The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

3 4 A WEDNESDAY. JUNE 4. 1919 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER PAGE FIVE 7 JEW ENVOY SEES POGROMS BARRED Also Tells Zionists Peace Conference May Approve Palestine State. TURKISH BATHS AT CUTLER'S (B; Asseated Press) NEW YORK, June that the peace conference will solve the Jewish problem in east Europe. and at the same time gratify the aspiration for the establishment in Palestine of a national Jewish homeland.

are contained in a statement issued today by Judge Lulian W. Mack. president of the Zionist organization of America. Judge Mack returned. from Europe yesterday, I left Paris on May 1S." Judge Mack said in his: statement: government, as well as some Of the associated powers, were investigating the pogroms which have been taking place, not only in Poland, but in other countries in the east.

The delegation sent to Europe by; the American Jewish Congress, of which Judge Mack was chairman, has worked, her explained, in thorough co-operation and unison, with similar delegations from the eastern Jewry and: a common platform was adopted. The burden of securing the adoption of this platthe American form In the treaty fell primarily upon? Judge Mack said he was confident the program will secure full and complete emancipation and that equality and citizenship for Jewish people will be conferred en bloc, in and by the treaty Itself. He also was confident of the adoption of the proposals for the creation in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish WASHINGTON, June 3. Hugh Gibson, American minister to Poland, has Informed the state department that he had received "no report of atrocities perpetrated against people of Jewish faith in Poland, Galicia and Lithuania, with the exception of the Pinsk and Vilna affairs." His report was read to the house forelgny affairs committee today by FROM ONE TO SIX Will absolutely cue Colds, Rheuma. tism and Lumbago 41 Public Square, Amer.

Trust Bldg. ALWAYS OPEN SWELL TOOTHACHE GUM The Best The Cheapest Because it is the Best Stops Toothache Instantly ALL DRUG STORES He Heads Eastern Air Mail Service CHARLES, STANTON Charles, Stanton, former army aviator, has been connected with the aerial mail servico has been appointed eastern superintendent of the aerial mail service. He has charge of the flying fields at College Park, Maryland, the Washington air mail station; Bustleton Field, Philadelphia, air mail station: Belmont Park, Long island, the New York station, and Lehighton and Bellefonte, Pa. of which are on the New York- -Chicago routes. Mr.

Stanton's home is at Revere, Mass He is a graduate of the Englneering school of Tufts college. His flying training was obtained in the army at several government flying schools and training fields. Assistant Secretary of State William Phillips. PARIS, June a memorandum to, the peace conference the Lithuanian delegation has requested the supreme council to appoint an interallied commission of inquiry tow investigate alleged pogroms by Poles in parts of Lithuania occupied by Polish forces and other brutal and illegal acts alleged to have been committed by the Polish army of occupation. If the charges are verifled the supreme council is requested to order the Polish troops withdrawn from the occupied parts of Lithuanias If the withdrawal were ordered, it vas set forth, the lithuanian government would undertake to defend Lithuania against the Bolshevik if the Lithuanians were furnished with war supplies.

"According to official information," the memorandum states, mies in occupied parts of Lithuania have created conditions extremely hard and humiliating for the population. "They have indulged in pillaging, seized securities and valuables, robbed museums, organized wholesale requisitions, arrested employes of the Lithuanian government, imposed the use of the Polish language, and Anally, have committed: wholesalo. pogroms against Jewish population, whose dead and injured already count up to an imposing number." -0- PARIS, June amounts of counterfeit paper money are. in circulation in: soviet Russia, accoding to unofficial dispatches recelved here. French notes also: are being counterfeited.

Famous In A Day For Her Beautiful Complexion, Oatmeal Combination Does It A Prescription Does Its Work the skin appear transparent smooth and Free Overnight. You Can Prepare It At Your Home New York. It is my own discovery and it takes just one night to get such marvelous results, says Mae Edna WIIder, when her her about her wonderful complexion and the improved appearance hands add arms. You can do the same thing if you follow my advice she says: I feel it my duty to tell every girl and woman what this wonderful prescription did for me. I never tire of telling others just what brought about such results.

Here le the identical prethat removed every defect my face, neck, hands and arma Until you try it you can form no idea of the marvelous change it will make in just one application. The prescription which you can' prepare at. your own home is as follows: Go to any grocery and get 10 cents worth of ordinary oatmeal, and from any drug atore "bottle of derwillo. Prepare the oatmeal directed in every package of derwillo and apply night and The drst application will astonieh you. It makes I especially recommend it for freckles, tan, Sun spots, 'coarse pores, rough skin, ruddiness, wrinkles, and.

in fact, every blemish the face, hands and arme are heirs to. It your neck or chest 18 discolored from exposure, apply this combination there and the objectionable defect will disappear. It is absolutely harmless and will not produce or stimulate a growth of hair. matter how rough and ungainly the hands and arms, or what abuses they have had through hard work exposure to sun and wind, this oatmeal combina-: tion will work a wonderful transformation in twelve hours at the Thousands who have used it have had the same results I have had. Note: To the best effect be sure to folk the complete directs me contained in every pack.

willo. You hare only to got derwillo oatmeal Yon need else and it is that, anyone ren use it: and it is in expensive that girl or women can afford it. Tab and 11 nut be a ble after tho application of they will refund the city under a tAfund guard by department whor*s and all the Marshall end the Standand States. 24 IT'S TIME TO STORE YOUR WINTER FURS PHONE PROSPECT -1710 OUR MOTOR WILL CALL EXPERT ATTENTION MODERATE CHARGES THE R. W.

GAMMEL CO. EUCLID AT FOURTEENTH STORE YOUR FURS WITH FURRIERS 14 FILM FUN WON NEUTRALS FOR U.S. German Propaganda Lost When Chaplin Appeared, Says Speaker, How Charlie Chaplin's rollicking pranks, Mary Pickford's fetching coquetry and Douglas Fairbanks' thrilling and rugged love making defeated the Prussian at the motion picture propaganda game in neutral "countries was told members of the Wonen's. City Club yesterday by H. N.

Rickey, former editor of the Clereland Press, who was director forelen propaganda section the off committee on publia information, Washington. "Our first problem," said the speaker, "was to convince the neutrals well as our allies that America was in the war 100 per cent. and that we would stay in until we won if it cost our last dollar and our last man. "Germany honestly regarded our military efforts as a joke if honestly, indeed, cane be used in connection with the Germans. Te cabled at the expense of the government several columns of 'American new9 a day to foreign countries, where ignorance of American every day life was appalling.

had established a tight grip on the "In no neutral countries the Germans motion picture houses and were disseminating their propaganda through films. "It was the American movie stars that broke this When our films' Were introduced. fenturing Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford and Douglas. Fairbanks, the neutral motion picture. houses immediately came to our terms to obtain the pictures." Certain amounts or outright American propaganda, American munitions plants in operation and troops being mobilized, wore shown in connection with the entertainment pictures.

No German pictures were allowed to be shown in the same theater. Rickey snid the government, through the foreign propaganda section, has obtained undisputable evidence that the radical government that seized Russia "had been inspired, organized and paid for in Germany as 3 desperate effort to eliminate Rugsia from the nations arrayed against her." "Lenine and Trotzky were German agents of anarchy. Theso brutal captains of murder Industry had only the disintegration of the Russlan emhire at heart," he said. The Countess Marla of Italy, who was in this country recently as a guest of the foreign propaganda section, has sent word back, said Mr. Rickey, that she hopes to make another visit.

account of how the countess rode in a milk wagon to her ship from Hotel Vanderbilt. Now. York, when she departed for England, brought burst of laughter from the audience. "The he explainod, "hAd engaged a taxicab, but it failed her and the milk wagon was the only vehicle that could get her to the dock in BOLSHEVIKS ARE LOSING MORALE Many Desert to Allies Near Archangel. ARCHANGEL, June -The Bolshevik troops on the Archangel front appear to be losing their morale rapidly.

Desertions into the allied lines occur daily, American engineer units are still active. on the river In the recent successful attack on Tulgas the engineers were right behind the Russian troops who drove back the Bolsheviki. The constant artillery duels between the land batteries and the gunboats on the Dvina have resulted in several- vilages being virtually wiped off the map. Volshevik airplanes showed fight gor the first time yesterday when they came in contact with British and Russian planes over Seltao on the Dvina and Kitsa on the Vaga State Brevities Commencement June 12. -The commencement June of Galion Iligh schopt held 12 with thirty five graduates.

Francis state superintendent of public instruction of Illinois, will deliver the class address. Right Wrist Fractured. Saloum, fractured his right wrist when he. attempted to: crank an automobile. Employer Get Back Pay.

Employes of the Toledo, Bowling Green Southern Traction Co. have been granted back pay from Aug. 16, 1918, to May 1, 1919, amounting to 1-2 cents an hour. A 5-cent increase began May Employes and the have agreed to meet within thirty days and negotiate for a new wage scale beginning 10. Diplomas Are Awarded.

were given to 186 eighth grade graduates in the high school auditorium. Dr. G. A. Bierdemann, paator of the First Lutheran church, gave the address.

Plant 80,000 Evergreen ALLIANCE. Postmaster George Windle of Sebring put a force of men to work planting 80,000 evergreen trees with a view. to starting a forest to supply people with Christmas trees. The trees planted include spruce, pine and fir. Eight acres of the Grandview cemetery tract have been purchased.

To Celebrate Day." Ralph D. Cole of Findlay and Col. Benson Ilough of the 106th infantry, Rainbow division, will make the principal addresses here on "Ionor Day," Wednesday, June 11, at the Union: county fair grounds. for who served the colora. The 100th band will play, and there will be a big parade and jitney dance in the evening.

Three Arrests: in Week. arrests for intoxication have ben made since prohibition went into effect. Only three arrests have been recorded In that period. WIll Receive Gas Bids. ALLIANCE- City council has authorized the service director to receive bids for supplying natural or artificial gas to the city.

Bids will be received. to June 2. WILL, BECOME TEACHERS, Thirteen be Gradnated From Kindergarten' Training School. Commencement exercises at the Cleveland Kindergarten Training school will be held the 2030 evening E. 96th of June 12 in Warner hall, street, Miss Netta Faris, principal, announced yesterday.

Rev. pastor of Euclid Avenue church. Euclid avenue and E. 18th street, give the address. The thirteen candidates for Ration are Ruth Barnes, Viola Recker.

Leonore Fisher, Kathryn Fox, Esther Hammill, Margaret Houghton, Gwendolyn Jones, Ruth. Keller, Gladys Macon, Dolores McIntyre, Esther 08- burn. Gladys, Parker and Mabel Sam- sima (pera) Strike Ends. strike which began here last LIMA, Peru June The general minated yesterday. Labor leaders directeri their followers 'to return work.

Conditions are normal although martial law is still in force. Charles Southwell, owner of a British publishing house, who was arrested last Wednesday on charges printing seditious articles, FIND ANTIQUES IN SCOTCH STILL Excavators Discover Rare Fourth Century Vessels. to Times Chereland Opraht Pain Door mad LONDON, June A search the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland has been conducting for some time on Traprain Ale, an isolated hill, which forms A part of Arthur J. Rallour's Whittinghame estate, has resulted in one of the most remarkable archaco. logical discoveries ever made In The excavators came upon pit two feet deep and wide filled to the brim with fragments of metal vessels.

These although to broken condition, forga a rich collection of fourth century silverplate. Two tiny coins give the dates One WAS struck Valens, Roman emnperor of the east from 301 to 378, and the other by one of his successors, probably Gratian or Honorius The vessels have decorations of one embossed cup is a representation striking beauty. a On the surface? of of the fall of man, and figures of Adam and Eve shown standing by fruit laden tree with a huge serpent twined around the trunk. The same cup bears representation of the magi, and on another is depicted the miraculous draught of Ashes Moro than one example of the chi Rho monogram are amons the inI scriptions. WOULD ADD TO FACULTY Reserve: Lad School Plans Store Resident Professor The law school of Western Roserve university plans to increase, the number.

of its resident: professors At present the faculty, consists of rests dent and non-resident mentors, the latter teaching only part of the time. The Additional resident professor would not decrease the number of teachers, wit was salt yesterday by President Charles P. Thwing of the university. ELECTRIO WIRE MATTES GAS. Blaze Threatens Odd T'ellows' WARREN ing June in Warren this morning threatened to destroy the building cently purchased by the odd Fellows at Vine and High streets.

An electric wire burned a hole through A. gas pipe and the escaping gas WAS ignited. Er After the firemen had extinguished the blaze the watchman went Into the basem*nt with a lantern and the gas caught again. it was extinguished after a stubborn fight. The loss was amall.

Exclusive Featurs5 FIRE WALL STEEL FILING CABINETS "Built like a Safe': Experts from and will tell you how to file with least trouble and at lowest cost -how to file so you can find. Unlimited service in devising system plans gives you the benefit of nearly 40 years of experience in simplifying and speeding up, important office routine. and System Service makes and equipment more than office furniture makes it a filing and finding machine. A line to us, without obligation, will pay you. YAWMANAND FRUE FG.

CO. 611 Superior Ave. N. Cleveland, O. ALL THE YEAR ROUND FAMILY MEDICINE If you are losing weight, are thin, pale and run down -you are in danger.

Father John's Medicine will build new flesh and strength for you. It is an all-the-year-round tonic flesh builder steadily and while people taking this wholesome food medi. cine. If you want to gain weight begin taking Father John's Medicine right now. It is safe for children, too, because it does not contain alcohol.

Begin taking it today and see how you gain in weight and health. It is guaranteed free from alcohol or dangerous drugs in any 3 GLENN DENIES HE'LL: RUN FOR GOVERNOR Camp Sherman Commandant a Says He Does Not Expect to to Mix in Politics. Special to The Plain CAMP SHERMAN, CHILLICOTHE, June have spent my entire life learning to be a soldier, and I am not going to mix in politics now." Mad. Gen F. Glenn said today, in denytrig the report that he would enter tho race for governor of Ohio on the Republican ucket.

have never told any of my friends or anyone else that I would run for any political the camp commandant declared. A published in several newspapers Monday in which it was stated Get Glenn would be a candidate for KOvernor, a8 his attention today. The 100th regiment, old Fourth Onto National Quant. which was 8. part of the Rainbow division, will be reorganized.

A meeting of officers of the 104th was held at Camp Sherman, presided over by Col. Benson Hough of Dela- ware, former commander. Officers agreed to bring their respective companies up to minimum of Joy men by June IN), 50 that the companies and the regiment can be mustered into the service under the national defense act. Former of tho companies will be asked to -enlist, and any vacancirs Cr will Do alled with men who were drafted into the service a said lith Col. llough, regiment la We not are going going to to have as good a regiment as we bad Tanker In Distress June 3- The Britlab tanker Beechleaf.

which salled from Baton Rouse for laugh Swilly on May reported to to in distress off the Bermudas. The Royal a Mall steamer Chaleur sent a wireless to this port that she la sianding by the tanker. Shura Shurron 00 SETTER HAVE TO MOVED 35 KLUGERS COLOR 35 A FORMERLYIN THE PARK BLOS on WASHINGTON, June Juat how spectacutar was the rise in ship val-1 during the war was shown today in an announcement by the war risk bureau that the Standard fir Co. ateamer, John. D.

Arch bold, was protected by a policy for. 0000 1914. but when she was dad torpedoed Deon 10- In 1917 her Insurance to $2 300.000 AMERICAN BOY. ewwy tine Just at your now UNIFORMS The M. C.

Lilley Co. 715 Bore Blag. Main 1735. Boredala "MYROD" very smart new colonials and pumps Featherweight, with high Louis Fifteenth heels kid in a new shade of tan, patent leather, black glace Kid and fine soft black calf A a most remarkable value at $7.85 The Lindner Cox Euclid. Avenue at Fourteenth Street: The Lindner CoY Euclid Avenue at Fourteenth Street Another big purchase of Women's Smart summer dresses go on sale Wednesday -very special $35 in The.

Women's Gown Shop on the second floor. opportunity of surpassing importance pre: sented to women who insist upon good style and whole: some dressmaking in the dresses they buy, even at a price as low as $35 Figured georgettes, some combined with plain georgette; foulards, taffetas, crepe de chine and crepe metror. Tunics, draped or straight, all suggestive of the season's straight line silhouette. Round or square neck, vestee effects of novel design, cowl collars, surplice styles. Beaded dresses, applique.

embroidery, and new style touches. Navy, grey, taupe and newer browns All sizes from 36 to 44. Two of the many styles included are sketched here(Left) Figured georgette; plaited (Right) Crepe de chine, navy, white, taffeta frills and crushed girdle of Resh, nile or orchid; vest of plain taffeta. Cool and comfortable pin tucked organdie. A smart dress for hot summer days.

for all occasions. Linder 1914 3: Important sale of Model Hats Samples from a leading New York designer included in our group of new "Chapeaux Classiques" at $7.85 An infinite diversity of bewitching new models, in exquisite design for: every occasion of summertide. A A most opportune time to buy a new summer hat at a saving of one-third to one-half. On Wednesday we shall open "The Little House of Wonders" A cool summer cottage, full of the newest and daintiest dresses that fashion could conceive for smart girls' summer wear. It is in connection with The Misses' Dress Shop on the third floor 4 Cool voiles, crisp organdies, neat ginghams.

linens, chambrays, gabardines, flowered voiles on navy grounds and Peter Pan cloth. For the yacht club affair, the porch dance and general vacation wear, for camp, and for business wear. Five now Five Dew Fire dew Twenty new styles at styles at styles at $8.75 $10.75. $12.50 $16.50 Hand made organdie frocks for Misses Delicately and delightfully distinctive--they just arrived. Nothing like them anywhere in town; they're every new! No other wash- skirt made embodies all the superior features of -shrunk wash skirts The stress and strain of summer wear, and the frequent washings a white shirt must stand, makes it very important that you get, all the Wooltex features in your skirt.

The Wooltex skirt is fully, not partly shrunk in the waistband; the placket, scientifically made, cannot be torn; the fasteners will not rust and discolor the skirt; the shape and good style remain after, many a washing. Compare them! Sec the many styles--only four are sketched here--and note that the prices are moderateshrunk tricotine: and shrunk gabardine, shrunk tricotine, shrunk gabardine. $8.85 Wooltex- Elsmont $7.85 Ar ales. $10.85, 17.85 to $5 $10.85 me re $8.85 wAleghany gabardine. 1'.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.