

other artefacts

Possibly one





Scar 1 Soil (unsecure


Unknown Unknown


Grave 4

7 Upper


area of skeletal


In association

with one


brooch (left

side) of a pair

Possibly strung


brooches or

hung from left



Grave 10

Several Unknown Unknown Unknown


Grave 16

1 Unknown Unknown Unknown

Greenigoe 2 Unknown (no



Unknown Unknown

Knowe of


63 Found

internally and

externally in

around the cist

Unknown Unknown

Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (172)


Site Name Bead number Bead location Directly



Probable bead

use based on




Housegord 1 Stated as same

combination as

at Cnip Burial






Clibberswick 2 Soil (Unsecure


Unknown Unknown

Bhaltos 1 Unknown Unknown Unknown

Cnip Burial A 44 Neck area Bronze Oval


Interpreted as

hung from

brooches in

multiple strings

Cnip Burial B 1 Near jaw Sandstone



Cnip Burial F 3 Amber found

near jaw,

position of

other beads


Possible iron

artefact in


with one of

the unsecure


Necklace –

likely that all

beads used in

this way

Ballinaby 12 Unknown Unknown Thought to be

necklace or



Campbell &

Batey 1998:




1 Unknown Unknown Unknown

Cruach Mhor 6 Unstratified

surface finds

Unknown Unknown



1 Soil (Unsecure


Unknown Unknown

Carn Nan


(Grave 1)

2 Near the head None Unknown –


ce or hair


Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (173)


Site Name Bead number Bead location Directly



Probable bead

use based on



(Grave 2)

2 Possible soil

find (unsecure







(Grave 3)

2 Unknown With




Tote (Grave 2) 1 Unknown Stated as

being ‘very

close’ to the

bronze pin


1920: 136)


Druim Arstail 1 Stones of the




Unknown Unknown

North Uist? Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

St John’s 7? Unknown Unknown Unknown

Cronk Yn


1 Unknown Unknown Unknown

Peel Castle

(Pagan Lady


71 67 beads


around the

neck/head area,

three beads

found in

organic mass

Beads found




Organic mass



rod, copper-


fragments and

a metal ring.

These are

interpreted as

being part of

the necklace


Peel Castle

(Adult male

10th C grave)

3 Grave soil Unknown Unknown

Peel Castle

(Child 10th

century grave)

8 Three of the

beads near

Three beads at

neck found


Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (174)


Site Name Bead number Bead location Directly



Probable bead

use based on


neck/head, five

from soil

near copper-

alloy bell

Peel Castle

(Child 12th

century grave)

1 Grave soil Unknown Unknown



1 Unknown Unknown Unknown,

single find of


Claughton Hall 2 Held between

two brooches


brooches and

molar tooth,



together in


Possible hung

from brooches?

Or ‘keepsake’


1998: 15)


Farm (Grave


1 Close to head None Possible hair



Farm (Grave


8 Six in neck

area, two from

plough soil

Oil shale ring,

copper alloy

chain link



Farm (Grave


7 Neck area Three silver


Necklace or

possibly in



Farm (Grave


1 Chest area None Unknown


(Farm Grave


3 Two found in

neck area, one

found with

group of

objects at hip


Bead found at

hip area with

three small

flints, silver

coin, glass

disc, remains

of a knife,

ringed pin,



Beads at neck



tic pendant.

Bead at hip are

likely to have

been in a purse

or pouch.

Repton (Grave


2 Neck, above

right shoulder






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Site Name Bead number Bead location Directly



Probable bead

use based on



(Grave 3)

1 Neck Sword? Sword bead?

Or possibly

clothes fastener



8 Assumed at


Pendants Necklace

NB: The bead finds from the plough soil of Townfoot Farm, Cumwhitton are not included.

However, it is thought that these beads may have come from Grave 6 (Paterson et al 2014:


Perler fra vikingtiden (Beads of the Viking-Age). A study Hickey MA Final Dissertation 2014.pdf· the bead forms presented in the secondary - [PDF Document] (176)



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